Speaking of Faith with Bishop DeDe

The Episcopal Diocese of Central New York

Welcome to Speaking of Faith with Bishop DeDe where we’ll connect faith questions and insights with the everyday realities of modern life. Join us on a transformative journey as we explore key theological concepts and their relevance to our daily lives, intentionally working to partner with God in healing the world with love.

Delve into the depths of religious thought in the Episcopal tradition, uncovering diverse perspectives and philosophical insights. Engage in meaningful discussions on topics like ethics, spirituality, and fighting dehumanization. Bishop DeDe and the occasional guest will demystify theological complexities (and yes, even nerd out a bit), empowering you to apply these profound principles in your life. Together, let’s dig into the deep and old mysteries of faith and foster a deeper understanding of ourselves and our world. Tune in for transformative experiences and rollicking discussions with Speaking of Faith with Bishop DeDe!

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Beyond Win-Lose
2d ago
Beyond Win-Lose
Send us a Text Message.SummaryIn this week's episode in our ongoing series on being a healing and positive voice in civil dialogues, we explore the concept of building community across differences and the need for repentance, curiosity, and genuine love in our interactions. We take on the false narrative of win-lose scenarios and the importance of seeking mutual understanding and reconciliation. Even though it may make us uncomfortable, we highlight the need to let go of the desire to be right as we continually choose to see the humanity in others and find our shared interests. We also touch on the power of forgiveness and the role of faith in guiding us towards a better way of relating to one another.Keywordsfaith, beliefs, community, differences, repentance, curiosity, love, win-lose, reconciliation, forgiveness, zero-sum gameTakeawaysSpeaking about faith and beliefs is important for building understanding and connection.Building community across differences requires repentance, curiosity, and genuine love.Win-lose scenarios are a false narrative; true wins come from mutual understanding and reconciliation.Letting go of the desire to be right and seeing the humanity in others is essential for building relationships.Forgiveness and faith play a crucial role in guiding us towards a better way of relating to one another.AI Disclosure: To support our staff in their limited time, many of our episode summaries are first generated by AI and then edited by the Communications Director to accurately reflect and preview our podcast episodes.
So far as it depends on you...
So far as it depends on you...
Send us a Text Message.SummaryAs part of our series on how to speak across differences, in this episode we dive in to some of the challenges of articulating and speaking about faith in a time of division and uncertainty. We emphasize the importance of building unity and community across differences, and offers insights on how to do so. We continue to root our conversations in St. Paul's exhortation at the end of Romans 12 beginning in verse 9 wherein he encourages genuine love, hospitality, and blessing those who persecute us and "so far as it depends on you" to live peaceably with all. Especially this week in the aftermath of the assassination attempt on former President Trump, Bishop DeDe highlights the need to align our words and actions with our faith, and to approach difficult conversations with humility and a willingness to listen and understand. We conclude the episode with a challenge to try on a new assumption this week: "What if I know things, but others know things, too?" In other words, we're challenged this week to recognize, especially when we're at odds with someone, that they may have information that we don't and we need their perspective and input to have a full and healthy understanding of things ourselves. Keywordsfaith, unity, community, division, uncertainty, love, hospitality, blessing, persecution, humility, understandingTakeawaysArticulating faith in a time of division and uncertainty requires a commitment to building unity and community across differences.Genuine love, hospitality, and blessing those who persecute us are essential in fostering understanding and connection.Aligning our words and actions with our faith and approaching difficult conversations with humility and a willingness to listen can help bridge divides.Seeking community in difference and asking questions that foster understanding are key to building unity and promoting dialogue.AI Disclosure: To support our staff in their limited time, many of our episode summaries are first generated by AI and then edited by the Communications Director to accurately reflect and preview our podcast episodes.
Conversations Across Difference: Gun Violence, Part II
Conversations Across Difference: Gun Violence, Part II
Send us a Text Message.SummaryIn this episode, we continue our conversation about gun violence and, more to the point, how to have conversations about gun violence. This episode is part of our focus from now until the national elections in November on how to have productive and respectful conversations with one another, especially when we disagree. We share personal experiences and perspectives on the purpose of guns, the need for responsible gun ownership, and the complexity of the issue. We emphasize the importance of listening to different viewpoints and finding shared interests in order to address the epidemic of gun violence in America. The conversation also touches on the role of race, culture, and socioeconomic realities in the discussion of gun violence.Keywordsgun violence, faith, gun safety, responsible gun ownership, purpose of guns, shared interests, epidemic, race, culture, socioeconomic TakeawaysMeaningful conversations about gun violence and faith require listening and understanding different perspectives.Responsible gun ownership and safe gun handling are important aspects of the conversation.The purpose of guns can vary depending on individual beliefs and experiences.Addressing gun violence requires finding shared interests and working towards mutually beneficial solutions.The discussion of gun violence is intertwined with issues of race, culture, and socioeconomic realities.AI Disclosure: To support our staff in their limited time, many of our episode summaries are first generated by AI and then edited by the Communications Director to accurately reflect and preview our podcast episodes.
Conversations Across Difference: Gun Violence
Conversations Across Difference: Gun Violence
Send us a Text Message.SummaryOver the next several months as we approach the national elections in November, we'll be exploring ways to have productive and respectful conversations with one another, especially about issues where people often feel like they have to take one "side" or another. In this episode, Bishop DeDe discusses the complex issue of guns and gun violence in America. She shares her personal experiences with guns and emphasizes the importance of gun safety. Bishop DeDe encourages respectful and open conversations about gun violence, recognizing the intersectionality between poverty, race, and gun violence. She also addresses the recent tragedy in Utica, where a 13-year-old was shot by police officers, highlighting the need for mutual understanding and working towards the safety and well-being of all. The episode concludes with a reflection on Paul's words in Romans, emphasizing the importance of love, honor, and peace.Keywordsguns, gun violence, gun safety, faith, conversation, tragedy, police, mutual understanding, respect, Paul, RomansTakeawaysGun violence in America is a complex issue that requires open and respectful conversations.Gun safety and responsible gun ownership are crucial to prevent accidents and tragedies.Gun violence intersects with poverty and race, highlighting the need for comprehensive solutions.The recent tragedy in Utica calls for mutual understanding and working towards the safety of all.Paul's words in Romans remind us to approach these conversations with love, honor, and a commitment to peace.AI Disclosure: To support our staff in their limited time, many of our episode summaries are first generated by AI and then edited by the Communications Director to accurately reflect and preview our podcast episodes.
Prayer, Discernment, and Celebration: Intro to General Convention
Prayer, Discernment, and Celebration: Intro to General Convention
Send us a Text Message.SummaryIn this episode, RomComm takes a spin in the host's chair and welcomes Canon Megan to discuss the upcoming 81st General Convention of the Episcopal Church. We explain that the General Convention is both an event and an entity where bishops and deputies come together and to vote on legislation that determines the rules and direction of the church for the next three years. We preview some hot topics that will be addressed at the convention, including canons and constitution amendments, prayer book revisions, and, of course, elections. Throughout our conversation, we emphasize the importance of the convention as a time for prayer, discernment, and the celebration of the church's values and mission. KeywordsEpiscopal Church, General Convention, legislation, governance, prayer, discernment, LGBTQ+ inclusion, disciplinary process, provincesTakeawaysThe General Convention of the Episcopal Church is a gathering of bishops and deputies who vote on legislation that determines the rules and direction of the church for the next three years.The convention addresses a wide range of topics, including canons and constitution amendments, prayer book revisions, policy statements, and the governance of the church.The convention is a time for prayer, discernment, and the celebration of the church's values and mission.Key issues that will be discussed at the convention include LGBTQ+ inclusion, the disciplinary process, and the role of provinces in the church and, of course, the elections in the House of Deputies and of the next presiding bishop will be major moments in the convention.AI Disclosure: To support our staff in their limited time, many of our episode summaries are first generated by AI and then edited by the Communications Director to accurately reflect and preview our podcast episodes.
Speaking of Faith in the Language of the People: A Pentecost Episode
Speaking of Faith in the Language of the People: A Pentecost Episode
Send us a Text Message.SummaryIn this conversation, we enter into the story of Pentecost and explore the importance of meeting people where they are as we proclaim the message of God's faithfulness. What does it mean that the disciples were not trying to "do" anything on the day of Pentecost but were instead caught up in the movement of the Holy Spirit? What is the impact of meeting people where they are and how can we extend an invitation to all come as they are? Our conversation leads us to enter into the tension between tradition and the need to think differently about how God is calling us to speak in the language of the present, a conversation we'll dig into more deeply in our next episode. We end with a call to be a living and relational proclamation of God as we all speak of faith. KeywordsPentecost, speaking in different languages, proclamation, Holy Spirit, meeting people where they are, tradition, thinking differently, living proclamationTakeawaysThe story of Pentecost teaches us the importance of speaking in different languages to proclaim the message of God's faithfulness.The disciples were caught up in the movement of the Holy Spirit and were not trying to do anything.Meeting people where they are and inviting them to come as they are is a powerful way to share the message of Jesus.There is a tension between tradition and the need to think differently about how God is calling us to speak in the language of the present.We are called to be a living and relational proclamation of God, sharing the love of Jesus in our everyday lives.AI Disclosure: To support our staff in their limited time, many of our episode summaries are first generated by AI and then edited by the Communications Director to accurately reflect and preview our podcast episodes.
Loving and Healing Together: Diocesan Ministry in Central New York
Loving and Healing Together: Diocesan Ministry in Central New York
Send us a Text Message.In this special episode of Speaking of Faith with Bishop DeDe, RomComm takes the host's mic and has a conversation with Canon Megan Castellan, Adam Eichelberger (our Program Coordinator and Secretary of Convention), and Lay Leader Karen Anderson about diocesan ministry and how it is lived out in the Diocese of Central New York. The guests discuss the practical aspects of diocesan ministry, the role of the diocese in organizing and supporting local churches, and the importance of collaboration and resource-sharing. They also highlight specific ministries within the diocese, such as racial healing, substance use disorder support, pride ministry, and youth engagement through Dungeons and Dragons. The guests emphasize the need for inclusivity, valuing every individual, and creating a beloved community.TakeawaysDiocesan ministry involves organizing and supporting local churches within a geographic region.The diocese helps churches pool resources to do things they cannot do individually.The Diocese of Central New York focuses on creating a world healed by love and aims to live out this vision through various ministries.The diocese encourages creativity, inventiveness, and collaboration in ministry.The diocese values inclusivity and aims to make everyone feel valued and welcome.The diocese is committed to racial healing, substance use disorder support, pride ministry, and youth engagement.The diocese seeks to educate and acknowledge its history, lament for past wrongs, and work towards creating a beloved community.Individuals in the diocese are encouraged to get involved in ministry and can reach out to the diocesan office for support and guidance.AI Disclosure: To support our staff in their limited time, many of our episode summaries are first generated by AI and then edited by the Communications Director to accurately reflect and preview our podcast episodes.
No Exceptions: A Response to "Infinite Dignity" from the Roman Catholic Church
No Exceptions: A Response to "Infinite Dignity" from the Roman Catholic Church
Send us a Text Message.Summary In this episode, Bishop DeDe and RomComm are joined by the Rev. Canon Megan Castellan, the Canon to the Ordinary for Mission and Formation in the Diocese of Central New York. Together they discuss the “Infinite Dignity,” a document released on April 8 by the Roman Catholic Church. They explore the concept of embracing the dignity of all people and the implications it has for our world and affirm the importance of recognizing the innate value and worth of every human being. However, they also highlight a contradiction in the document's treatment of transgender and genderqueer individuals and assert that that contradiction not only undermines the message of inherent dignity, it further endangers and harms an already-vulnerable community. They emphasize the need for dialogue and understanding in addressing this issue as they assert that followers of Christ are called to engage in dialogue and share our testimonies of how we have seen the Spirit moving and present in the lives of transgender and genderqueer individuals.Read "You are Loved," the Episcopal Diocese of Central New York's written response to "Infinite Dignity."TakeawaysThe document "Infinite Dignity" released by the Roman Catholic Church affirms the inherent value and worth of every human being, but contradicts this message when it comes to transgender individuals.As followers of Jesus, we are called to honor the dignity of others and create a world where their value is upheld.The Episcopal Church welcomes and affirms transgender and genderqueer individuals, recognizing their inherent dignity and the importance of their lived experiences.We are called to engage in dialogue and share our testimonies of how we have seen the Spirit moving and present in the lives of transgender and genderqueer individuals.Our faith is a journey of constant discovery and deep knowing, and we are called to extend love, compassion, and understanding to all people.Keywords: faith, dignity, Roman Catholic Church, transgender, genderqueer, value, worth, embrace, human beings, violence, inequality, poverty, The Episcopal Church, theology, love, compassion, scripture, tradition, reason, LGBTQ+ AI Disclosure: To support our staff in their limited time, many of our episode summaries are first generated by AI and then edited by the Communications Director to accurately reflect and preview our podcast episodes.
The Role of Doubt in Faith
The Role of Doubt in Faith
Send us a Text Message.SummaryIn this episode, Bishop DeDe and RomComm discuss the story of Thomas' encounter with the risen Christ in the Gospel of John. They explore the concept of doubt in faith and how doubt can actually deepen our engagement with our faith. They highlight Thomas' absence when the disciples were gathered in fear and his insistence on physical proof of Jesus' resurrection. They emphasize how the desire for certitude can hinder our spiritual growth. They also discuss the transformative power of doubt and the invitation it offers to explore and experience the mystery of God.Keywordsfaith, doubt, Gospel of John, Thomas, resurrection, certitude, certainty, relationship, transformation, healing, wholenessTakeawaysDoubt is not a sign of weak faith, but rather an invitation to engage more deeply with our faith.The desire for certitude can hinder our spiritual growth and prevent us from fully experiencing the mystery of God.Doubt is a doorway to healing and transformation, as it allows us to question, explore, and be open to new understandings of God.Resurrection is not just an end-of-life reality, but something we can experience in our lives today.Speaking about our faith is an invitation to encounter the mystery of God and share our own transformative experiences.AI Disclosure: To support our staff in their limited time, many of our episode summaries are first generated by AI and then edited by the Communications Director to accurately reflect and preview our podcast episodes.
Slave Trade Lament and Repentance Service Preview
Slave Trade Lament and Repentance Service Preview
Send us a Text Message.SummaryThis conversation explores the concept of liturgy and its role in leading us to address social issues, particularly the historical and contemporary realities of the slave trade. The episode previews the Province II Slave Trade Lament and Repentance liturgy which we be live on February 14, Ash Wednesday, at 10 a.m. EST. That service aims to lead us to lament and repent for the evils of the slave trade as we follow the journey of Jesus to the Cross through the Stations of the Cross service. The importance of living out one's faith and actively engaging with the world is emphasized. Listeners are invited to participate in the liturgy and find healing and redemption in the journey with Jesus. TakeawaysLiturgy is a way for individuals and communities to worship and engage in a meaningful relationship with God.Addressing social issues and seeking healing and redemption can begin through liturgical practices.Acknowledging the historical and contemporary realities of the slave trade and working to heal the harms cause by it and our individual and societal complicity with it is essential for truth and integrity in living out our faith.Living out one's faith involves actively loving and caring for others, as well as speaking truth and seeking restoration.Chapters00:00 Introduction and Welcome00:58 Understanding Liturgy02:21 The Importance of Liturgy in Addressing Social Issues03:48 Unspoken Realities and Historical Context05:14 Living Out Our Faith06:11 The Way of the Cross07:10 The Slave Trade Lament Liturgy08:08 Invitation to Participate09:20 Christ's Identification with the Hurting09:59 Living Lives of Joy10:27 Acknowledging Brokenness and Seeking Restoration12:20 Vulnerability and Imperfection in the Liturgy13:08 The Work of Absolution14:01 The Invitation to All15:02 Encountering the Love of God15:44 Closing BlessingAI Disclosure: To support our staff in their limited time, many of our episode summaries are first generated by AI and then edited by the Communications Director to accurately reflect and preview our podcast episodes.