Ending Ex Podcast


We work with a population of people that most don’t want to work with or simply prefer to avoid. It’s our priority and highest value to stand with and for the excluded – to spread the light of inclusion. Inclusion is our umbrella, access is our hope and collaboration is our spirit. With that in mind, we decided to start Ending Ex Podcast. The podcast highlights the work and the workers of inclusion. read less


Episode 1: Evander Holyfield
Episode 1: Evander Holyfield
We work with a population of people that most don’t want to work with or simply prefer to avoid. It’s our priority and highest value to stand with and for the excluded – to spread the light of inclusion. Inclusion is our umbrella, access is our hope and collaboration is our spirit. With that in mind, we decided to start Ending Ex Podcast. The podcast highlights the work and the workers of inclusion. As a collective voice, we are a movement for those who have been and/or are being marginalized and excluded within our communities. As we spread the light, we hope to disrupt perspectives in a positive way – to call us all to a more inclusive table that fights to break what is harmful and restore what is helpful so that human flourishing can abound in all parts of our communities. We believe by educating and informing society about who is on the frontlines of positive community impact & what work is bringing healthy & helpful outcomes AND by giving voice to their stories, we will reduce the ignorance, indifference and injustice while we increase the participation, perspectives and progress. Our goal each episode is to highlight the work and workers while providing you awareness & opportunities to join the greater movement. We do our best to find the right people & ask the right questions so that we all can take the next right steps and make together history.” In the very first episode of the Ending Ex Podcast, Hugh, CEO of U&I, speaks with Evander Holyfield about his boxing career, its impact on his life, and how the lessons he has learned have impacted the work he does in his communities through the Evander Holyfield Foundation.