Unlock Music Marketing Success: Expert Tips for New Artists

Go Produce

10-11-2021 • 5 mins

This episode specifically will cover marketing your first release. This can take as much time as you give it. Try and give it as much time as you possibly can because there is typically a positive return on investment. We’ve already created our single and we’ve properly registered and distributed it. If you don’t know how to do that then make sure to check out those videos first.

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Show Notes
This episode specifically will cover marketing your first release. This can take as much time as you give it. Try and give it as much time as you possibly can because there is typically a positive return on investment. We’ve already created our single and we’ve properly registered and distributed it. If you don’t know how to do that then make sure to check out those videos first. Revisit your goals. Keep them in mind. Refine them. Make sure it is a challenge.

Preparing your artwork. Talk to designers to come up with artwork for your single. I took it a step further and also created a logo. You can pay for these items or you can trade services. Be creative with this always but especially on a low budget. You want your artwork to capture your essence. Communicate subliminally.

Figure out a plan around how you are going to achieve the goal you set. Questions that you can ask when building your plan are what does your network look like? What can you do to nurture those relationships? What can you do to grow your network? What or who are you going to reference? Where are my potential listeners hanging out? There are so many more.

If you want even more information on music marketing then check outAdam Ivy! He is an absolute wealth of knowledge and is one of the leaders in this space.

Once you see the plan you may get overwhelmed. I did. Face yourself. Look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself if you are interested in doing this or if you’re committed. If you’re committed you’re going to do it even when you don’t feel like it. This requires a strong mindset. A strong mindset comes from working on yourself consistently. This is why it is important to know if this is a hobby for you or if you are taking your business to the next level.

I have 3 main takeaways I’ve gathered from researching music marketing. They are to be aware of the power of 1, To focus on 1 or 2 social platforms at a time, and to be your genuine self. You haven’t escaped all of the marketing after this but for now, we can begin discussing getting ready for your first show which we will do in the next episode.

Artists, I see a world where all committed Indie Music Artists - and their communities -  profit off of their passion. Thank you for being here and contributing to that vision!

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