Jul 4 2020
An interview with suicide:abuse survivor, Prison frontman and Cope Notes founder, Johnny Crowder
This month I bring you an interview with multifaceted mental health advocate Johnny Crowder. Johnny Crowder is a 27-year-old suicide/abuse survivor, touring musician, mental health advocate, and the Founder & CEO of Cope Notes, a text-based mental health resource. Whether speaking at events or on the road with his band, Prison, Johnny's firsthand experience with multiple mental health diagnoses (ranging from bipolar disorder and OCD to schizophrenia) uniquely equips him to provide creative insight into the pains of hardship with levity and wit.Website: copenotes.comPodcast: copenotes.com/podcast (or wherever you find podcasts)FB: facebook.com/johnnyxcrowder & facebook.com/copenotesIG: instagram.com/johnnycrowderlovesyou & instagram.com/copenotesTwitter: twitter.com/copenotesLinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/johnnycrowder & linkedin.com/company/copenotesHeadshots (pick your favorite): copenotes.com/headshotsTEDx Talk: copenotes.com/tedxBrochure: copenotes.com/brochureExplainer Video: copenotes.com/video