This episode of the #RockstarsRocking podcast features rockstar Kelly Fristoe, Healthinsurologist & President of NABIP, of out of the Greater Wichita Falls, Texas area.
We dive right into our interview with Kelly talking about his start in the industry via a shady, though familiar, newspaper ad and what caused him to specialize in what he calls being a “Healthinsurologist”. As the President of NABIP, he explains why being involved in industry focused associations is not only important, but can be beneficial to your business. He also emphasizes how his tenure wasn’t only about his personal goals, but how multiple NAHU/NABIP leaders came together to create a common vision for the organization to work towards collaboratively across multiple presidential terms. From there, we turn to a look at the upcoming NABIP Annual Convention and the great speaker lineup you can expect, as well as the possibility of announcing the new CEO!
So, are you ready for more? Go ahead and grab your favorite ice-cold beverage and tap that play button, to tune in to this week’s edition of the #RockstarsRocking podcast.
Episode Highlights:
- How answering a shady ad in the newspaper lead to becoming a Health Insurance Specialist aka a Healthinsurologist
- The benefits of being involved in industry associations and masterminds
- Creating a legacy that outlasts any one leadership term
- Where to start if you want to get more involved (and why it benefits your business)
- Sneak Peek of this year’s NABIP Annual Convention
- The future of NABIP as they search for a new CEO
- Words of wisdom for weathering a rough patch
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