This episode of the #RockstarsRocking podcast features rockstar Bryce Heinbaugh, CEO/Managing Partner of IEN Risk Management Consultants and President of Concierge Nurse Navigators out of the Greater Cleveland, Ohio area.
We dive straight into our episode with how Bryce got into the insurance industry while recovering from a major medical event, as a way to find health insurance for himself after being told he was “uninsurable”. A deeper dive into his passion for self-funded plans shows us how they, along with Nurse Navigators, can get members high quality care and stop down-stream money bleeds. Bryce also gives us his insight on why it’s important to have value aligned partners, what that means for growing your business, and what role technology plays in that.
So, are you ready for more? Go ahead and grab your favorite ice-cold beverage and tap that play button, to tune in to this week’s edition of the #RockstarsRocking podcast.
Episode Highlights:
- Getting his insurance license after being told he was “uninsurable”
- Why he’s so passionate about self-funded plans
- Focusing on value aligned client partners
- Stopping down stream money bleeds for customers
- Using Nurse Navigators to get patients to quality providers
- How personal interactions are key to his clients in technology deserts
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