Ep#189 the Summer Check in

Talking not Ranting

Aug 23 2024 • 43 mins

With the summer almost over our hosts meet to have a Summer check-in about everything happening. What is going on with your summer? Have you checked in with your people? Great conversation back and forth about a variety of topics. Who are you talking to? Check us out and sample our other projects on our LinkedIn page in the publication section: https://shorturl.at/dkrS2 Reach out if you and your crew would like a complimentary session with Greg and Allister about an old or new topic. We appreciate our listener's support. Email: talkingnotranting@gmail.com Greg: greg@kgregsmith.com Allister: allister.field@gmail.com Check out Greg's podcast Safe Brave Stories: Safe Brave Stories Podcast: https://cutt.ly/pQn89dV Greg's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/greg-smith-he-him-a8774410/ Greg's Instagram SBS profile: https://instagram.com/safebravespaces Greg's new release-Safe Brave Spaces book: https://cutt.ly/5QWFKmn Safe Brave Spaces website: https://www.safebravespaces.com/ Allister's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/allisterfield/