Ep#181 the Interviewer

Talking not Ranting

Jun 27 2024 • 50 mins

In this episode, our hosts discuss one of Allister's favorite things...interviews. Join Greg and Allister as they talk about their experiences around this topic and surprisingly they agree on most points. How are you conducting interviews and what resources are available to assist you in conducting a good interview? Who are you talking to in your management journey? Possible resources suggested by Allister: Interviewing and Investigation 4th Edition by Kerry Watkins: https://emond.ca/Store/Books/Interviewing-and-Investigation-4th-Edition?gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjw1emzBhB8EiwAHwZZxVFjdOSBm6lvknEAmNNt6FNCM7E98ArI6PLzDOnYnFUOFXXgKRJ3pxoCzm4QAvD_BwE The Interview Group: http://theinterviewgroup.com/ Check us out and sample our other projects on our LinkedIn page in the publication section: https://shorturl.at/dkrS2 Email: talkingnotranting@gmail.com Check out Greg's podcast Safe Brave Stories: Safe Brave Stories Podcast: https://cutt.ly/pQn89dV Greg's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/greg-smith-he-him-a8774410/ Greg's Instagram SBS profile: https://instagram.com/safebravespaces Greg's new release-Safe Brave Spaces book: https://cutt.ly/5QWFKmn Safe Brave Spaces website: https://www.safebravespaces.com/ Allister's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/allisterfield/