Ep#184 Honesty

Talking not Ranting

Jul 17 2024 • 45 mins

Greg and Allister take on the subject of "Honesty." Do we walk the talk? Not a simple topic but there are probably a few simple things to keep in mind. It is a difficult conversation but one worth having. Who are you talking to? The great Sufi poet, Rumi, believed that before we speak our words should pass through three gates. “Is it true? Is it necessary? Is it kind?” Greg's addition: Is it necessary now? Reach out if you and your crew would like a complimentary session with Greg and Allister about an old or new topic. We appreciate our listener's support. Email: talkingnotranting@gmail.com Greg: greg@kgregsmith.com Allister: allister.field@gmail.com Some of the factors in deciding whether to push back: Results Risks Relationship Check us out and sample our other projects on our LinkedIn page in the publication section: https://shorturl.at/dkrS2 Check out Greg's podcast Safe Brave Stories: Safe Brave Stories Podcast: https://cutt.ly/pQn89dV Greg's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/greg-smith-he-him-a8774410/ Greg's Instagram SBS profile: https://instagram.com/safebravespaces Greg's new release-Safe Brave Spaces book: https://cutt.ly/5QWFKmn Safe Brave Spaces website: https://www.safebravespaces.com/ Allister's LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/allisterfield/