Apr 13 2021
David Savage, The Savage Path
David Savage grew up as an Air Force brat in West Texas with a deep and rich scouting background beginning in Cub Scouts, achieving the rank of Eagle Scout, and earning the bronze, silver and gold palms, then establishing and leading a high adventure Explorer Post before heading to Texas A&M University to study engineering. He has worked as a backpacking guide, or Ranger, at Philmont Scout Ranch and Explorer Base in Cimarron, New Mexico. He has a passion for history and geopolitics, which he has enriched through global job-related travel and extensive reading. David has been involved with men’s ministries such as Walk to Emmaus and Better Man. David talks about his new book, The Savage Path: A Memoir of Modern Masculinity. He also discusses the positive impact the Boy Scouts in his life as well as laments the turn of events that have devastated the organization. David primarily wants to pass on to our younger men a greater sense of who they are. Philip Sharp talks about problem solving, critical thinking, and logic in the essay segment. Our public education system seems absolutely disinteresting in ensuring that our young students are able to think for themselves, only forced to memorized facts for a test. This is a travesty that must be remedied for the benefit of our nation.