The Car Doctor - 4/20/24 Hour 2 - Ron starts this episode with a call on an 05 Sienna that has multiple personality disorder; more than just a miss fire and spends some time trying to convince its owner HOW to diagnose in a consistent manner.

Ron Ananian The Car Doctor

20-04-2024 • 35 mins

Ron starts this episode with a call on an 05 Sienna that has multiple personality disorder; more than just a miss fire and spends some time trying to convince its owner HOW to diagnose in a consistent manner. His next call is from Richard in Louisiana; he has a 2014 Avalon with a backup camera beeping that stopped working; Ron gets him to the answer with some questions of his own. Ron then responds to an email from a listener in California asking Ron to cover maintaining hybrids on future shows; Ron agrees and provides some quick basic tips with more to come. He then circles back to talk more about the price of gas: The Car Dr closes the hour with a call from Joe in Delaware about a 2016 Ford F250 with broken valve springs : then answers an email on a 14 Subaru that was eating oil : and talks about customer service and why you the consumer should question your mechanic if the answers they give you does not make sense.

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