Gods is mindblown by BOOK of APOLOGY #BoA

Even God is Mindblown

Mar 16 2024 • 2 mins

You may want to watch it on youtube? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Yq_hueqkb8&t=46s

BOOK OF APOLOGY (Vision explained)

Annonymous apologies from those who tried to force untested unsafe (now proven harmful) genetical technology into the bodies of healthy people who refused based on "my body, my choice" (the ultimate fundamental right that was ignored). Hate and pressure was applied, lives got destroyed. Those who did harm innocent people, here is a chance to make up for it: write an anonymous apology on paper, a real letter in real life, add the symbol I draw in this episode, throw it into the post= first letters will probably all get lost, but once it goes viral, they will participate, collect the letters and hand them over to media that will print them - this is the vision, a vision to help society to heal.

Dont forget that the symbol must include #BoA

and you can add also in your letter #bookofapology (this helps in the beginning for the post to decode the mysterious wonderfulness happening).

Peace EVEN GOD IS MINDBLOWN Podca?T https://open.spotify.com/show/7gp6iKIx1p4pDWwIGuWSgl https://www.youtube.com/@peaceTRANSER/podcasts https://www.instagram.com/evengodismindblown/ https://twitter.com/Godismindblown I am also on amazon music.

If you prefer a platform where I am not, write me somewhere and I will add this podcast there.

Music credit: Joachim Heinrichs

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