Inner Critic Freedom: Rise From Imposter Syndrome

Rebecca Doring

Welcome to Inner Critic Freedom: Rise Above Imposter Syndrome, the podcast helping wellness professionals dissolve their inner critic so they can maintain their peace and achieve their goals. I’m your host, Rebecca Doring, is a Meditation Teacher and Certified Life Coach, and her mission is to help YOU unlock your true potential, and fully embrace yourself, and your life every step of the way. In each episode we explore valuable insights, perspectives, and strategies aimed at diminishing the inner critic's power. By amplifying self-compassion, we pave the way for inner peace and a profound sense of wellbeing, empowering you to go after your deepest desires. I’m passionate about simplifying personal and spiritual growth concepts, and making them practical, applicable, and achievable through her step-by-step teaching style. Join me on this empowering journey towards rising above imposter syndrome so you can share your unique gifts and create a bigger impact. read less
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#200: The Courage To Begin: How I Embraced Imperfect Action & Made It To 200 Episodes
#200: The Courage To Begin: How I Embraced Imperfect Action & Made It To 200 Episodes
In this milestone 200th episode, I'm pulling back the curtain on the fear and self-doubt that often hold yoga teachers, wellness entrepreneurs, and creatives back from sharing their gifts with the world. Join me as I celebrate this 200-episode milestone by diving into the transformative process of moving from idea to action when there's a deep desire to share impactful, valuable content - and a fear that the first one won't be "perfect" enough. Whether you're a yoga teacher, wellness entrepreneur, or creative professional, this episode offers invaluable insights on: Recognizing and overcoming the perfectionism trapBuilding confidence through consistent actionEmbracing public growth and learningThe power of starting before you feel "ready" By sharing my own story of hesitation and eventual breakthrough, we'll explore how you can: Push past the fear of putting yourself and your work out thereStart creating impactful content without waiting for perfect conditionsDevelop resilience and consistency in your creative pursuits This episode is not just a celebration, but a roadmap for anyone who's ever hesitated to share their voice, art, or expertise with the world. Learn how to transform your fears into fuel for growth and impact. Whether you're on episode 1 or 100 of your own journey, this discussion will inspire you to take that crucial next step. Tune in to unlock the mindset that will propel you from hesitation to your own milestone achievements. More from Rebecca: Follow Rebecca on Instagram hereStart meditating for FREE with Rebecca's 5 Day Start Meditating Challenge hereConnect 1:1 with Rebecca for FREE by booking support call to share about your goals and challenges and discover if working with her is the best next step to achieve your internal and external goalsLearn how to get consistent in any of your habits by signing up for Rebecca's FREE Consistency Email Course hereGet on the waitlist for Rebecca's new course teaching her proven A.L.I.G.N. Method so you can finally release limiting beliefs, step fully into your potential, and manifest your goals into reality
#199: From Procrastinating To Productive: The Real Reason You're Putting Things Off
#199: From Procrastinating To Productive: The Real Reason You're Putting Things Off
Are you constantly putting off that big goal, only to beat yourself up about being a 'procrastinator'? In this episode, I’m challenging the notion that procrastination defines who you are. Join me as we dive deep into the psychology of procrastination and uncover the surprising truth behind why you might be putting off your important tasks. You'll discover that your procrastination isn't a character flaw, but rather a signal pointing to something else – something much simpler to address than you might think. By the end of this episode, you'll have: A fresh perspective on your procrastination habitsTools to identify the root causes of your delayed actionPractical techniques to break the procrastination cycleA renewed sense of motivation and confidence in your ability to achieve your goals Whether you're an entrepreneur struggling to launch that new project, a wellness junkie trying to stick to your meditation habit, or anyone who's ever felt held back by procrastination, this episode is your roadmap to breaking free from self-limiting beliefs and taking decisive action. Don't let another day go by believing you're 'just a procrastinator'. Tune in to unlock the secrets to overcoming procrastination and finally making progress on the goals that matter most to you. It's time to reclaim your productivity and realize your true potential! Mentioned in the episode:  Get on the Waitlist here to learn the A.L.I.G.N. Method so you can release limiting beliefs that are blocking your goals and step fully into your potential
#196: Confronting Fear, Overcoming Impossible Obstacles, & Choosing to Not Quit On Your Way To Your Goals: Lessons Learned From Running 53 Miles In The Mountains
#196: Confronting Fear, Overcoming Impossible Obstacles, & Choosing to Not Quit On Your Way To Your Goals: Lessons Learned From Running 53 Miles In The Mountains
In today’s special episode, I’m sharing my story of running a 53-mile (85 kilometer) ultra marathon in the Catskill Mountains of New York - a goal that had terrified me and I wasn’t sure if I could finish.  Throughout this long day, I come face to face with some of my deepest fears, need to make decisions and overcome seemingly impossible obstacles, and decide whether or not to quit when it gets really difficult.  You’ll learn life lessons that you can apply to your own goals like:  Managing your mindset when challenges pile onMoving through heavy emotions, doubts, and limiting stories of the Inner CriticHow to process emotions, pain, and negative thought spiralsHow to overcome discomfort in your goals and not let that stop you from achieving what you’re meant forDiscover that you’re capable of so much more than your mind believes In this gripping episode, we take you on a journey into the heart of the Catskill mountains during a grueling 53-mile ultramarathon. As darkness falls and a thunderstorm rages, our host finds themselves face-to-face with their deepest fears. Join me as I explore how extreme physical challenges can become powerful catalysts for mental and emotional growth. This episode is not just about running; it's about confronting our fears head-on, discovering our true capabilities, and learning to trust ourselves in the most demanding situations. Whether you're an endurance athlete, an entrepreneur, or simply someone looking to push past your comfort zone so you can achieve your deepest desires, this episode offers valuable insights on harnessing fear and self-doubt and transforming it into a tool for personal development. Tune in to discover how the principles of mindset work and goal-setting – the cornerstones of this podcast – can be applied in the most extreme circumstances. It's time to dig deep, face your fears, and unlock your true potential.