350: 2024 Bike Adventure Goals

The Pedalshift Project: Bicycle Travel Adventures

18-01-2024 • 25 mins

Just like last year, let's set some goals for bike adventures in 2024! Studies show you are more likely to achieve your goals if they are specific and measurable, plus you write them down and share them with others. As a nudge to get you to do the same, I'm sharing my goals for bike adventures in 2024 here on the pod!

2024 Bike Adventure Goals

1. New Experiences in Bike Travel

Goal Plan at least three bike trips to destinations never visited before, including local hidden gems and longer journeys.

Measurable Aspect Track and document the number of new places visited with photos and a travel journal.

2. Exploring and Enjoying the Trips More

Incorporate Unique Activities or Experiences

Goal Add at least one unique activity or experience to each trip, like local cuisine tasting, community event participation, or historical site exploration.

Measurable Aspect Record and rate each unique experience on a scale of 1-10 for enjoyment.

Plan a Low-Mileage, Slow-Paced Tour

Goal Conduct a bike tour emphasizing slow travel and low daily mileage, focusing on scenery enjoyment and local culture engagement.

Measurable Aspect Implement a daily mileage limit (e.g., no more than 30 miles) to allow for exploration and rest.

Engage with Local Communities

Goal Interact with local communities during tours, including staying at local guesthouses and dining at family-owned restaurants.

Measurable Aspect Document interactions, including names of stays, dining places, and community events.

Document the Journey

Goal Capture the tour's essence through photography, journaling, or video blogging, focusing on storytelling.

Measurable Aspect Create a travel log or digital album of key moments and stories.

3. Building a New Ebike with Long Range

Battery Capacity and Range

Goal Install a high-capacity battery system for a range of about 120 miles per charge, similar to Biking Brian's setup.

Measurable Aspect Choose a battery with around 1500Wh capacity.

Motor Efficiency and Power

Goal Select a mid-drive motor that balances efficiency and power, suitable for various terrains and distances.

Measurable Aspect Opt for a mid-drive motor with 250-750 watts power output.

Overall Design for Comfort and Durability

Goal Build a bike focusing on comfort and durability, including a comfortable seat, ergonomic handlebars, and a robust frame.

Measurable Aspects

Frame and Suspension Select a frame that balances weight and strength, with front suspension for terrain comfort.

Seating and Handlebars Ensure high-quality, ergonomic seating and adjustable handlebars.

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