When life feels heavy, and your mind/situation/world feels dark and desperate, try not to judge your feelings and emotions. SOOOO much easier said than done, but it works.
Allowing the emotions to flow and observing them without judgment is one of the best ways to move out of the darkness that you may find yourself in.
Very recently, and still now at times, I feel totally lost, I don't know who I am, what I'm supposed to be doing and what I even have to offer the world. This dark night of the soul, depression, overwhelm bubble is so intense and thick there is no way to see the light.
But what this darkness is teaching us is that we have to sit in it. Stay still in it. FEEL it and allow it to wash over us and then wash away.
Then we can move. We can go for a walk. We can dance it out. We can run, stamp, jump and shout (if we have the energy)
FEELING the emotions before trying to move them through is the key here.
We often try and run away from the darkness, but let's all agree to sit here together for a moment shall we? It will move though much quicker.
The world is full of opposites and polarities and just as I say to SIT with it, if you have been SITTING with it for so long you have seized up, that is your sign to move.
If you are struggling and don't feel it letting up, please reach out to someone. Don't struggle alone. If you can get outside then do it. Smile at someone, it will be good for both of you. If you can move your body, move your body. If you can't do any of this go and seek a health care professional, and be really real with them about what you are going through. I pray they are able to hold space and point you in the right direction for support, if not, give someone like the Samaritans a call. Just don't go through it alone. We as humans aren't meant to be isolated and alone like we can be.
Disclaimer - I am not a health care professional, I can not diagnose someone and I can't give solutions or advise. This is just my feelings and opinions.
Call the Samaritans day or night on free phone - 166 123