The Divine Comedy: Inferno Conclusion (Cantos XXXI-XXXIV)

Catholic Daily Brief

06-03-2023 • 24 mins

XXXI: The Giants, Nimrod, Ephialtes, and Antaeus. Descent to Cocytus.

XXXII: The Ninth Circle: Traitors. The Frozen Lake of Cocytus. First Division, Caina: Traitors to their Kindred. Camicion de' Pazzi. Second Division, Antenora: Traitors to their Country. Dante questions Bocca degli Abati. Buoso da Duera.

XXXIII: Count Ugolino and the Archbishop Ruggieri. The Death of Count Ugolino's Sons. Third Division of the Ninth Circle, Ptolomaea: Traitors to their Friends. Friar Alberigo, Branco d' Oria.

XXXIV: Fourth Division of the Ninth Circle, the Judecca: Traitors to their Lords and Benefactors. Lucifer, Judas Iscariot, Brutus, and Cassius. The Chasm of Lethe. The Ascent.