You CAN Tell The Children


Our passion is to equip Christian adults with relevant, fun, age appropriate, and hope-filled ways to share God‘s word in everyday life with any child in your circle of influence. Together we will explore why it is so important to be intentional about sharing God‘s Word with the next generation of the car, at the dinner table, or on rainy day adventures. They need to hear God‘s word. And we will make sure you CAN tell the children. read less
Kids & FamilyKids & Family
Education for KidsEducation for Kids


162. The Importance of Intentionality
162. The Importance of Intentionality
Have you ever wondered if the family dinners, notes in the lunchboxes, and all the other little ways you intentionally show love and disciple a child are making a difference?  You'll want to tune in to hear our guest, Jonathan Pitts, as he discusses how hope, intentionality, consistency and even friendship has a lasting impact in the life of a child.    Ready to be inspired? Let's go....   JONATHAN PITTS Jonathan Pitts is an author, speaker, ministry executive and pastor at Church of the City in Franklin, Tennessee. For nearly 20 years, Jonathan has served in executive leadership roles in Christian media, entertainment and the Church, including Executive Pastor at Church of the City, Executive Director at Dr. Tony Evans’ The Urban Alternative, manager to recording artist Anthony Evans, Jr., and current President of For Girls Like You Ministries, a ministry to tween girls and their parents. He is also on the leadership team and a chief strategist at a kingdom focused marketing and fundraising organization called Dunham and Company. Jonathan is the author of 3 books including My Wynter Season: Seeing God’s Faithfulness in the Shadow of Grief, a memoir that recaps his journey of being overwhelmed by God’s kindness through the loss of his late wife, Wynter Pitts. He also co-authored She Is Yours: Trusting God As You Raise the Girl He Gave You. Jonathan co-founded For Girls Like You Ministries and continues to have a passion for raising and discipling the next generation of young women.  The father of four beautiful daughters, Alena (20), Kaitlyn (17), Camryn and Olivia (15), and a newly born son, Jonathan Joshua Arrow, Jonathan has a rich redemptive story and is married to his best friend, Peta Pitts. Their family resides in Franklin, TN.   Resources For You: Psalm 34:7 - The angel of the Lord encamps around those who fear him My Wynter Season - Book Psalm 128 - Blessed is everyone who fears the Lord For Girls Like You Christian Parenting Connect with Jonathan @pittsjr26 Connect with For Girls Like You @forgirlslikeyou   Next Steps: Share this podcast with a friend Subscribe to You CAN Tell the Children Leave a review on Apple Podcasts Connect with us on FB & IG Explore Bible2School!
160. How To Talk To Your Kids About Suicide
160. How To Talk To Your Kids About Suicide
A recent CDC study shows that 1 suicide takes place every 11 minutes in the US! We also know that kids are anxious and struggling now more than ever before, starting as young as 10 years old. Julie Lowe is an author, speaker and counselor who comes to us with wisdom on the topic of suicide. Julie will share concerning behaviors to look out for, how to infuse hope into our young people, and how to help them grieve the loss of a loved one due to suicide. You’ll be encouraged to hear some of the most simple ways we can help, including loving and pursuing our kids, and normalizing this discussion of hard topics. Are you ready to hear how you can talk about suicide with your kids? Let’s go! JULIE LOWE is an author, speaker and counselor. She holds an MA in counseling from Biblical Theological Seminary, is a licensed professional counselor with over twenty-five years of counseling experience, and is a registered play therapist supervisor. Julie served as a faculty member at the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation (CCEF) for over 20 years in various capacities, including as a faculty member and counselor. Julie has extensive training and experience with marriage, women’s issues, sexual abuse, body image issues, parenting, and child maltreatment issues. She has published numerous books, including Child Proof (New Growth Press, 2018), Building Bridges (New Growth Press, 2020), and Safeguards (New Growth Press, 2022), as well as the minibooks Helping Your Anxious Child and Teens and Suicide. Julie and her husband, Greg, live in the Philadelphia, PA area and have five children. They have served over 20 years as foster and adoptive parents.   Resources Teens and Suicide: Recognizing the Signs and Sharing Hope Julie's Website Child Proof: Parenting by Faith, Not Formula Instagram @julie_lowe_ Julie Lowe on FB You Are Special by Max Lucado John 16:33 - in this world you will have tribulation Deuteronomy 31:8 - God goes with you, is before you, and is beside you Proverbs 20:5 - the purposes of a man’s heart are deep waters, but a man of understanding draws them out New Growth Press Website   Next Steps Share with a friend Subscribe to this Podcast Learn more about Bible2School
158. Shining Your Light Into Their School Day
158. Shining Your Light Into Their School Day
As parents, we want to be a positive influence and encouragement to our kids’ teachers as we partner with them in their education! Stacia McKeever works for Answers in Genesis and also enjoys the different roles she plays in the lives of her three boys, many of which include their public school! Stacia reminds us that no matter the educational partnership we choose, we are the shepherds of our children and are called to show up as salt and light everywhere we go. You’ll hear how you, like Stacia, can be involved in your kids’ school day by being an active, helpful partner to their educators.   Are you ready to hear how you can shine your light into your kids’ school day? Let’s go!   STACIA MCKEEVER has worked for Answers in Genesis–US since 1997, when she graduated from Clearwater Christian College with a BS in biology and BA in psychology. She is the author of Crafted by God and Why is Keiko Sick? and has written for Answers magazine, the AiG website, the New Answers Book, and other publications. Her curriculum credits include the Answers for Kids Bible Curriculum and The Pilgrim's Progress All-in-One Curriculum. Stacia has spoken and written on the topic of disability since her oldest son was diagnosed with a genetic condition called Williams syndrome. Since 2008, she has served as the project manager for the Answers VBS program. Stacia lives in a home in a holler with her husband and three sons. They have a dozen chickens (depending on the day) and several hundred thousand bees. In her spare time, she enjoys spending time with her family, reading, and writing, but not exercising.   Resources Answers in Genesis Creation Museum Ark Encounter Matthew 5:13-16 - Called to be salt & light  Deut 6:4-7 - Talk about God’s law all the time   Next Steps LIVE WEBINAR - God was NOT taken out of public schools Bible2School on IG and FB Learn more about Bible2School  Subscribe to this podcast
155. The Forge Movie Models Discipleship
155. The Forge Movie Models Discipleship
Alex Kendrick, director of an upcoming movie called “The Forge”, shares the movie’s theme of discipleship and reminds us that Jesus is inviting us to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow him. “The Forge” portrays discipleship through a storyline that will have you laughing, crying, and relating with the characters. “The Forge” is a must see for you and your family, and releases in theaters on August 23rd!   Ready to hear how “The Forge” movie models discipleship? Let’s go!   ALEX KENDRICK has dedicated his life to following Jesus Christ and making His truth and love known among the nations. After serving in church ministry for 20 years, he now writes, speaks, and produces Christian films with his brothers Stephen and Shannon. Alex directed and co-wrote the movies OVERCOMER, WAR ROOM, COURAGEOUS, FIREPROOF, FACING THE GIANTS,  FLYWHEEL, COURAGEOUS Legacy Edition, SHOW ME THE FATHER, and LIFEMARK. Alex co-wrote the New York Times bestselling books The Love Dare, The Resolution for Men, and The Battle Plan for Prayer. He has been interviewed on “Fox & Friends,” CNN, and ABC World News Tonight. Alex and his wife, Christina, live in Albany, Ga. with their six children and are active members at Sherwood Church.  His newest film, THE FORGE, opens in theaters in August 2024.   Resources Luke 9:23-24 - take up your cross and follow me Matthew 6:21- where your heart is there your treasure is also Teaser Trailer: LINK The Forge Website Facebook - @forgemovie Instagram - @forgemovie TikTok - @forgemovie X (formerly twitter) - @Forge_Movie YouTube - @ForgeMovie Kendrick Brothers’ Website:  Facebook:  Twitter:    Next Steps Share this episode with a friend Get involved with a Bible2School near you Start a Bible2School program
154. Raising Spiritual Champions
154. Raising Spiritual Champions
A recent Barna Group study shows that only 4% of Americans hold to a Biblical worldview. Now, more than ever, it is our responsibility and privilege to teach the kids in our lives to be spiritual champions - those who transform culture with Biblical truth.  Our guest, Dr. Adam Rasmussen, brings us great wisdom from a book by his colleague, Dr. George Barna, entitled, Raising Spiritual Champions, and it’s designed to help us teach. This book is for anyone who wants to have an impact on the next generation with the Gospel.  Ready to hear how we can raise spiritual champions? Let’s go! ADAM RASMUSSEN is a Fellow at the Cultural Research Center and the Dean of the College of Arts & Humanities at Arizona Christian University. He draws upon his 25 years of experience in Christian education to inspire students to thrive under the Lordship of Christ in all aspects of their lives. With a passion for helping students connect their faith with reason and culture, he guides them to make meaningful and relevant connections that go beyond mere academic study. Dr. Rasmussen is a magna cum laude graduate of Northwestern College, where he earned a BA in history. He also holds an MA in Educational Ministries from Wheaton College, as well as a PhD in Educational Studies with a focus on leadership and administration from the Talbot School of Theology at Biola University. His research interests include biblical literacy, educational ministries, and Christian apologetics.  Resources Raising Spiritual Champions Book Website Barna group research on worldview  CRC Website                             CRC Facebook          Deuteronomy 6:4-7 - B2S theme verse; love God with all your heart and teach his commands diligently to your children Hebrews 13:8 - Jesus is the same yesterday, today and forever John 8:31-32 - The truth will set you free (when you remain in my Word) 1 Timothy 4:7 & 2 Timothy 3:1-5 - In the last days people will become lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God. John 12:49 - Jesus only says what the Father tells him John 15: - Abide in Him and bear much fruit  Isaiah 40:31 - They that wait on the Lord shall renew their strength Romans 5:20-21 - God’s grace is greater than our sin   Next Steps Check out Bible2School’s resources tab Browse our website to learn more about Bible2School Share this episode with a friend Leave a review on Apple podcasts
153. Preparing The Way Home For The Prodigal
153. Preparing The Way Home For The Prodigal
Dr. Robert & Carlotta Jackson dig into Scripture to uncover the things the Lord has to teach through the Parable of the Prodigal Son. The definition of a prodigal is “someone who is wasteful.” In the Biblical narrative, the prodigal son wasted his inheritance, and is paralleled with a person who walks away from the faith. You’ll be inspired by the Jacksons’ wisdom and heart to share their own prodigal experience. Their desire is to spark hope for those who may be in the midst of a dark time, and provide practical ways to love the prodigal home.    Are you ready to hear how you can prepare the way home for a prodigal child? Let’s go!   ROBERT & CARLOTTA JACKSON are seasoned motivational speakers known for clearly communicating the transformative power of the Gospel into the lives of their audiences. They have been privileged to serve the Lord in a variety of ways including evangelizing through multiple mission trips, taking on a plethora of church and community responsibilities in the name of Jesus Christ, and operating a vibrant, Christian medical practice. They realize now that their greatest contribution may have been made sitting around the kitchen table - reading a great novel to or memorizing scripture with their children, discussing a spiritual truth or God’s Word with whomever, reviewing moral and political issues locally and abroad, and entertaining angels unaware. Dr. Robert Jackson has authored 4 books and is host of the More Than Medicine podcast. Robert & Carlotta live under grace in South Carolina and have been blessed with nine children - all of whom they homeschooled, six in-laws and 13 grandchildren.   Resources The Jackson Family Ministry Website More Than Medicine Podcast Luke 15:11-32 - Parable of the Prodigal Son Prayer for a rebel   Next Steps Rate & Review this podcast Start a Bible2School in your community Check out our website Share this episode with your friends
152. Reading The Bible With The Color Method
152. Reading The Bible With The Color Method
Lacey Dobrient shares the gift of The Color Method, a Bible study tool the Lord downloaded to her soul following a season of grief. She was feeling hurt, sad, confused, even angry, and was not wanting to hold on to God. The good news is, God always holds onto us–and he held on to Lacey! He not only held on, he gave her a gift–and part of it was The Color Method. This method is a unique type of Bible study that uses color to expand our understanding of Scripture. You will be amazed by what you learn! Ready to hear how you can meet God at a deeper level, through color? Let’s go! LACEY DOBRIENT grew up in Memphis, Tennessee, where she graduated from The Hutchison School. She then went on to graduate from Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, with a BA in Communications. She was a Group Discussion Leader in Bible Study Fellowship for 5 years, and attends Watermark Community Church, where she serves as a Group Leader in the women’s ministry. Her passion is to share the unfailing love of God with others, and to encourage those searching for purpose in life to turn to the holy and inspired Word of God, where there is hope, freedom and eternal life. Lacey is married to Robert, and they live in Dallas, Texas, with their two beloved daughters, Lilly Grace and Evie.   Resources Learn more about The Color Method Titus 3:4-7: example of a word picture showing God’s love for US   Next Steps Share this episode with a friend Follow us on FB & IG Check out our Blog Browse our at home Resources
151. How To Love Your Neighbor
151. How To Love Your Neighbor
According to a 2018 survey from the Pew Research Center, only a quarter of Americans say that they know most of their neighbors! With this surprising stat in mind, Bible2School CEO, Kori Pennypacker, and Podcast Manager, Meredith Steidler, are excited to share some refreshing ways to love your next door neighbor like Jesus! Whether you already ace this Biblical command like a pro, or you have room to grow, you’ll be inspired to step up your game as we center our conversation on the culture of inviting.  Ready to hear some great examples of how to love your neighbor? Let’s go! KORI PENNYPACKER has served with Bible2School since 2011. Kori oversees the mission of Bible2School and Engagement by speaking to businesses, churches, and community leaders on the topic of the importance of spiritual training for elementary age children in our communities, especially those who are not able to attend church. She loves inviting people into the Bible2School Team as valued Members, Volunteers, and Donors. Kori lives in Lititz with her husband, Blaine, and has three sons. She enjoys spending time with her family, playing tennis, and volunteering with her husband to mentor engaged couples at her church.   Resources Bible2School Blog: Love Your Neighbor: 4 Ways To Help Your Kids Follow Jesus’ Commandment  Bible2School At Home Resource: Neighborhood Prayer W.A.L.K. Matthew 22:36-40 - the Bible’s 2 greatest commands 1 Corinthians 13: the love chapter Luke 6: 32-35 - love your enemies Luke 10:29–37 - the good Samaritan Facts About Neighbors in the US - Pew Research Center findings 1 Thessalonians 5:11 - build one another up 1 Peter 4:9 - show hospitality without grumbling Colossians 3:23-24 - do everything wholeheartedly Romans 10:12 - love one another deeply  Mother Theresa - quote Matthew 6:3 - don’t let your left hand know what your right hand is doing - organize a meal train Ephesians 5:1-2 - be imitators of God   Next Steps Share this episode with a friend Engage with us on FB & IG Check out our Website: Bible2School Support this Podcast
150. Leading With a Heart for God and People
150. Leading With a Heart for God and People
Zac Bauermaster is an elementary school principal. Zac has the tremendous opportunity to lead teachers, support staff, families, and, most importantly, the next generation. You’ll hear about the PEOPLE acronym and Scripture he uses to walk this out with excellence, and the inspirational ways he makes an impact for Christ in the public school. You may not be a principal, but you are a leader of someone – and you can be pointers to Jesus who plant seeds for His kingdom right where you are!   Are you ready to hear how you, like Zac, can lead with a heart for God and people? Let’s go!   ZAC BAUERMASTER currently serves as principal of Providence Elementary School in New Providence, PA. He has the tremendous opportunity to daily lead teachers, support staff, families, and, most importantly, the next generation. His greatest joy in education is seeing adults leverage their God-given talents and abilities through inspiring kids to find and use their gifts. He’s passionate about creating an encouraging school environment where adults want to come daily; kids are excited to attend, and a place families trust and are proud to send their children. Zac firmly believes that the work in education is all about people, building one relationship at a time.  Most importantly, Zac is a husband to his high school sweetheart, Carly, and father to three kids, Olivia (12), Eliot (9), and Isaac (7). Zac is a firm believer in leading his family first. One of his favorite leadership roles is coaching his kids alongside other youth in their community in baseball, basketball, and softball.    Resources Website: John 15:5 - abide in me and you will bear much fruit John 10:11 - The Good Shepherd Romans 12:15 - Rejoice w/those who rejoice Luke 10:25-36 - The Good Samaritan 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 - encourage and build one another up  1 Corinthians 13 - Love chapter Zac’s Books Matthew 22:37 - love God with all your heart, soul and mind   Next Steps Rate & Review this podcast wherever you listen! Engage with us on FB & IG Share this episode with a friend Check out our website, Bible2School
149. Member Highlight w/Brock & Jenny Jessup
149. Member Highlight w/Brock & Jenny Jessup
Brock & Jenny Jessup are coming to us from a small town in Idaho with hearts afire for spreading the Gospel to the next generation through the Ministry of Bible2School! In the second half of this 2024 school year, the Jessups witnessed 19 public school children accept Jesus as Savior of their lives through the Bible2School class they direct! You’ll hear Brock & Jenny share how the Lord prepared the road ahead of them and why they are so passionate about being the hands and feet of Jesus for their public school – all for His glory.  Ready to hear how God smoothed the path for Brock & Jenny to bring Bible2School to their small town? Let’s go! BROCK & JENNY JESSUP live in Idaho with their 3 kids, Weston, Lane, and Oakley. Brock is an elementary PE school teacher, and Jenny is a stay-at-home homeschool mom.  Together they view the public-school sector as a mission field and aim to glorify God through their bringing together of the community in which they started a Bible2School Program. Their encouragement to others is to act on the Holy Spirit's nudging and let God do His work in your community as well.    Resources Matthew 28:19-20: Go and make disciples  Philippians 2:13: God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.   Next Steps Subscribe to this podcast Share this episode with a friend Engage with us on our socials; FB & IG Locate a Bible2school near you Start a Bible2School in your community
148. Helping Your Kids To Become Godly Influencers
148. Helping Your Kids To Become Godly Influencers
When it comes to the biggest concerns you have for your kids, what’s the highest ranking on your list? According to a recent Barna study, over 73% of American parents are concerned about their child’s spiritual development.  In this episode, Lee and Meredith discuss how to teach kids to become the Godly influencers they are called to be! It may seem challenging to disciple children in the ways of the Lord when the world provides so many opposing influences, but as a believer, you are equipped with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms – you have everything you need for life and Godliness, and you get to teach this to the next generation!    Are you ready to hear 4 ways to help your kids become Godly influencers?  Let’s go!   MEREDITH STEIDLER loves parenting with her husband, Calvin, and their 3 kids ages 11, 13 and 15. She adores waterfalls, strength training, biking, and reading – anything that gets her closer to the beauty of God’s creation. Meredith works as the Podcast Manager for Bible2School and enjoys volunteering with 4th grade Bible2School in her community.  Resources Barna Study - Research on Children’s Spiritual Development   Stickyfaith by Dr. Kara E. Powell 1 Corinthians 15:33 - bad company corrupts good character Proverbs 17:17  - a friend loves at all times Proverbs 18:24 - a friend sticks closer than a brother Proverbs 27:17 - iron sharpens iron Philippians 4 - Paul’s appeal for steadfastness & unity Deuteronomy 6:4-7 - Bible2School theme verse Colson’s Story Colson on You CAN Tell The Children Podcast Ivy’s Story   Next Steps Discover Check out our Podcast IMPACT Team Share this episode with a friend
146. Unsung Hero Movie - A True Story
146. Unsung Hero Movie - A True Story
If you’ve heard of the band, For King and Country, or female singer, Rebecca St. James, you might be surprised to learn they are siblings! Even more exciting is that they have a new movie available for streaming called ‘Unsung Hero’ all about their life. We get to hear co-writer and producer, Richard Ramsey, share how the Smallbone family overcame adversity by standing firm in their faith against all odds. You’ll be inspired by this true story that integrates family, community and prayer, and delivers the truth that God makes everything beautiful in His perfect timing.  Are you ready to hear how the Smallbones overcame adversity, one miracle at a time?  Let’s go! RICHARD RAMSEY graduated from the University of Houston with a BA in Theatre and spent his early career impacting the independent film world in Texas. His feature film debut, The Song, was released in 2014 in theaters nationwide. He is the co-writer and co-director of the upcoming feature film, Unsung Hero. His comedic short films, done in collaboration with his brother, John, have been featured in numerous film festivals and websites including NYT, HuffPo, LA Times, CBS News, The Atlantic, and IFC. After a six-year tenure as Artistic Director of the award-winning City on a Hill Studio, Richard relocated to Nashville where he served three years on the creative staff of Kingdom Story Company. He and his wife still live in Nashville and have five children all named after Beatles songs.   Resources Unsung Hero Digital - Amazon Prime ; Apple TV Official Site:  Instagram: @UnsungHeroMovie Facebook: @UnsungHeroMovie Twitter: @UnsungHeroMovie Proverbs 16:9 - A man plans his course but the Lord directs his steps James 1:22-25 - Be doers of the word, not hearers only Ecclesiastes 3:11 - He makes everything beautiful in His time; he sets eternity in the hearts of man Romans 8:28 - God works all things together for the good of those who love Him John 16:33 - In this world you will have trouble, but take heart I have overcome the world   Next Steps Check out Subscribe to this podcast Share this episode with a friend See how YOU can make a kingdom impact on the next generation
144. Discipleship Modeled in New Movie, “The Forge”
144. Discipleship Modeled in New Movie, “The Forge”
Alex Kendrick, director of an upcoming movie called “The Forge”, shares the movie’s theme of discipleship and reminds us that Jesus is inviting us to deny ourselves, take up our cross and follow him. “The Forge” portrays discipleship through a storyline that will have you laughing, crying, and relating with the characters. You’ll leave this conversation challenged in your role of discipleship and ready to mark your calendars for the release of “The Forge” on August 23rd!   Ready to hear how “The Forge” movie models discipleship? Let’s go!   ALEX KENDRICK has dedicated his life to following Jesus Christ and making His truth and love known among the nations. After serving in church ministry for 20 years, he now writes, speaks, and produces Christian films with his brothers Stephen and Shannon. Alex directed and co-wrote the movies OVERCOMER, WAR ROOM, COURAGEOUS, FIREPROOF, FACING THE GIANTS,  FLYWHEEL, COURAGEOUS Legacy Edition, SHOW ME THE FATHER, and LIFEMARK. Alex co-wrote the New York Times bestselling books The Love Dare, The Resolution for Men, and The Battle Plan for Prayer. He has been interviewed on “Fox & Friends,” CNN, and ABC World News Tonight. Alex and his wife, Christina, live in Albany, Ga. with their six children and are active members at Sherwood Church.  His newest film, THE FORGE, opens in theaters in August 2024.   Resources Luke 9:23-24 - take up your cross and follow me Matthew 6:21- where your heart is there your treasure is also Teaser Trailer: LINK The Forge Website Facebook - @forgemovie Instagram - @forgemovie TikTok - @forgemovie X (formerly twitter) - @Forge_Movie YouTube - @ForgeMovie Kendrick Brother’s Website:  Facebook:  Twitter:    Next Steps Share this episode with a friend Get involved with a Bible2School near you Start a Bible2School program