Come, Follow Me: Simple Joyful Home

Alisha Mayer & Emily Berkley

Simple Joyful Home is a weekly Come, Follow Me podcast by Alisha Mayer and Emily Berkley. In each episode we pull out one lesson from the weekly scripture reading and use that lesson to create practical and simple tools that will strengthen our families and bring more joy to our homes. read less
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Work 4: Work that Moves You from Thinking to Doing!
Work 4: Work that Moves You from Thinking to Doing!
Come, Follow Me July Readings: D&C 71-84Our Learning focus for the month: WorkWeek 4: How can we move from thinking about our work to actually accomplishing it? Challenge: Identify a work that scares you, one you have wanted to do for a while, and do one small thing to start today! In this episode we invite author, speaker, and CEO Travis Child to share his secrets to moving from thinking to doing his work . His insights will leave you with practical tools to implement today to help you reduce overwhelm, increase creativity and efficiency, and power up your confidence.   Here are some of my favorite takeaways from this episode:1. Happiness Meter2. Principle of Delegation3. !0% rule 4. Start Messyand so much more!!!You can find Travis Child's book,  10 Tips to Get Promoted: Simple, Easy, Powerful.  on Amazon at of our favorite quotes on work this week:"The major work of the world is not done by geniuses.It is done by ordinary people, with balance in their lives, who have learned to work in an extraordinary manner". President Gordon B. Hinckley. [“Our Fading Civility,” Brigham Young University inauguration and spring commencement exercises, 25 April 1996, 15]"We are becoming the world experts in meeting, thinking, planning, and organizing about working the work, but we need to do it. We need to work." F. David Stanley “The Principle of Work” April 1993 “Let us realize that the privilege to work is a gift, that power to work is a blessing, that love of work is success” President David O. McKay. (Pathways to Happiness [Salt Lake City: Bookcraft, 1957], 381).You can find the article and scriptures we reference in our discussion listed below:Doctrine and CovenantsD&C 75:6-7 revoked commission because murmuringD&C 75: 10-11 Characteristics of comforter D&C 75:12 YOUR GodD&C 75: 27 Let them ask Comforter show wither they should go D&C 76:1-5 give, ear, rejoice, his purposes fail not, marvelous are his ways, delight to honor Him and great be the reward.D&C 84 Heading  Missionaries reports of their labor, season of joyChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:David E. Sorensen - Blessing of Work F. David Stanley - The Principle of Work Youth ThemeKenyan Christian Church:5 Biblical Principles on WorkTheology of Work:Jesus' 10 Principles for WorkingWhat does the Bible Say About Work
Work 2: How to Make Any Work, Work for You!
Work 2: How to Make Any Work, Work for You!
Come, Follow Me July Readings: D&C 71-84Our Learning focus for the month: WorkWeek 2: How can we find more purpose and meaning in ANY work? Challenge: Start your day inviting God into your work. "You and I also have a work to accomplish. Satan would tempt us to believe that our work is not worthwhile or that we have no need to work at all. He is wrong on both counts. We do have a need to work."  Blessing of Work David E. Sorenson March 2005 Devotional"There is a world of difference when you wake up each morning knowing you are working for the Lord not for men (or for promotion or recognition, overtime, or other allowances). Doing what you do for and with God gives your life and toil a meaning." 5 Biblical Principles on Work Christian Church in KenyaThis week we talk all about how to find the purpose and meaning in ANY work, -even laundry!We share our lists from last week on "Why we work" and Emily goes rogue and shares her "TOO much Work" list and together we discuss how these lists are impacting our lives and changing our perception of what work is and how we are making work,  -work for us!You can find the article and scriptures we reference in our discussion listed below:Doctrine and Covenants72 Heading - learn their duty talks about bishops duty72:3-4, 22,26  Stewardship, wise steward72:17  A wise steward and a faithful laborer82:18  improve talent, gain talent, and share talent82:19  seeking interest of neighbor83 speaks to work as a family responsibility, women claim on husbands , children claim on parents, church provides for widows and orphansChurch of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints:David E. Sorensen - Blessing of Work F. David Stanley - The Principle of Work Youth ThemeKenyan Christian Church:5 Biblical Principles on WorkTheology of Work:Jesus' 10 Principles for WorkingWhat does the Bible Say About Work
Present: You Love Them, I Will Heal Them!
Present: You Love Them, I Will Heal Them!
Like every warrior mom, Angie goes to battle for her children.Many of those battles have led her to commune with God pleading in prayer.As she knelt to counsel with the one who knows her children best this battle felt different.It felt scarier and came with a crushing weight, her child was showing signs of mental health challenges. After pleading with God night and day for four long years for help to know where to find answers and what to do to help her child Angie was exhausted and collapsed to her knees one more time in desperate need of a Fathers answer to her question.His answer, "You love them.""I will heal them."The words seem so simple but the application has been a daily journey for Angie and her husband Morgan. They have spent years learning how to love their children as God does and how to receive his promise and let God heal them. These prayerful parents have so many insights and experiences that remind us of God's love and how we can find solace and direction in His example.This week we lean into D&C 37 - 40 with our guests Morgan and Angie Dennis. This episode  will leave you feeling uplifted, educated, inspired, and hopeful. You do not want to miss how Morgan and Angie open our minds to the real live application we can find when we anchor our ship in the comfort of the great I AM. A big thank you to Morgan and Angie for opening their hearts and trusting us with their stories. They truly came prepared to serve and all of our lives are blessed because we have had the chance to hear them testify. D&C section 37 will always hold a place in our hearts after this episode.
The Unexpected Springboard to Growth and God
The Unexpected Springboard to Growth and God
When was the last time you felt uncomfortable? Like really uncomfortable? Today we talk all about the uncomfortable David Witmer was asked to sit in when the Lord, through revelation, pointed out his earthly focus and asked him to ponder on the things he had received.Often in the scriptures we see men of faith, react to uncomfortable times by fighting the feeling like Alma the Younger, fleeing like Jonah, or freezing like Peter on the water. In these times we see a loving God's response, he gives them intentional time to ponder. For Alma the Younger that time came in the form of 3 days sleep, for Jonah the time came in the belly of a whale, and for Peter it came in time with the Savior himself on a fishing boat returning to shore.In our times of uncomfortable, we often respond in the same ways. We want to fight, flee, or freeze when what God needs us to do is seek the good God is giving us. >What is He desiring us to receive? >How can we move more quickly from reacting (fighting, fleeing, freezing)  to acting (going and doing) the Lord's will? >How can we use the uncomfortable to move us from where we are to where God needs us to be? In this episode we talk all about seeing the uncomfortable as a gift and using it to springboard  your life into alignment with God's hope for you! Such a great topic especially right after General Conference when we are all feeling a little tug on our hearts to evaluate our priorities, expand our capacity, and better know our Savior. Come grow with us!Alisha & Emily
COMPASSION: The Key to Moving Your Family from Me to We
COMPASSION: The Key to Moving Your Family from Me to We
Come, Follow Me reading: D&C 23-27This week we welcome a special guest Miss Lindsey Paradis on our show. She is a beautiful wife to Joseph and mom to  4 littles all six years and under.  She is the founder and host of the popular children's podcast Miss Lindsey's Come, Follow Me Podcast for Kids. Finally she is our friend and guest host today as we talk all about how we can find meaning and application in this week's Come, Follow Me reading.Our journey this week led us to learn from Emma's blessing calling her to use her words to console and comfort her husband. He calls upon Emma to murmur not asking her to use her words in a more powerful way to comfort and console. The gifts we are given can often be used in many ways, our work is to use them in the ways that tap into the Lord's blessing and power.Sometimes our view of the counsel to murmur not is that we need correction or condemnation because we were murmuring in the first place. Emily beautifully describes her feelings of God's love as she reads this verse, reminding us that "murmur not" can be a reminder that God is right there seeing us, hearing us, knowing what we need and reminding us that He has our back and is with us through all the hard.Finally, Lindsey shares a moving story about her and her daughter and the power of compassion to change a competition into a revolution to move from me to we in the home. We love how Lindsey's courage to listen to the promptings of the Holy Ghost empowered her with love and changed everything in an instant.This week we learn to show compassion and love by being intentional about using our gifts and talents to see, hear, and embrace one another.We hope you feel seen and heard and loved by us here at Simple Joyful Home!Alisha & EmilyP.S. Click here to find Miss Lindsey's Come, Follow Me podcast for Kids
Know Your Need and Use it To Organize Your Life
Know Your Need and Use it To Organize Your Life
This week we spent time reading D&C 20-22.This week we focus on how knowing what you need can help you organize your life in ways that help you fulfill those needs. In a revelation given to Joseph Smith about the organization of the church God began by revealing what was absolutely necessary; the need for Christ, his grace, his justice, and so much more. Then  God revealed how to organize the church, the roles in the church, and the duties assigned to those roles. When we are intentional about organizing our lives around the things we KNOW we NEED, we are intentional about our relationship with Christ and our relationship with those we love. This intention gives us access to otherwise untapped power, power to organize our lives in a holier and more inspired way. It helps us create a physical environment that supports our spiritual, mental, and emotional needs. It ensures that the “Things which matter most are not at the mercy of things which matter least.”Each week here at Simple Joyful Home we search for principles, patterns, or a purpose we can use to pattern our lives and homes after. Our primary goal is to find a way to apply what we are learning in the scriptures in a very real, very tangible way that week. If you love the application we share please come celebrate your success with us and tell us how it is impacting your relationships and home. Even more important, we hope you begin to see that the scriptures have something for everyone and that if you read to find a way to connect with Christ and build more love into your relationships God will always show up in a big way to help you achieve that desire.  We keep the reading SIMPLE,the applications JOYFUL,and the focus on God & HOME! Thanks for taking this journey with us!Alisha and EmilyInstagram and Facebook: @simplejoyfulhomeEmail: simplejoyfulhome[at]gmaildotcom