The Human Behavior Podcast

The Human Behavior Podcast

Do you ever wonder why people act the way that they do? Join human behavior experts Brian Marren and Greg Williams as they discuss all things human behavior related. Their goal is to increase your Advanced Critical Thinking ability through a better understanding of HBPR&A (Human Behavior Pattern Recognition & Analysis.) What is HBPR&A? It's a scientific (and fun) way to understand and articulate human behavior cues so that you can predict likely outcomes and it works regardless of your race, religion, political ideology or culture!

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Our Need For Social Validation
4d ago
Our Need For Social Validation
Send us a Text Message.Historically, in-person communal gatherings met our needs for social validation and even stress relief. But today, those needs are met through rapid online interactions that fail to provide many of the important elements that are necessary for appropriate feedback. In this week’s episode we are using the assassination attempt on Donald Trump to unpack the psychological and sociological imperatives that drive UNINFORMED commentary.During the episode we combine the science of human behavior and our experience in military, law enforcement, and protection work to dissect the pitfalls of initial reports and the unreliability of eyewitness testimonies. We then transition into the intricate dynamics of human behavior, particularly in the realm of social media to highlight how reduced consequences in online exchanges impact societal norms and individual conduct. We also examine the addictive nature of social media, driven by dopamine effects and immediate validation, and discuss strategies for maintaining a balanced perspective.Lastly, we touch on the implications of misinformation and the importance of critical thinking. From exploring the need for evidence-based claims to managing negative interactions on social media, we stress the necessity of objectivity and accountability. Join us for this deep dive into the complexities of human behavior, social relevance, and the digital age. This episode encourages listeners to approach information more thoughtfully, deliberately, and responsibly.Support the Show.Website: Patreon: More about Greg and Brian:
Currency v. Proficiency
Currency v. Proficiency
Send us a Text Message.Are you in a profession where being up-to-date on your certifications isn’t enough to guarantee success in high-stakes situations? This week, we delve into the often-overlooked difference between currency and true proficiency in training. Inspired by a thought-provoking article from an aviation association, we draw fascinating parallels between the rigorous training standards of aviation and the essential skills needed for everyday life. Greg shares compelling personal anecdotes, including his time with the Civil Air Patrol and his family’s aviation background, illustrating how early exposure to these concepts can shape one's career and interests.We examine how society frequently confuses being current with being truly proficient, especially in critical fields like law enforcement and aviation. Using vivid analogies such as Disney’s entertainment tactics versus pilots' meticulous safety checklists, we underscore the importance of true proficiency for safety and effectiveness. Lastly, we discuss how enhanced training through cognitive engagement can better prepare individuals for the unpredictability of real-world scenarios. By shifting focus from rote repetition to varied and complex training situations, we argue that true proficiency comes from being challenged and pushed outside comfort zones. Join us for an enlightening conversation that challenges conventional approaches to training and highlights the necessity of true proficiency in all areas of life.Thank you so much for tuning in, we hope you enjoy the episode and please check out our Patreon channel where we have a lot more content, as well as subscriber only episodes of the show. If you enjoy the podcast, I would kindly ask that you leave us a review and more importantly, please share it with a friend. Thank you for your time and don’t forget that Training Changes Behavior!Article Link: the Show.Website: Patreon: More about Greg and Brian:
Cultivating Curiosity
Cultivating Curiosity
Send us a Text Message.This week we are talking about curiosity, and it isn't just for kids! Imagine how your life could change if you harnessed the power of curiosity in understanding human behavior. This episode explains how we cultivate curiosity amidst the distractions of our tech-driven world. During the episode we tackle the challenge of staying curious in a society rife with distractions, offering practical strategies to counteract intellectual laziness. We share some personal stories, and give some great tips on using neutral terms like "interesting," rather than “suspicious” to maintain objectivity.Finally, we'll explore the critical skill of observation, drawing from experiences in law enforcement and high-stakes environments and explain how situational judgment and responsiveness can help you identify hidden threats and better understand human behavior. From spotting anomalies in everyday settings to teaching situational awareness to kids, this episode is packed with insights to help you cultivate a keen sense of curiosity in your daily life. Thank you so much for tuning in, we hope you enjoy the episode and please check out our Patreon channel where we have a lot more content, as well as subscriber only episodes of the show. If you enjoy the podcast, I would kindly ask that you leave us a review and more importantly, please share it with a friend. Thank you for your time and don’t forget that Training Changes Behavior!Support the Show.Website: Patreon: More about Greg and Brian:
Zero Tolerance or Zero Thought?
Zero Tolerance or Zero Thought?
Send us a Text Message.Today, we are dissecting the complexities and unintended consequences of zero tolerance policies through real-life examples, starting with the recent tragic shooting at Benito Juarez High School in Chicago. This incident exposes the bureaucratic hurdles and miscommunication that can arise between institutions like Chicago Public Schools and law enforcement, showcasing how rigid policies can delay justice and exacerbate violence instead of preventing it. We'll explore the rationale behind zero tolerance policies and scrutinize their efficacy, drawing comparisons to more nuanced approaches within the legal system. Through personal anecdotes and a variety of case studies from education, criminal justice, and corporate ethics, we reveal how the inflexible application of rules often leads to unjust outcomes that fail to consider individual circumstances. By highlighting cases where mandatory policies lead to disproportionate punishments, we make a compelling case for the necessity of human judgment, empathy, and flexibility.Thank you so much for tuning in, we hope you enjoy the episode and please check out our Patreon channel where we have a lot more content, as well as subscriber only episodes of the show. If you enjoy the podcast, I would kindly ask that you leave us a review and more importantly, please share it with a friend. Thank you for your time and don’t forget that Training Changes Behavior!Support the Show.Website: Patreon: More about Greg and Brian:
Communication: Men v. Women
Communication: Men v. Women
Send us a Text Message.This week we are discussing some of the common myths about gender differences in communication. From the misconception that women talk more than men to the reality of who interrupts more frequently, we sift through scientific studies and personal anecdotes to bring clarity to these contentious topics. With references to various studies, we reveal how both men and women speak approximately the same number of words per day, proving that context is crucial in interpreting communication patterns.  During the episode we journey through various cultural landscapes to uncover surprising similarities in human behavior, even in high-stakes environments. By focusing on commonalities rather than distinctions, we build a more nuanced understanding of how humans interact. Our discussion critiques the methodologies of psychological studies, exploring how oversimplification can lead to misleading conclusions. We also pay homage to the groundbreaking work of researchers like Kahneman and Tversky, emphasizing the importance of long-term data and meta-analyses for accurate insights.  Our exploration doesn't stop at verbal communication; we delve into nonverbal cues, hormonal influences, and societal constructs. Through real-life examples and personal stories, we demonstrate that empathy and clear understanding are crucial for successful interactions. Whether it's in everyday encounters or high-pressure scenarios, this episode offers valuable insights and practical advice for anyone looking to improve their communication skills.Thank you so much for tuning in, we hope you enjoy the episode and please check out our Patreon channel where we have a lot more content, as well as subscriber only episodes of the show. If you enjoy the podcast, I would kindly ask that you leave us a review and more importantly, please share it with a friend. Thank you for your time and don’t forget that Training Changes Behavior!Support the Show.Website: Patreon: More about Greg and Brian:
"Criminals Are Made, Not Born"
"Criminals Are Made, Not Born"
Send us a Text Message.This week we are stepping into the shadows of the past as we uncover the chilling realities and patterns behind one of America's darkest days, the 1927 Bath Township School Massacre. But this isn't just a history lesson; it's an urgent call to foster vigilance and critical thinking. During the episode we'll dissect the actions of individuals like Andrew Kehoe, who sought notoriety through devastation, and we draw parallels to modern-day threats that could be lurking in the most familiar places.The complexities of human behavior take center stage as we analyze the psychological tapestry that weaves together perpetrators of violent crimes. From the overlooked 'boogeyman' next door to the 'injustice collector' in our midst, we reveal the catastrophic outcomes that ensue when warning signals go unnoticed. Our conversation navigates the intricate web of personal crises, control, and the narrative that individuals like Kehoe construct to justify their actions. We don't just recount these historic events; we scrutinize them to arm ourselves with knowledge that could very well save lives.Wrapping up our deep dive, we shift our attention from the academic to the actionable, discussing the tools and preparedness strategies essential for responding to critical incidents. We draw lessons from harrowing events like the Beslan school siege, underscoring the importance of proactive safety measures and the power of training to alter behavior. As you listen, I ask you to not just absorb but to implement change in your environment, enhancing your personal security and that of your community. This episode isn't just a reflection on the past; it's a blueprint for a safer future.Thank you so much for tuning in, we hope you enjoy the episode and please check out our Patreon channel where we have a lot more content, as well as subscriber only episodes of the show. If you enjoy the podcast, I would kindly ask that you leave us a review and more importantly, please share it with a friend. Thank you for your time and don’t forget that Training Changes Behavior!Support the Show.Website: Patreon: More about Greg and Brian:
Deception Detection
Deception Detection
Send us a Text Message.This week we are jumping into the world of everyday lie detection, where even seasoned professionals grapple with biases and contextual cues. Through a blend of anecdotes and psychological insights, we illuminate the complex interplay between deceivers and those in pursuit of honesty. Whether it's in professional settings, personal relationships, or the tension-filled rooms of interrogations, understanding the nuances of human behavior unlocks a new perspective about deception detection.  As we discuss the dynamics of interrogation techniques and the elusive nature of honesty, we confront the profound ways human emotions like anxiety and shame can distort the quest for truth. With a nod to historical methods of lie detection and the compelling truths unearthed in our digital footprints, the episode transcends the simplicity of 'gotcha' moments, and instead, invites you to join us in a playful challenge – to apply these insights into deception in your daily life. After all, the more we grasp the subtleties of deception, the more adept we become at discerning the truth that lies beneath.Thank you so much for tuning in, we hope you enjoy the episode and please check out our Patreon channel where we have a lot more content, as well as subscriber only episodes of the show. If you enjoy the podcast, I would kindly ask that you leave us a review and more importantly, please share it with a friend. Thank you for your time and don’t forget that Training Changes Behavior!Support the Show.Website: Patreon: More about Greg and Brian:
When Instinct Meets Intuition
When Instinct Meets Intuition
Send us a Text Message.This week we are unpacking the mysterious forces of instinct and intuition and explaining how these twin navigators steer our survival strategies as well as our everyday choices. During the episode we reveal how primal behaviors and nuanced judgments not only coexist but often compete for the driver's seat in high-stakes scenarios.In order to explain how this complex interaction between instinct and intuition, we share some compelling stories of heroism and survival that highlight the variability of human reactions under extreme stress. From the courage of soldiers to the quick thinking of emergency responders, we illustrate how training and intuition intertwine, impacting decisions that can mean the difference between life and death. Get ready to explore the profound interplay of the instinctual and the intellectual within us all.Thank you so much for tuning in, we hope you enjoy the episode and please check out our Patreon channel where we have a lot more content, as well as subscriber only episodes of the show. If you enjoy the podcast, I would kindly ask that you leave us a review and more importantly, please share it with a friend. Thank you for your time and don’t forget that Training Changes Behavior!Support the Show.Website: Patreon: More about Greg and Brian:
Send us a Text Message.Today we are talking about something that affects our perception and our cognitive performance, even before we realize it’s an issue! It’s something we call “O.B.E.” which stands for Overcome By Emotion or Overwhelmed By Events. During the episode we define in great detail what we mean by these terms and how they affect our ability to sense make and problem solve but the reason we are talking about OBE is because it comes on much faster than we think and is often the biggest contributing factor to poor decision making. When we use the term “overwhelmed” people often assume that we are talking about a situation or event that is highly chaotic or complex but in reality it can come on when we are running a few minutes late for an important event. During the episode we give several examples of what we mean by OBE and we talk about the physiological and psychological processes that contribute to becoming overwhelmed by events or overcome by emotion.Thank you so much for tuning in, we hope you enjoy the episode and if you want more you can check out our Patreon channel where we have a lot more content as well as subscriber only episodes of the show. If you enjoy the podcast I would kindly ask that you leave us a review and more importantly, please share it with a friend. Thank you for your time and don’t forget that Training Changes Behavior!Support the Show.Website: Patreon: More about Greg and Brian:
Killing Complacency
Killing Complacency
Send us a Text Message.Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s episode of the Human Behavior Podcast. For this episode we are defining a term that you’ve likely heard before called Complacency. We’ve all heard the saying that “complacency kills” or had someone tell us not to get complacent but I don’t ever hear anyone defining what complacency actually is! So, for this episode, we are defining complacency using four powerful cognitive processes that affect all humans which are Adaptation, Change Blindness, Channel Capacity, and Sequencing. During the episode we define each one of the elements that make up complacency and we talk about why complacency exists, how it affects us, when it affects us, and we give some very simple ways to help counteract the brains natural tendency towards complacency.Thank you so much for tuning in, we hope you enjoy the episode and if you want more you can check out our Patreon channel where we have a lot more content as well as subscriber only episodes of the show. If you enjoy the podcast I would kindly ask that you leave us a review and more importantly, please share it with a friend. Thank you for your time and don’t forget that Training Changes Behavior!Support the Show.Website: Patreon: More about Greg and Brian:
Culture Doesn't Matter
Culture Doesn't Matter
Send us a Text Message.Today we are talking about culture and why it matters less than what people think, especially when it comes to reading human behavior. Understanding culture is laboriously slow, heavily nuanced, and in today’s world of mass communication and global connectivity humans have the ability to choose what culture they belong to. The human behavior principles that we discuss rely on human behavior characteristics which demonstrate intent. Culture can create idiosyncratic displays, rites, and rituals that have no or nominal bearing on threat prediction and hostile intent determination. So we feel that culture only matters as context, providing increased granularity with which to support one’s evidence-based conclusions. For this episode we used the after action review we wrote about a government research project we were involved with a couple years ago where we had to show the efficacy and utility of our intent-based predictive analysis program. If you would like to read more about that program as well as the entire paper we wrote you can find it on the Arcadia Cognerati patreon page.Thank you so much for tuning in, we hope you enjoy the episode and if you want more you can check out our Patreon channel where we have a lot more content as well as subscriber only episodes of the show. If you enjoy the podcast I would kindly ask that you leave us a review and more importantly, please share it with a friend. Thank you for your time and don’t forget that Training Changes Behavior!Support the Show.Website: Patreon: More about Greg and Brian:
Connecting The Dots
Connecting The Dots
Send us a Text Message.Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s episode of the Human Behavior Podcast. Today’s episode is sort of the next step after last week’s episode where we discussed how important it is to focus on the background action or the context or “scene” that you are observing because the seemingly mundane environmental signals are actually the foundation for observing human behavior. So for this episode we are talking about anomaly detection, putting together the breadcrumbs, “connecting the dots” and why it’s so hard to do that in the moment. As you all know it’s easy to Monday morning quarterback a situation while sitting in a chair watching a youtube video but when you’re in the middle of the situation it’s much more difficult. For this episode Greg shared a couple of stories where he and a few other people didn’t connect the dots in the moment and then we go on to explain WHY this happens and we give some examples of HOW to “prime” yourself so you can get better at “connecting the dots.”Thank you so much for tuning in, we hope you enjoy the episode and if you want more you can check out our Patreon channel where we have a lot more content as well as subscriber only episodes of the show. If you enjoy the podcast I would kindly ask that you leave us a review and more importantly, please share it with a friend. Thank you for your time and don’t forget that Training Changes Behavior!Support the Show.Website: Patreon: More about Greg and Brian:
Non-Standard Observations
Non-Standard Observations
Send us a Text Message.Hello everyone and welcome to this installment of the Human Behavior Podcast. Today we are talking about the most important element of understanding, or “reading,” human behavior, which is the background action, the context, the setting of the scene that provides the relevance for what you see.Think about this for a second…Every time you drive, bike, or walk – you pass by signs, signals, plaques, icons, or graffiti without every fully realizing the significance of those observations or perceptions. These nuanced observations create the fidelity and the granularity that comprises the very fabric of our memories. It’s easy to take the B-roll, the background action, the set dressing as meaningless filler when in reality, those perceptions are the essential elements in comparing baselines to determine threats or danger.For this episode I had Greg share a personal story where his recognition of a seemingly insignificant observation gave him the gift of time and distance which probably saved his life. This story came from a larger Lessons Learned article that Greg wrote a while back and you can find that article on our Patreon site. Thank you so much for tuning in, we hope you enjoy the episode and if you want more you can check out our Patreon channel where we provide subscriber only episodes of the show. If you enjoy the podcast I would kindly ask that you leave us a review and more importantly, please share it with a friend. Thank you for your time and don’t forget that Training Changes Behavior!Support the Show.Website: Patreon: More about Greg and Brian:
Trust Your Gut
Trust Your Gut
Send us a Text Message.This week we are talking about intuition and what it really means to “trust your gut.” Just like our previous episodes we are going to start out by reading an article that Greg wrote where he highlights several examples of people who DIDN’T “trust their gut” and it lead to some pretty catastrophic situations. For this episode we are talking about intuition from two perspectives. The first being the “gut feeling” that you’ve likely experienced when something feels “off.” The other aspect of intuition that we are talking about is how it pertains to cognitive training and learning to become better at decision-making. During the episode we talk about some of the science behind intuition and why it is an important “hard-wired” element that has kept the human race alive for a very long time. We also dive into the essential role that emotion and cognition play when it comes to “training for the real event” and we bring up some of the misconceptions we’ve seen when it comes to including those elements into scenario-based training. Some of the topics we discuss include the difference between muscle memory and cognitive training, information versus intelligence, creating explanatory storylines, and how to enhance your own intuition.Thank you so much for tuning in, we hope you enjoy the episode and if you want to know more please check out our Patreon site. If you enjoy the podcast I would kindly ask that you leave us a review and more importantly, please share it with a friend. Thanks for tuning in and don’t forget that Training Changes Behavior!Episode Link: the Show.Website: Patreon: More about Greg and Brian:
Rage and Randomness
Rage and Randomness
Send us a Text Message.Hello everyone and thanks for tuning in this week and I apologize for not getting the episode out on time but since we record the podcast when we are on the road there can be a delay in when I get access to the recording files which can cause a slight delay uploading the episode. So although todays episode is a day late it is by no means a dollar short!This week we are talking about two major topics that often intersect with one another in real life settings. Those two topics we are covering today are Randomness and Rage. Just like our last episode we used an article that Greg wrote a while back as the basis for this discussion. So if you’re a Patreon subscriber you can read the entire article and then skip ahead to about the 19 minute mark in the episode where we start the discussion or you can listen to the entire episode from the beginning to hear Greg read the article. During the episode we define how rage works in humans, we talk about why it is such a powerful emotion and we explain the difference between rage and anger. We also talk in great detail about randomness and how it is interpreted by humans and how seemingly random environmental “messages” can significantly influence human behavior. Throughout the discussion we refer back to the stories from the article that Greg wrote and we end with a few powerful examples of how Rage and Randomness can intersect with one and create a deadly situation.I want to give a special thanks to Brian at the Music Lab at the Jefferson Building in Roanoke, VA where this episode was recorded as well as his young son who helped setup the studio.Thank you so much for tuning in, we hope you enjoy the episode and if you want to know more please check out our Patreon site. If you enjoy the podcast I would kindly ask that you leave us a review and more importantly, please share it with a friend. Thanks for tuning in and don’t forget that Training Changes Behavior!Support the Show.Website: Patreon: More about Greg and Brian:
Sense Make vs Scents Make
Sense Make vs Scents Make
Send us a Text Message.Hello everyone and thanks for tuning back in, this week we are super excited to bring you the very first episode of the human behavior podcast! For those of you have been listening to the Left Of Greg podcast we think you’re going to really enjoy the new format as well as the additional content on Patreon.At Arcadia Cognerati we train people how to conduct predictive analysis and “read” a situation, event, or person more accurately because if you can do that, you can make more informed decisions and you won’t be forced to react or respond to everything that happens. You can actually control the operational tempo and use time and distance to your advantage. So, for this very first episode I wanted to start with a topic that Greg and I talk a lot about in our in-person training courses and we decided to use an article that Greg wrote a few years ago as a basis for the episode. If you’re a Patreon subscriber, you can read the article titled Sense Making vs Scents Making which is a play on words about whether you are accurately making sense of your environment or if you’re making a stink of the situation. We often see examples on the news of situations that have gone catastrophically wrong, and the pundits and armchair quarterbacks come out with all kinds of opinions on WHAT the person did wrong, but they fail to accurately explain WHY they made the wrong decision, which I simply define as a failure in sense making, an error in comprehension. So, in this episode we are going to explain why all humans are prone to errors in sense making and why we keep getting things wrong, even when we think we aren’t. During the episode we unpack some complex issues about errors in judgement and where they come from, we talk about heuristic processing, psychological imperatives that are biased in favor of our survival, and how the line between fantasy and reality can easily get blurred. I want to give a special thanks to the folks we met at APX Studios in Ferndale, Michigan where this episode was recorded. Not only were they extremely professional and helpful but we had an amazing conversation with them after we recorded the show.Thank you so much for tuning in, we hope you enjoy the episode and if you want to know more please check out our Patreon site. If you enjoy the podcast I would kindly ask that you leave us a review and more importantly, please share it with a friend. Thanks for tuning in and don’t forget that Training Changes Behavior!Support the Show.Website: Patreon: More about Greg and Brian: