Side Hustle GROWTH

Christen N. James

The name is Side Hustle GROWTH is brand new for 2024, but it is STILL very much inspired by The Shine to FIVE™ Method. It is a specialized Coaching System designed by Side Hustle Success Coach & Host, Christen N. James (CJ), for women-identified 9to5 professionals to get the tools to SHINE in their OWN Businesses .

Yes! CJ will continue to provide simple tips, actionable strategies, personal stories and  feature inspiring guest experts to help you shed the FEAR and get CLEAR on your Side Hustle goals and intentions, so you can confidently go from Employee to Entrepreneur.

To learn more about or connect with CJ, visit or follow her on all social media platforms: @christennjames. Be sure to follow and share with ALL womxn who need to heal and be/feel inspired in their entrepreneurial journey!

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Infusing Spirituality into Your Entrepreneurial Journey, with Carol Mae Whittick.
Infusing Spirituality into Your Entrepreneurial Journey, with Carol Mae Whittick.
Text Me, I'd LOVE to hear from YOU!I have a heart to heart with Carol Mae Whittick, Creativity and Spiritual Life Coach, to explore the intersection of spirituality and entrepreneurship. Carol Mae highlights the role creativity and spirituality played in guiding her through life's challenges and leading her to her current path as a coach.The conversation covers topics such as:Carol Mae's journey from employee to entrepreneur, navigating challenges and finding her true calling.The significance of creativity as a form of spirituality and its role in authentic self-expression.Overcoming resistance, both internal and external, when tapping into spirituality in Entrepreneurship.Empowering individuals, especially women in corporate settings, to embrace their spiritual intuition and pursue their passions.______Carol Mae Whittick is a Creativity & Spiritual Life Coach, Podcaster, Speaker and Author. She supports women over 40 to trust their intuition, rediscover their creativity, leverage their unique wisdom and design a purposeful life.Connect with Carol Mae: Website:  InstagramFacebook PageYouTube ChannelLinkedIn  HER Conversations PodcastHER Inspirations PodcastSPECIAL GIFT: Embody H.E.R Course - A guided 3-Step journey CLOSER to being the Woman of your Dreams  (use code: PODCAST).Heya Friend! I'd LOVE to hear from you RIGHT NOW! YES! If you're listening on your phone, TEXT ME from the link at the beginning of the episode description.I can't WAIT to hear from you. - CJ💜__________Crush Goals, Master Time & Stay Consistent with the Side Hustler's Quarterly Guide! It's the ultimate resource designed to simplify your business planning on a quarterly basis. Discover a guide that's dedicated to helping you set rock-solid goals, improve time management, and maintain consistency in your side hustle. Let's turn your aspirations into accomplishments, together! Click here to grab your copy TODAY!_________ LET’S CONNECT! 🤝🏽🌐 Visit my Website🙌🏽 Book a 15-min ✨VIBE Check✨💬 Slide in my DM's on Instagram👥 Let's be friends on LinkedIn👩🏽‍🏫 Like & Follow my Facebook Page➡️ Subscribe to my YouTube Channel 🫶🏽 Send some GOOD VIBEZStay Encouraged, my Friend - Have a Sparkling Day!
Overcoming Social Anxiety for Brand Success, with Charmaine Daudu. [REWIND]
Overcoming Social Anxiety for Brand Success, with Charmaine Daudu. [REWIND]
Text Me, I'd LOVE to hear from YOU!Has social anxiety held you back from growing your online brand? Join us for this rewind episode as we wrap up Mental Health Awareness Month. In this special rewind episode, we're revisiting a powerful conversation from May 2021 with my dear friend and influencer, Charmaine Daudu. Back then, Charmaine had a loyal following of 200K across her social media platforms and YouTube channel, but the idea of public speaking was terrifying for her. 😫When I first invited Charmaine to be a guest on the podcast, she politely declined. Despite her growing success as an influencer, the thought of speaking publicly about her journey was overwhelming. However, she asked me to hold her accountable and follow up, thanks to our pre-existing friendship.As a good coach and friend, I followed up a couple of months later, and she said yes! We dove into a conversation about overcoming social anxiety, the misconceptions people have about YouTubers, and how Charmaine uses manifestation to accomplish her goals.Charmaine's journey from declining the invitation to confidently sharing her story is a testament to the power of perseverance and support. Don't miss this inspiring rewind episode!Heya Friend! I'd LOVE to hear from you RIGHT NOW! YES! If you're listening on your phone, TEXT ME from the link at the beginning of the episode description.I can't WAIT to hear from you. - CJ💜__________Crush Goals, Master Time & Stay Consistent with the Side Hustler's Quarterly Guide! It's the ultimate resource designed to simplify your business planning on a quarterly basis. Discover a guide that's dedicated to helping you set rock-solid goals, improve time management, and maintain consistency in your side hustle. Let's turn your aspirations into accomplishments, together! Click here to grab your copy TODAY!_________ LET’S CONNECT! 🤝🏽🌐 Visit my Website🙌🏽 Book a 15-min ✨VIBE Check✨💬 Slide in my DM's on Instagram👥 Let's be friends on LinkedIn👩🏽‍🏫 Like & Follow my Facebook Page➡️ Subscribe to my YouTube Channel 🫶🏽 Send some GOOD VIBEZStay Encouraged, my Friend - Have a Sparkling Day!
Building an Authentic Personal Brand for Your Side Hustle, with Ada Udeogu.
Building an Authentic Personal Brand for Your Side Hustle, with Ada Udeogu.
Text Me, I'd LOVE to hear from YOU!Ada Udeogu, a Personal Branding Coach, gets into the intricacies of building an authentic personal brand for your side hustle. Ada shares her insights on navigating the journey from a 9to5  to a thriving side hustle through purpose-driven personal branding.Highlights:Ada emphasizes the importance of self-awareness and purpose clarity as foundational elements in building a personal brand. Learn how to create compelling content and engage authentically with your audience on LinkedIn to establish trust and credibility.Learn how to avoid common pitfalls that can hinder your brand's growth._______________Ada is a Personal Branding Coach for women entrepreneurs on LinkedIn. Ada isa mom of 4 and super passionate about women empowerment. She believes in a world where women have the audacity to be ambitious.Connect with Ada on LinkedIn Heya Friend! I'd LOVE to hear from you RIGHT NOW! YES! If you're listening on your phone, TEXT ME from the link at the beginning of the episode description.I can't WAIT to hear from you. - CJ💜__________Crush Goals, Master Time & Stay Consistent with the Side Hustler's Quarterly Guide! It's the ultimate resource designed to simplify your business planning on a quarterly basis. Discover a guide that's dedicated to helping you set rock-solid goals, improve time management, and maintain consistency in your side hustle. Let's turn your aspirations into accomplishments, together! Click here to grab your copy TODAY!_________ LET’S CONNECT! 🤝🏽🌐 Visit my Website🙌🏽 Book a 15-min ✨VIBE Check✨💬 Slide in my DM's on Instagram👥 Let's be friends on LinkedIn👩🏽‍🏫 Like & Follow my Facebook Page➡️ Subscribe to my YouTube Channel 🫶🏽 Send some GOOD VIBEZStay Encouraged, my Friend - Have a Sparkling Day!
Top 5 Mistakes that Women Make in their Side Hustles.
Top 5 Mistakes that Women Make in their Side Hustles.
Text Me, I'd LOVE to hear from YOU!This is a topic that hits close to home for many of us: the top five mistakes 9to5 women make in their side hustles. I'll be providing actionable strategies for avoiding them, so tune in to this episode!Highlights:Learn how to avoid spreading yourself too thin and prioritize your efforts for maximum impact.Discover strategies for maintaining momentum and consistency, even when life gets hectic.Uncover the importance of understanding your target audience and tailoring your offerings to meet their needs.Heya Friend! I'd LOVE to hear from you RIGHT NOW! YES! If you're listening on your phone, TEXT ME from the link at the beginning of the episode description.I can't WAIT to hear from you. - CJ💜__________Crush Goals, Master Time & Stay Consistent with the Side Hustler's Quarterly Guide! It's the ultimate resource designed to simplify your business planning on a quarterly basis. Discover a guide that's dedicated to helping you set rock-solid goals, improve time management, and maintain consistency in your side hustle. Let's turn your aspirations into accomplishments, together! Click here to grab your copy TODAY!_________ LET’S CONNECT! 🤝🏽🌐 Visit my Website🙌🏽 Book a 15-min ✨VIBE Check✨💬 Slide in my DM's on Instagram👥 Let's be friends on LinkedIn👩🏽‍🏫 Like & Follow my Facebook Page➡️ Subscribe to my YouTube Channel 🫶🏽 Send some GOOD VIBEZStay Encouraged, my Friend - Have a Sparkling Day!
Overcoming Fear & Anxiety on your Side Hustle Journey, with Akemi-Joi.
Overcoming Fear & Anxiety on your Side Hustle Journey, with Akemi-Joi.
Text Me, I'd LOVE to hear from YOU!Join me and special guest Akemi-Joi for a candid conversation on overcoming fear and anxiety in your side hustle journey.From feeling stuck to finding your purpose, they delve into the deep-rooted challenges many women face and provide actionable insights to break free from self-doubt and negative thought patterns.Highlights:Explore the power of acknowledging and addressing feelings of being stuck, fear, and self-doubt in your side hustle journey.Discover actionable steps to overcome anxiety and negative thought patterns, including seeking support and going within for self-reflection.Gain valuable insights from Akemi-Joi's personal journey and learn how to harness the courage to pursue your dreams, even when it feels scary.Tune in to unlock the secrets to stepping into your power and embracing the journey towards your best self!__________________Akemi-joi understand that Life can have us life-ing which can lead to a lot of anxiety and stress! She is here to help women find balance and peace even in the midst of storms! Akemi-joi is a licensed clinician, author, speaker, mom, and life coach specializing in guiding women over 30 through the challenges of anxiety and chronic stress. With a deep dedication to empowering women, Akemi-joi has made it her mission to help them unlock their full potential, become the best versions of themselves, find their purpose and live in full authenticity. When she's not pouring her heart into coaching sessions, you'll find Akemi-joi cherishing moments with her family, diving into captivating podcasts, embracing mindfulness through meditation, and traveling across the globe. Her Life's Motto is ”Build a life that sets your soul on FIRE!!"Heya Friend! I'd LOVE to hear from you RIGHT NOW! YES! If you're listening on your phone, TEXT ME from the link at the beginning of the episode description.I can't WAIT to hear from you. - CJ💜__________Crush Goals, Master Time & Stay Consistent with the Side Hustler's Quarterly Guide! It's the ultimate resource designed to simplify your business planning on a quarterly basis. Discover a guide that's dedicated to helping you set rock-solid goals, improve time management, and maintain consistency in your side hustle. Let's turn your aspirations into accomplishments, together! Click here to grab your copy TODAY!_________ LET’S CONNECT! 🤝🏽🌐 Visit my Website🙌🏽 Book a 15-min ✨VIBE Check✨💬 Slide in my DM's on Instagram👥 Let's be friends on LinkedIn👩🏽‍🏫 Like & Follow my Facebook Page➡️ Subscribe to my YouTube Channel 🫶🏽 Send some GOOD VIBEZStay Encouraged, my Friend - Have a Sparkling Day!
3 Solid Reasons to START a Side Hustle.
3 Solid Reasons to START a Side Hustle.
Text Me, I'd LOVE to hear from YOU!In this episode, I'm breaking down the top 3 reasons why starting a side hustle could be the game-changer you've been searching for!Highlights:Discover the key to unlocking financial stability and earning extra income on your terms.Uncover how starting a side hustle can ignite your sense of purpose and creativity, giving you something to call your own.Learn why having a side hustle is your ultimate Plan B, providing you with a sense of security and control over your destiny.Heya Friend! I'd LOVE to hear from you RIGHT NOW! YES! If you're listening on your phone, TEXT ME from the link at the beginning of the episode description.I can't WAIT to hear from you. - CJ💜__________Crush Goals, Master Time & Stay Consistent with the Side Hustler's Quarterly Guide! It's the ultimate resource designed to simplify your business planning on a quarterly basis. Discover a guide that's dedicated to helping you set rock-solid goals, improve time management, and maintain consistency in your side hustle. Let's turn your aspirations into accomplishments, together! Click here to grab your copy TODAY!_________ LET’S CONNECT! 🤝🏽🌐 Visit my Website🙌🏽 Book a 15-min ✨VIBE Check✨💬 Slide in my DM's on Instagram👥 Let's be friends on LinkedIn👩🏽‍🏫 Like & Follow my Facebook Page➡️ Subscribe to my YouTube Channel 🫶🏽 Send some GOOD VIBEZStay Encouraged, my Friend - Have a Sparkling Day!
What It Takes to Achieve Financial Freedom, with Valincia Bennett.
What It Takes to Achieve Financial Freedom, with Valincia Bennett.
Text Me, I'd LOVE to hear from YOU!In this episode, my guest Valincia Bennett, Business Coach for Coaches, shares her journey of achieving financial independence before the age of 30, detailing her transition from a corporate career to full-time entrepreneurship.3 Highlights:Inspiring Journey to Financial Freedom: Valinciaesowcasing how she transitioned from feeling unfulfilled in her corporate role to realizing her entrepreneurial dreams. Strategic Financial Approach: Valincia emphasizes the importance of strategic financial planning and disciplined investing. Empowerment Through Coaching: Valincia empowers coaches to streamline their systems and strategies, enabling them to achieve consistent 5-figure months in their coaching businesses. _______________Meet Valincia, the trailblazing business enthusiast who took a bold leap into the dynamic world of entrepreneurship. Armed with a BS in Psychology and an MBA, she effortlessly intertwines a profound understanding of human behavior with a flair for business innovation.At 30, backed by a 7-figure portfolio of investments, businesses, and savings, Valincia bid farewell to corporate constraints.Now, this seasoned entrepreneur and business coach brings a unique blend of corporate expertise, personal experiences, and the wisdom earned from overcoming hurdles.Ready to turn your entrepreneurial dreams into reality? Valincia is here to guide you through the journey with wisdom, wit, and a touch of rebel spirit.🔗 Connect with Valincia:LinkedInWebsite YouTubeHeya Friend! I'd LOVE to hear from you RIGHT NOW! YES! If you're listening on your phone, TEXT ME from the link at the beginning of the episode description.I can't WAIT to hear from you. - CJ💜__________Crush Goals, Master Time & Stay Consistent with the Side Hustler's Quarterly Guide! It's the ultimate resource designed to simplify your business planning on a quarterly basis. Discover a guide that's dedicated to helping you set rock-solid goals, improve time management, and maintain consistency in your side hustle. Let's turn your aspirations into accomplishments, together! Click here to grab your copy TODAY!_________ LET’S CONNECT! 🤝🏽🌐 Visit my Website🙌🏽 Book a 15-min ✨VIBE Check✨💬 Slide in my DM's on Instagram👥 Let's be friends on LinkedIn👩🏽‍🏫 Like & Follow my Facebook Page➡️ Subscribe to my YouTube Channel 🫶🏽 Send some GOOD VIBEZStay Encouraged, my Friend - Have a Sparkling Day!
Top 3 Easiest Side Hustles for Busy 9to5 Womxn in 2024.
Top 3 Easiest Side Hustles for Busy 9to5 Womxn in 2024.
Text Me, I'd LOVE to hear from YOU!I'm thrilled to share some game-changing insights with you on today's episode of the Side Hustle Growth Podcast. If you're a busy 9to5 woman looking to boost your income without adding more stress to your plate, you're in the right place. Building on our previous discussions, I'm here to unveil three lucrative side hustle opportunities tailored just for you.Highlights:Let's uncover simple strategies together to effortlessly boost your income.Dive into unconventional ways to earn extra cash on your own terms.I reveal the secrets to side hustle success and achieving financial freedom.Heya Friend! I'd LOVE to hear from you RIGHT NOW! YES! If you're listening on your phone, TEXT ME from the link at the beginning of the episode description.I can't WAIT to hear from you. - CJ💜__________Crush Goals, Master Time & Stay Consistent with the Side Hustler's Quarterly Guide! It's the ultimate resource designed to simplify your business planning on a quarterly basis. Discover a guide that's dedicated to helping you set rock-solid goals, improve time management, and maintain consistency in your side hustle. Let's turn your aspirations into accomplishments, together! Click here to grab your copy TODAY!_________ LET’S CONNECT! 🤝🏽🌐 Visit my Website🙌🏽 Book a 15-min ✨VIBE Check✨💬 Slide in my DM's on Instagram👥 Let's be friends on LinkedIn👩🏽‍🏫 Like & Follow my Facebook Page➡️ Subscribe to my YouTube Channel 🫶🏽 Send some GOOD VIBEZStay Encouraged, my Friend - Have a Sparkling Day!
Aligning Purpose with Passion in Your Side Hustle Journey, with Erica Hand.
Aligning Purpose with Passion in Your Side Hustle Journey, with Erica Hand.
Text Me, I'd LOVE to hear from YOU!Erica Hand, a family nurse practitioner turned business owner shares her story of overcoming challenges, aligning purpose with passion, and navigating the transition from a 9to5 to full-time entrepreneurship. Get ready for valuable insights and actionable tips to ignite your own side hustle journey.Here are highlights:~ Learn how challenges shaped Erica's decision to transition from a secure job to becoming a thriving entrepreneur.~ Gain insights into the knowledge gap, learning curves, and the importance of strategic planning when venturing into the unknown.~ Discover how finding fulfillment beyond financial gains, such as impacting lives, fuels the motivation to overcome obstacles.______________Erica Hand holds a bachelor’s degree in food, nutrition, and exercise science as well as a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree in Nursing. She is a dual certified family and psychiatric nurse practitioner. She owns Welliti (Well-ah-tee) a holistic psychiatric clinic. She is also helps other practitioners start and grow their medical practices.Connect with Erica on LinkedInHeya Friend! I'd LOVE to hear from you RIGHT NOW! YES! If you're listening on your phone, TEXT ME from the link at the beginning of the episode description.I can't WAIT to hear from you. - CJ💜__________Crush Goals, Master Time & Stay Consistent with the Side Hustler's Quarterly Guide! It's the ultimate resource designed to simplify your business planning on a quarterly basis. Discover a guide that's dedicated to helping you set rock-solid goals, improve time management, and maintain consistency in your side hustle. Let's turn your aspirations into accomplishments, together! Click here to grab your copy TODAY!_________ LET’S CONNECT! 🤝🏽🌐 Visit my Website🙌🏽 Book a 15-min ✨VIBE Check✨💬 Slide in my DM's on Instagram👥 Let's be friends on LinkedIn👩🏽‍🏫 Like & Follow my Facebook Page➡️ Subscribe to my YouTube Channel 🫶🏽 Send some GOOD VIBEZStay Encouraged, my Friend - Have a Sparkling Day!
Addressing Why 9to5 Women Hesitate About Starting a Side Hustle.
Addressing Why 9to5 Women Hesitate About Starting a Side Hustle.
Text Me, I'd LOVE to hear from YOU!Join us on Side Hustle GROWTH as we uncover why many 9to5 women hesitate to dive into their own side hustle ventures. From redefining what a side hustle truly entails to exploring the perspectives of content 9to5ers, we'll delve into the common obstacles and mindsets holding back entrepreneurial dreams. Stay tuned for valuable insights and mindset shifts that could change your perspective on earning extra income!Highlights:Redefining Side Hustles: Discover what a side hustle truly means and how it doesn't have to be a full-fledged business, opening up new opportunities for earning extra income.Insights from 9to5ers: Hear firsthand from individuals content with their 9to5 jobs as they share their perspectives and obstacles when considering side hustles.Changing Perspectives: Explore mindset shifts and perspectives that could reshape your views on side hustles, even if entrepreneurship isn't in your immediate plans. Don't miss out on easy, low-effort side hustle ideas coming up in our next episode!Heya Friend! I'd LOVE to hear from you RIGHT NOW! YES! If you're listening on your phone, TEXT ME from the link at the beginning of the episode description.I can't WAIT to hear from you. - CJ💜__________Crush Goals, Master Time & Stay Consistent with the Side Hustler's Quarterly Guide! It's the ultimate resource designed to simplify your business planning on a quarterly basis. Discover a guide that's dedicated to helping you set rock-solid goals, improve time management, and maintain consistency in your side hustle. Let's turn your aspirations into accomplishments, together! Click here to grab your copy TODAY!_________ LET’S CONNECT! 🤝🏽🌐 Visit my Website🙌🏽 Book a 15-min ✨VIBE Check✨💬 Slide in my DM's on Instagram👥 Let's be friends on LinkedIn👩🏽‍🏫 Like & Follow my Facebook Page➡️ Subscribe to my YouTube Channel 🫶🏽 Send some GOOD VIBEZStay Encouraged, my Friend - Have a Sparkling Day!
Increasing Sales through Proper Lead Generation, with Krystal Vernee'.
Increasing Sales through Proper Lead Generation, with Krystal Vernee'.
Text Me, I'd LOVE to hear from YOU!Get ready for some serious wisdom as I chat with the amazing Krystal Vernee', Business Coach & Brand Strategist. We're breaking down the lead generation game.Here are 3 highlights:Krystal breaks down the easiest method to improve your lead generation. Krystal shares the pitfalls to dodge, so you don't waste time and effort on the wrong moves.Krystal's got the KEY to converting those leads into paying customers. _______Krystal Vernee’ is a serial womenpreneur, author, speaker, business coach and brand strategist. She owns Divas & Dolls Fitness, a pole and sensual dance studio; Cirque Sensual, a sensual aerial dance brand; Simply SHE, a coaching and consulting firm and Krystal Vernee’ is her personal brand. An engineer by trade, Krystal knew that entrepreneurship was the ultimate goal early in her professional career. With over 20 years of experience in the entrepreneurship space, she has always been passionate about empowering women, creating a safe space for them to unapologetically be themselves and providing the support they need to transform their passion into profits. Krystal encourages others to tap into her zone of genius through her signature coaching program, podcast and tv show: The Brand BuildHER BlueprintTM. She teaches entrepreneurs how to monetize their expertise and create multiple streams of income so that they can build a profitable and sustainable business.Connect with Krystal:Instagram Facebook LinkedInResourcesHeya Friend! I'd LOVE to hear from you RIGHT NOW! YES! If you're listening on your phone, TEXT ME from the link at the beginning of the episode description.I can't WAIT to hear from you. - CJ💜__________Crush Goals, Master Time & Stay Consistent with the Side Hustler's Quarterly Guide! It's the ultimate resource designed to simplify your business planning on a quarterly basis. Discover a guide that's dedicated to helping you set rock-solid goals, improve time management, and maintain consistency in your side hustle. Let's turn your aspirations into accomplishments, together! Click here to grab your copy TODAY!_________ LET’S CONNECT! 🤝🏽🌐 Visit my Website🙌🏽 Book a 15-min ✨VIBE Check✨💬 Slide in my DM's on Instagram👥 Let's be friends on LinkedIn👩🏽‍🏫 Like & Follow my Facebook Page➡️ Subscribe to my YouTube Channel 🫶🏽 Send some GOOD VIBEZStay Encouraged, my Friend - Have a Sparkling Day!
In My Business: How I Leveraged my Transferable 9to5 Skills for Entrepreneurial Success.
In My Business: How I Leveraged my Transferable 9to5 Skills for Entrepreneurial Success.
Text Me, I'd LOVE to hear from YOU!In the first IN MY BUSINESS Episode for 2024, I am sharing invaluable insights drawn from my personal experiences at my 9to5. Tune in for practical tips and real-world strategies that have fuelled my own entrepreneurial success and get ready to redefine your 9to5 experience!Highlights:How I mastered the art of  leadership through into navigating difficult conversationsGet into the secrets of effective communication by understanding different styles, with my personal insights to help you improve your business interactions and build stronger connections in your entrepreneurial journey. Gain strategic networking tips gained my experiences at company events. Learn how to turn casual connections into meaningful collaborations that amplify your side hustle growth.Heya Friend! I'd LOVE to hear from you RIGHT NOW! YES! If you're listening on your phone, TEXT ME from the link at the beginning of the episode description.I can't WAIT to hear from you. - CJ💜__________Crush Goals, Master Time & Stay Consistent with the Side Hustler's Quarterly Guide! It's the ultimate resource designed to simplify your business planning on a quarterly basis. Discover a guide that's dedicated to helping you set rock-solid goals, improve time management, and maintain consistency in your side hustle. Let's turn your aspirations into accomplishments, together! Click here to grab your copy TODAY!_________ LET’S CONNECT! 🤝🏽🌐 Visit my Website🙌🏽 Book a 15-min ✨VIBE Check✨💬 Slide in my DM's on Instagram👥 Let's be friends on LinkedIn👩🏽‍🏫 Like & Follow my Facebook Page➡️ Subscribe to my YouTube Channel 🫶🏽 Send some GOOD VIBEZStay Encouraged, my Friend - Have a Sparkling Day!
Navigating “The Double Life” of 9to5 and Side Hustle, with Saundi Harrison-Cooksey.
Navigating “The Double Life” of 9to5 and Side Hustle, with Saundi Harrison-Cooksey.
Text Me, I'd LOVE to hear from YOU!In the latest episode, I'm joined by the amazing Saundi Harrison-Cooksey, Voice Actor. We're getting into how to handle the chaos of juggling your 9to5 with building your dream hustle.Here are some reasons to tune in:Saundi shares on how to boss up your time, manage those long hours, and set office hours for your side gig.  We chat about setting boundaries, nailing your exit strategy finances, and keeping your sanity intact.We break down what it takes to ace the juggling act between your 9to5 and passion project._______________Saundi is a professional Full time Voice Actor and owner of MyVoiceWorks Management. Saundi has always had a desire of pursuing Voice Acting since childhood but she followed the traditional path of getting an Education, World of Work and being a productive citizen. She found her self feeling unfilled and exhausted in the Corporate World Rat race over the years. As she journeyed thru several jobs in various industries from Retail, Social Worker, to TV Researcher to IT Project Manager she alwyas held down a full time job in Corporate America AND some sort of side job - yes not Hustle because she wasn't working towards her passion and purpose.  In 2020 Saundi left corporate America and started VO full time and she has been thriving ever since. She also continues to learn, grow in her industry and keep up with changing trends. She loves helping and sharing with anyone especially creatives, establish their business and plan their goals. Saundi lives in Atlanta with her awesome husband, her built her professional home studio that she works out of daily. She is finally her SHEO - she sets her own hours, is her own boss, and is READY to RECORD your message. Saundi is passionate about Voice Acting and is grateful that she can use her voice to CONNECT, SERVE, ENGAGE and INFORM.Connect with Saundi:Instagram @voiceofsaundi LinkedInHeya Friend! I'd LOVE to hear from you RIGHT NOW! YES! If you're listening on your phone, TEXT ME from the link at the beginning of the episode description.I can't WAIT to hear from you. - CJ💜__________Crush Goals, Master Time & Stay Consistent with the Side Hustler's Quarterly Guide! It's the ultimate resource designed to simplify your business planning on a quarterly basis. Discover a guide that's dedicated to helping you set rock-solid goals, improve time management, and maintain consistency in your side hustle. Let's turn your aspirations into accomplishments, together! Click here to grab your copy TODAY!_________ LET’S CONNECT! 🤝🏽🌐 Visit my Website🙌🏽 Book a 15-min ✨VIBE Check✨💬 Slide in my DM's on Instagram👥 Let's be friends on LinkedIn👩🏽‍🏫 Like & Follow my Facebook Page➡️ Subscribe to my YouTube Channel 🫶🏽 Send some GOOD VIBEZStay Encouraged, my Friend - Have a Sparkling Day!
2024 Side Hustle Startup Guide for Success.
2024 Side Hustle Startup Guide for Success.
Text Me, I'd LOVE to hear from YOU!This episode is ALL about the essentials of starting a side hustle in 2024. HERE ARE 3 HIGHLIGHTSDiscover how to turn your idea into a clear, valuable side hustle. We'll get specific about your business, identify your ideal audience, and show up where it matters most.Learn the best times to connect with your audience, create urgency, and take control of your time and create a unique customer experience that keeps them coming back.Dive into creating a brand that resonates and a simple, effective marketing strategy. No more posting and praying in 2024!Heya Friend! I'd LOVE to hear from you RIGHT NOW! YES! If you're listening on your phone, TEXT ME from the link at the beginning of the episode description.I can't WAIT to hear from you. - CJ💜__________Crush Goals, Master Time & Stay Consistent with the Side Hustler's Quarterly Guide! It's the ultimate resource designed to simplify your business planning on a quarterly basis. Discover a guide that's dedicated to helping you set rock-solid goals, improve time management, and maintain consistency in your side hustle. Let's turn your aspirations into accomplishments, together! Click here to grab your copy TODAY!_________ LET’S CONNECT! 🤝🏽🌐 Visit my Website🙌🏽 Book a 15-min ✨VIBE Check✨💬 Slide in my DM's on Instagram👥 Let's be friends on LinkedIn👩🏽‍🏫 Like & Follow my Facebook Page➡️ Subscribe to my YouTube Channel 🫶🏽 Send some GOOD VIBEZStay Encouraged, my Friend - Have a Sparkling Day!
Building the Confidence to Leap from 9to5 into Entrepreneurship, with Candice Dorsey.
Building the Confidence to Leap from 9to5 into Entrepreneurship, with Candice Dorsey.
Text Me, I'd LOVE to hear from YOU!In this episode, I sit down with the phenomenal Candice Dorsey, host of the Hello CS Dorsey Podcast, and we unravel the secrets to building the confidence needed to transition from a 9to5 to the thrilling world of Entrepreneurship.Here are the highlights:We tackle the all-too-common challenge of overcoming self-doubt and head trash.Candice shares insights on who should be part of this pivotal journey.We dive into the essential steps to identify when it's the right moment to take the leap. ______Candice is a lover of all things business, Disney, and Cat videos. She recently left her soul-sucking corporate job, but it was not easy. With planning, saving, and lots of prayer her dreams of leaving after 18 years finally came true. Now Candice off on a quest to coach others in there business and life so they can truly enjoy time and freedom.Check out her PODCAST: Friend! I'd LOVE to hear from you RIGHT NOW! YES! If you're listening on your phone, TEXT ME from the link at the beginning of the episode description.I can't WAIT to hear from you. - CJ💜__________Crush Goals, Master Time & Stay Consistent with the Side Hustler's Quarterly Guide! It's the ultimate resource designed to simplify your business planning on a quarterly basis. Discover a guide that's dedicated to helping you set rock-solid goals, improve time management, and maintain consistency in your side hustle. Let's turn your aspirations into accomplishments, together! Click here to grab your copy TODAY!_________ LET’S CONNECT! 🤝🏽🌐 Visit my Website🙌🏽 Book a 15-min ✨VIBE Check✨💬 Slide in my DM's on Instagram👥 Let's be friends on LinkedIn👩🏽‍🏫 Like & Follow my Facebook Page➡️ Subscribe to my YouTube Channel 🫶🏽 Send some GOOD VIBEZStay Encouraged, my Friend - Have a Sparkling Day!
Empowering Your Path to Career Ownership, with Tonya Montella.
Empowering Your Path to Career Ownership, with Tonya Montella.
Text Me, I'd LOVE to hear from YOU!Join me and the incredible Tonya Montella, Women's Career Coach, in this electrifying episode where we unravel the profound impact of taking ownership of your Career.Here are the highlights:Discover what this empowering concept truly meansExplore the telltale signs that indicate it's time to elevate your career.Uncover actionable strategies to build the self-assurance needed to navigate uncharted territories.____________Tonya Montella is the CEO of Tonya Empowers LLC. She provides career coaching services to women, helping them to gain clarity on what they want in their careers, and the confidence to go get it! She is also a podcaster, mother, self-published author, and senior leader in her 9-5 role.Join the Corporate Mavens community hereHeya Friend! I'd LOVE to hear from you RIGHT NOW! YES! If you're listening on your phone, TEXT ME from the link at the beginning of the episode description.I can't WAIT to hear from you. - CJ💜__________Crush Goals, Master Time & Stay Consistent with the Side Hustler's Quarterly Guide! It's the ultimate resource designed to simplify your business planning on a quarterly basis. Discover a guide that's dedicated to helping you set rock-solid goals, improve time management, and maintain consistency in your side hustle. Let's turn your aspirations into accomplishments, together! Click here to grab your copy TODAY!_________ LET’S CONNECT! 🤝🏽🌐 Visit my Website🙌🏽 Book a 15-min ✨VIBE Check✨💬 Slide in my DM's on Instagram👥 Let's be friends on LinkedIn👩🏽‍🏫 Like & Follow my Facebook Page➡️ Subscribe to my YouTube Channel 🫶🏽 Send some GOOD VIBEZStay Encouraged, my Friend - Have a Sparkling Day!