Religion in Combat

Broken and Unreadable Podcast

20-07-2022 • 1 hr 15 mins

Religion in combat with special guest Adam Mathes.  Adam was an infantry platoon commander in Fallujah and then in Haditha, where he was surely tested by the enemy as well as others.  Adam left the Marine Corps and became a Navy Chaplain where he served Marines and others on a higher level.  After all that, Adam has yet again reclaimed the uniform of a United States Marine as he now serves in the Marine Corps once again.

Religion in combat is such a deep and power topic.  It stays with you for live and could be the topic that gets you through your next days while war as well as in peace.

Please enjoy and be patient as this was the first episode with a remote guest.  I have learned how to edit the audio and video since our first podcast on Memorial Day.  It has been a great pleasure and I will continue to get better (Tim)

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