Welcome to the Jubilee Plus Podcast!

Jubilee Plus

18-10-2022 • 12 mins

A few months before the pandemic, Jubilee+ published a booklet called A Deepening Crisis? Though we had a strong prophetic sense that life was about to become even harder for those in poverty, we couldn’t foresee what would cause this to happen.

In the three years since then, the landscape of poverty in our nation has changed dramatically. Our social justice activities have had to adapt, sometimes repeatedly, in light of the pandemic, and now many in our communities are facing the devastating impact of the cost of living crisis.

It sounds bleak, but we are not without hope. We’re expectant for a fresh move of God’s power at work across the UK, bringing mercy and justice into the very DNA of our churches, raising leaders from all backgrounds, and sparking seeds of revival.

We believe our time together at our 12th Churches that Change Communities conference will be really significant, as we gather leaders and activists to be renewed afresh for the challenges ahead. The day will include worship, teaching and ministry, and our prayer is that you will leave envisioned, equipped and encouraged.

Book onto at the conference here.

Here on the Jubilee Plus Podcast Abi Thomas will be bringing you bonus material from the conference from some of the incredible teachers and activists. Our first full episode will be available on the 12th November. If you are in Milton Keynes, why not say hello!


Living in the shadow (feat. Samu'el)

from Let Him Reign by Owen O'Brien

Used with permission and with our thanks!