Moment of Meditation: Filled with Violence (Genesis 6:11)

Wrestling with Theology

09-08-2022 • 1 min

Now the earth was corrupt in God's sight, and the earth was filled with violence. (Genesis 6:11)

The Flood is a wonderful foreshadowing of the final judgment. We look out at the world today, and we think that the earth is full of violence. That it cannot get any worse than it is now. Every generation says the same thing. Every generation so far has been wrong. The world continues to be filled with violence. And the violence only escalates with every generation.

Sin creates violence, whether it is Adam and Eve’s blame game in Genesis 3 or Cain’s striking down of Abel in Genesis 4. As long as the world is filled with sin, the world will be filled with violence. As man continues to explore sin’s depths, the depths of violence deepens.

The violent seek to take the kingdom of Heaven by force (Matthew 11:12). However, Jesus uses the worst of the world’s violence to bring salvation through the cross of Calvary. Amen.