Moment of Meditation: Noah Found Favor (Genesis 6:8)

Wrestling with Theology

12-07-2022 • 49 seconds

But Noah found favor in the eyes of the LORD. (Genesis 6:8)

Having the LORD’s favor is truly a gift from God. You haven’t earned it. You don’t deserve it. It is a gift, pure and simple.

So it was with Noah. Moses calls Noah a righteous man in the next verse, but what is he being compared to? The absolute darkness of sin. The absolute darkness of life without Christ, the Light of the world.

God’s favor is His overlooking of your ignorance of His will and Word. Graciously forgiving your sins so that He may use you as His instrument to do His will. He did it with Noah, Abraham, David, Paul, and many, many others throughout history. All of them found favor because God forgave their sins. Amen.