Awake In Relationship

Silas Rose

Awake In Relationship podcast explores the art of intimacy and connection in a time of great change. Featuring long form interviews with thought leaders on the frontiers of personal growth, spirituality and change making, AIR’s mission is to help you create more conscious relationships and community in the offline world.

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Spiritual warriorship in a world on the edge of war with Susan Gillis Chapman
Spiritual warriorship in a world on the edge of war with Susan Gillis Chapman
063 When war and rumours of war are everywhere in the news how we personally relate to uncertainty and show up for others matters more than ever. The temptation to harden our hearts and join the chorus of polarizing voices is difficult to resist. However, it doesn’t matter what side of a conflict we identify with or the opinions we hold. Toxic certainty, hatred and fear are contagious and the real enemies of peace. Spiritual warriorship has existed in eastern and western traditions for thousands of years to show the way of bravery. In times of crisis the spiritual warrior rises above aggression and looks within to transform a fearful mind in the cradle of compassion.In this episode of Awake In Relationship I speak with returning guest Susan Gillis Chapman, Buddhist teacher and author of The 5 Keys of Mindful Communication and a new book, Which Way Is Up?: Finding Heart in the Hardest of Times, due to be published in June 2024. In this conversation we discuss the transformative power of compassion and qualities of a modern spiritual warrior living in times of great change  and fear. We also discuss contemplative practices for invoking the heart of bravery and leading with love.Follow Awake In Relationship on Instagram and LinkedinIf you have been loving what you are hearing on AIR  please rate, review and subscribe to get the latest content fresh to your device.  Sign up for our newsletter at to learn about upcoming programs and events.Do you have suggestions for guests or feedback on the show?  Send us an email at
Micro dosing & psychedelic therapy for evolving your relationships with Jim Kragtwyk
Micro dosing & psychedelic therapy for evolving your relationships with Jim Kragtwyk
062 From Silicone Valley tech bros to stressed out single moms, many people are proclaiming the therapeutic virtues of micro dosing for enhancing creativity and mental health. Micro dosing involves the consumption of a sub perceptual, fractional quantity of psilocybin or LSD, typically 1/5th to 1/20th of a recreational dose. Once vilified, interest in psychedelics and psychedelic therapy has exploded in recent years leading to a number of high profile FDA approved drug trials for treatment resistant depression, anxiety and addictions.In a time when an epidemic of loneliness and despair is spreading like wildfire could micro dosing help nudge our perceptual reality towards a more hopeful future and richer relationships? In this episode of Awake In Relationship I speak with returning guest Jim Kragtwyk, a registered clinical counsellor and educator who specializes in psychedelic integration work. In this discussion we talk about the current research and possible psycho-social and emotional benefits of micro dosing for overcoming self imposed barriers to deeper creativity, growth and relationships.Follow Awake In Relationship on Instagram and LinkedinIf you have been loving what you are hearing on AIR  please rate, review and subscribe to get the latest content fresh to your device.  Sign up for our newsletter at to learn about upcoming programs and events.Do you have suggestions for guests or feedback on the show?  Send us an email at
Powerful questions for illuminating the hidden spaces of love with Topaz Adizes
Powerful questions for illuminating the hidden spaces of love with Topaz Adizes
061 The modern world is filled with connectivity, yet for so many people the need for authentic connection goes unmet. Even in a long term relationship we can hide our vulnerability and true desires, sometimes for decades. When we avoid having the important and risky conversations with the people we love we miss a precious opportunity for deeper intimacy and healing old wounds. The questions we ask have the power to illuminate and transform any relationship for the better.In this episode of Awake In Relationship I speak with Topaz Adizes, an Emmy Award-winning director, experience design architect and author of 12 Questions For Love: A Guide to Intimate Conversations and Deeper Relationships. Since 2014 Topaz has been documenting intimate conversations in an celebrated series called THE AND, which has been viewed by millions of people online.  In this chat we talk about the nature of love, the modern hunger for intimacy and how to hold space for conversations that matter. We also discuss how the questions we ask can help us see loved ones in a new light.Follow Awake In Relationship on Instagram and LinkedinIf you have been loving what you are hearing on AIR  please rate, review and subscribe to get the latest content fresh to your device.  Sign up for our newsletter at to learn about upcoming programs and events.Do you have suggestions for guests or feedback on the show?  Send us an email at
REWIND Authentic Relating: Revealing your truth on the first date with Ryel Kestano
REWIND Authentic Relating: Revealing your truth on the first date with Ryel Kestano
058 If your New Year's resolutions include improving your social fitness this holiday replay is for you!The promise of online social platforms was access to an infinite pool of new friends and possible mates.  However, rather than making the search for love easier, the apps have trained our brains to select connections  based on the shallowest metrics. For anyone with a heartfelt desire to find love the daily grind of swiping left and right can feel soul destroying. Authenticity and real intimacy requires letting go of our curated online personas and masks to reveal the truth of our inner experience at every stage of relationship.In this episode of Awake In Relationship I speak to the cofounder and lead coach of Authentic Relating Training International Ryel Kestano about using the tools and practice of Authentic Relating in the murky realms of dating. We also discuss the role of curiosity and following the thread of aliveness in conversations to quickly build trust and connection on the first date. Follow Awake In Relationship on Instagram and LinkedinIf you have been loving what you are hearing on AIR  please rate, review and subscribe to get the latest content fresh to your device.  Sign up for our newsletter at to learn about upcoming programs and events.Do you have suggestions for guests or feedback on the show?  Send us an email at or better yet, fill out a brief audience survey
Getting to the roots of ecological anxiety with David Segal
Getting to the roots of ecological anxiety with David Segal
057 Ecological anxiety a is new diagnostic label describing a complex of physical and emotional symptoms related to existential dread and despair around the state of the environment. Extreme weather events like wild fires, floods and hurricanes in combination with politicians slow walking meaningful change is causing many, especially young people to give up on a hopeful vision for the future.In this episode of Awake In Relationship I speak with returning guest David Segal, therapist and co founder of Human Nature Counselling, a not for profit society with a mission to provide accessible nature based therapy for youth and adults. This conversation explores some of the unique challenges we face as humans living through the Climate crisis and identifies common physical and emotional symptoms of ecological anxiety and grief. We also discuss proactive ways for processing the collective trauma of the climate crisis and finding the will to take action in community and our innate connection to the natural world.Follow Awake In Relationship on Instagram and LinkedinIf you have been loving what you are hearing on AIR  please rate, review and subscribe to get the latest content fresh to your device.  Sign up for our newsletter at to learn about upcoming programs and events.Do you have suggestions for guests or feedback on the show?  Send us an email at or better yet, fill out a brief audience survey
Heart centred business and healing your relationship to money with Mark Silver
Heart centred business and healing your relationship to money with Mark Silver
055 There are few things in life more ephemeral than money. Those who seek an enduring happiness and freedom through a path of awakening often find themselves rich in spirit, but constantly struggling to keep the lights on, literally. This is especially true for creators, social entrepreneurs and heart based business owners who lead with their values. Survival and success requires that we first go through the fire of reconciling our relationship with money. Rather than being the root of all evil, money can be a natural expression of the inherent richness at the core of the human spirit, even in an unjust economic system. In this episode of Awake In Relationships I speak with Mark Silver, business mentor and author of Heart centred business: Healing from a toxic business culture so your small business can thrive about the possibilities that arise when we put love and our deepest values at the center of our work and business. We also discuss some of the unconscious blocks that prevent spiritual entrepreneurs from achieving financial growth and how to re-align our heart with the income and the impact in the world we desire.Follow Awake In Relationship on Instagram and LinkedinIf you have been loving what you are hearing on AIR  please rate, review and subscribe to get the latest content fresh to your device.  Sign up for our newsletter at to learn about upcoming programs and events.Do you have suggestions for guests or feedback on the show?  Send us an email at or better yet, fill out a brief audience survey
Original Sin: The split between sex and spirit with Indrus Piche
Original Sin: The split between sex and spirit with Indrus Piche
054 The struggle to reconcile the better angels of our nature with powerful, earthly desires of the flesh is familiar to anyone on a spiritual path. Historically vilified and repressed by religious intuitions and the state, our sexual energy often hides in the shadows. Unexamined, it remains as a juvenile object of fascination or worse, a corrupting influence to avoid at all costs.The sexual revolution cast off centuries of rigid norms around sex, yet half a century later instead of liberation we have fallen into what many experts have called a ‘sex recession’, especially among young adults. A legacy of trauma, internalized shame and fear around sex endures and has blocked many from experiencing the full potential of their sexuality for connection, creativity and transcendence.In the episode of Awake In Relationship I speak with Indus Piche, transpersonal therapist and sacred sexuality teacher, about healing the  hidden religious and cultural blocks to sexual expression and freedom. We also discuss practical steps to reclaiming our sexual energy as a source of empowerment in daily life and spiritual growth.Follow Awake In Relationship on Instagram and LinkedinIf you have been loving what you are hearing on AIR  please rate, review and subscribe to get the latest content fresh to your device.  Sign up for our newsletter at to learn about upcoming programs and events.Do you have suggestions for guests or feedback on the show?  Send us an email at or better yet, fill out a brief audience survey
Conscious dance, compersion and the music that moves us with Shauna Devlin
Conscious dance, compersion and the music that moves us with Shauna Devlin
053  Since time immemorial humans have danced in tribal and shamanic ceremonies for healing and social harmony.  The rhythmic beat of a djembe or a subwoofer connects us with the internal rhythm of the heart and entrains us with others. When we move together we co regulate our nervous systems in times of high stress. All over the planet the phenomena of ecstatic dance is breaking down barriers to connection and building diverse communities. In a time of great uncertainty dance is the perfect medicine for casting off fear and reconnecting to joy.In this instalment of Awake In Relationship I speak with Shauna Devlin, the founder of Dance Your Ability, a Not for Profit organization that is bringing conscious dance to marginalized populations including elders and the differently abled. Shauna trained in 5 Rhythms with Gabrielle Roth and has rocked dance floors for over 20 years. In this conversation we explore the many facets and forms of conscious dance from the perspective of a seasoned facilitator and DJ.  We also discuss the power of music and moving together for healing old wounds and how to make dance medicine more accessible to those who need it most.Follow Awake In Relationship on Instagram and LinkedinIf you have been loving what you are hearing on AIR  please rate, review and subscribe to get the latest content fresh to your device.  Sign up for our newsletter at to learn about upcoming programs and events.Do you have suggestions for guests or feedback on the show?  Send us an email at or better yet, fill out a brief audience survey
Awakening to the Shadow on the spiritual path with Dr. Connie Zweig
Awakening to the Shadow on the spiritual path with Dr. Connie Zweig
052 For decades people have been leaving traditional religious institutions in droves to pursuit a more direct path to enlightenment through eastern practices like meditation and yoga.  In this lonely world it can be intoxicating to find a community that feels like home and provides a sense of safety and support to explore your spiritual longing in depth. If you are fortunate enough to connect with a teacher or mentor it might even feel like destiny calling.In many traditions the teacher/student relationship is considered sacred because unlike other worldly relationships an authentic spiritual teacher can see through our BS and offer a glimpse into the ultimate view, our true nature beyond dualistic thought and ego clinging.  However, the highest bliss of devotion also contains the possibility of a poison pill that neither student or teacher are prepared to swallow.Great realization doesn’t necessarily mean great emotional intelligence or the absence of the shadow. The shadow is a Jungian term for the unconscious mind where we store our deepest family secrets, repressed emotions, unmet desires, and also our unexpressed potential.  We only become aware of the shadow when it is activated in intimate relationships that involve power, sex and money.What is a spiritual path for if not to bring to the light the most hidden aspects of ourselves? Yet so many spiritual communities are blindsided when allegations of clergy abuse surface. In this episode of Awake In Relationship I speak with Dr. Connie Zweig, author of Meeting the Shadow on the Spiritual Path: The dance of darkness and light in our search for awakening, about the archetypal quest for transcendence and the inevitable disillusionment that results when divinity mixes with human fallibility.  We also discuss some of the lessons learned from patterns of misconduct in the west and how recover trust in the teacher student dynamic and joy on the path of awakening through shadow work.Follow Awake In Relationship on Instagram and LinkedinIf you have been loving what you are hearing on AIR  please rate, review and subscribe to get the latest content fresh to your device.  Sign up for our newsletter at to learn about upcoming programs and events.Do you have suggestions for guests or feedback on the show?  Send us an email at or better yet, fill out a brief audience survey
Searching for truth and the middle way in a post truth world with Susan Gillis Chapman
Searching for truth and the middle way in a post truth world with Susan Gillis Chapman
048  Just like the natural world the information ecosystem we rely on daily for important news and meaning making is under threat. The internet was supposed to democratize access to human knowledge and wisdom, Instead, once trusted gatekeepers of information and moral authorities have been replaced by millions of self appointed experts, online content creators and bots.  This has led to a proliferation of low quality information, propaganda, and sometimes bold faced lies. The truth is harder than ever to find and verify. Without shared truths the  consensus reality we occupy falls prey to the proclamations of those with the biggest platform or loudest voice. In this episode of Awake In Relationship I speak with returning guest Buddhist author and teacher Susan Gillis Chapman about the search for truth and meaning in a time when many of the stable ontological reference points of daily life are dissolving. In this discussion we explore the loss of knowledge keepers and the possibility of an experiential truth arising from contemplative disciplines like self inquiry, debate and mindfulness meditation.  We also talk about overcoming toxic certainty and how to create safe spaces for important conversations that restore a sense of shared truths. Follow Awake In Relationship on Substack,  Instagram and LinkedinIf you have been loving what you are hearing on AIR  please rate, review and subscribe to get the latest content fresh to your device.  Sign up for our newsletter at to learn about upcoming programs and events.Do you have suggestions for guests or feedback on the show?  Send us an email at or better yet, fill out a brief audience survey
The state of boys and men outside the 'man box' with David Jurasek
The state of boys and men outside the 'man box' with David Jurasek
047 The man box is a sociological term coined in the 1980s describing a rigid set of behaviours boys are expected to conform to become ‘real men’ in society, including aggression, dominance, mental and physical toughness, self sufficiency and emotional restraint. Dismantling this old map of masculinity has been important for moving closer to gender equality.  However, the absence of a clear vision for a generative form of masculinity to replace the man box has resulted in a generation of men who are struggling to find purpose, direction and belonging in a rapidly changing world.In almost every metric of success including education, career advancement and earning potential men have fallen behind the opposite sex. In this conversation I speak with David Jurasek, psychotherapist and mens coach about the current state of boys and men and the often overlooked causes of antisocial male behaviour, under performance and inability to access emotional help. We also discuss ways conscious men can re-access the power latent in their biology and psyche in healthy ways that serve others and open to greater love and a sense of purpose.Follow Awake In Relationship on Instagram and LinkedinIf you have been loving what you are hearing on AIR  please rate, review and subscribe to get the latest content fresh to your device.  Sign up for our newsletter at to learn about upcoming programs and events.Do you have suggestions for guests or feedback on the show?  Send us an email at or better yet, fill out a brief audience survey