Jun 21 2024
Braden's High
Hey, howdy, and hello, and... welcome back! I hope it's true that distance makes the heart grow fonder, because I've been gone, gone for far too long! What can I say? It's been a whirlwind of a year with a new job, new dog, and the same old life curveballs. Trying to stay afloat in a fast-paced world is a lot, I'm not gonna lie.I guess you could say I could use a high as much as the next guy. And who better to provide it than my brother, Braden Sweeney? While being my brother is a high all on its own, in our conversation, he discusses how a program through his work called the Sunshine Committee brings light to employees and their family members struggling through hard times. It's high time we get back to the good stuff, so ready, steady, and... on with the show!This episode's HIGH-lights:If you have a loved one who needs skilled nursing facility-level care, it's important for you to know your rights.Ombudsman. It's a funny word! But it's an important one if you have a loved one in a care facility and need advocacy and support. The National Long Term Care Ombudsman Resource Center explains more about Ombudsmans and how to locate one nearest you.Was your appetite whetted for more info about how the ancient Pyramids of Gaza came to be? It's still a debated topic that you can learn more about at Britannica Online.Braden's Because It's Your Cause:Fair Haven Homes, located in Indianapolis, IN, provide patients and their families traveling from across the country for critical medical care with a home away from home while they battle life-threatening illnesses . To volunteer, donate, or support Fair Haven's mission, you can visit their website here. Want to share a time when you experienced a second-hand high? Then don't be shy! Sharing is caring.To have your story featured on the podcast, email secondhandhigh.ohmy@gmail.com. To show your support and keep the podcast moving onward and upward, you can leave a glowing review wherever you stream your podcasts. Also, please like, follow, and rate on social media!Facebook Instagram