Session 4: The Round Shaped Rocks Around The Ground

Theatre of the Mind Flayer

20-04-2022 • 1 hr 10 mins

Our Adventurers  take on some bullies and make some sexy new friends.

Follow us on Instagram: @theatreofthemindflayer

Contact us at:

Caleb Dowdall is 1/2 of our DM: @calebdowdall

Jacob Machin is also 1/2 of our DM: @jacob.ryan.machin

Bias Jor is played by Luke Sykes: @sykesluke13

Agenar is played by Danielle Butlin: @danielle.butlin

Etterath Wolf is played by Hercules Mayes: @theballadofherculesmayes

Safirith is played by Daelyn Lester-Serafini: @ daeyn_ls

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