236. Changing the Education Ecosystem with Byron Sanders

Learning Unboxed

Jun 17 2024 • 40 mins

The traditional educational ecosystem is not built to reflect kids’ lived experiences and development. It has almost arbitrary divisions: School, after school, and summer; school districts and nonprofits; test scores and behavior. Byron Sanders and Big Thought want to change that ecosystem.

Big Thought is a Dallas-based organization that creates youth programming, convenes other educational organizations, and consults on best practices. Through experiential learning, they provide kids from marginalized communities the opportunities they need to identify and pursue their passions, build 21st skills, and exercise their agency.

Byron explains everything in terms of an ecosystem: How direct youth feedback of programs eventually impacts systems change, how creating more opportunities for youth changes the way they interact with the current system, etc. How he talks about our field might just change the way you look at everything.

To learn more, visit: pastfoundation.org

We unbox:

  • How youth’s program feedback should inform advocacy for systems change
  • Why skills should supplement grades
  • Understanding the education as an ecosystem


Produced by NOVA Media