Lost in Twin Peaks

Joel Bocko

Lost in Twin Peaks is an in-depth episode guide to all three seasons and the film of the David Lynch/Mark Frost series Twin Peaks. There are no spoilers for upcoming episodes. The podcast will move through each TV episode a week at a time, with daily coverage of different aspects including production and historical context, storylines, mystery clues, statistics, and archive readings. In order to mark importamt anniversaries for season 3 and the film Fire Walk With Me, as of 2022 there is a gap after season 1 (which will eventually be filled by season 2). read less
TV & FilmTV & Film


S3 Pts. 17 & 18 Archive - How did I react?
S3 Pts. 17 & 18 Archive - How did I react?
Episode 46G Notes: Reading/clips from my previous work Please rate, review, and/or subscribe on Apple Podcasts to help promote this show! You can explore both public and patron episodes of this podcast here: https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/lost-in-twin-peaks.html Become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/lostinthemovies to listen to the entire series ahead of the public schedule and access my main monthly podcast as well. All upcoming Lost in Twin Peaks episodes are available immediately in a longer format for $1/month, along with a bonus monthly podcast on films and other topics; the $5/month tier also accesses exclusive ongoing Twin Peaks Conversations with other commentators as a monthly reward. Episode 0: Introducing the podcast (show format) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/introducing-the-podcast-show-format/id1588350903?i=1000537195013 Scroll down to the 46G section in the illustrated companion for this week's episodes at https://www.lostinthemovies.com/2023/12/lost-in-twin-peaks-46-season-3-parts-17.html - for links to the full pieces sampled below, as there is not enough room to link them all in the show notes 0:00 READINGS/CLIPS FROM MY OTHER WORK *** Weekly Viewing Diary 2017 *** Guest on Beyond the Filter podcast (7:35) *** Guest on the Discourse Collective podcast (12:32) *** Wonders in the Dark TV Countdown essay (15:59) *** Conversation w/ Lindsay Stamhuis, pt. 1 & pt. 2 (19:32) *** Essay drawing comparisons to Fire Walk With Me (21:24) *** Comparison of Part 18 w/ Audrey at One Eyed Jack's storyline (25:26) *** Journey Through Twin Peaks video series chapter 36H (34:35) *** Guest on Twin Peaks Unwrapped podcast (36:32) *** Guest on Twin Peaks Unwrapped podcast - picking the best episode (w/ Josh Minton) (37:25) *** Twin Peaks Cinema podcast - Back to the Future Part II comparison (39:34) *** Podcast comparison of Part 17 w/ The One-Armed Man storyline (43:32) *** Comparison to Mad Men episode "Lost Horizon" (50:39) *** Twin Peaks Conversations podcast w/ John Thorne (54:10) *** TWIN PEAKS Character Series on Carrie Page (57:17) + mention of upcoming Journey Through Twin Peaks (1:00:58) My Journey Through Twin Peaks video essay series is on YouTube (in 36 chapters as of now) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIHlB-wesGPVETlNFLsGCKL-SFjW8wrJf & Vimeo (in 5 parts as of now) https://vimeo.com/showcase/7281266 This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
S3 Pts. 17 & 18 in the Weeds - Which elements are highlighted?
S3 Pts. 17 & 18 in the Weeds - Which elements are highlighted?
Episode 46F Notes: Order of events, character statistics, coffee/pie/donuts & more Please rate, review, and/or subscribe on Apple Podcasts to help promote this show! You can explore both public and patron episodes of this podcast here: https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/lost-in-twin-peaks.html The illustrated companion to this week's episodes - with detailed character statistics & order of event timeline - is The illustrated companion for this week's episodes is https://www.lostinthemovies.com/2023/12/lost-in-twin-peaks-46-season-3-parts-17.html Become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/lostinthemovies to listen to the entire series ahead of the public schedule. All upcoming Lost in Twin Peaks episodes are available immediately in a longer format for $1/month, along with advance entries of my Twin Peaks character series; the $5/month tier also receives exclusive content as a monthly reward. Episode 0: Introducing the podcast (show format) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/introducing-the-podcast-show-format/id1588350903?i=1000537195013 0:00 EVENT TIMELINE: alternate versions of Thursday - Friday, February 24 - 25, 1989 / Saturday - Monday, October 1 - 3, 2016 / unknown dates 1:30 CHARACTERS (introductions, rankings, returns) 12:10 COFFEE, PIE & DONUTS My Journey Through Twin Peaks video essay series is on YouTube (in 36 chapters as of now) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIHlB-wesGPVETlNFLsGCKL-SFjW8wrJf & Vimeo (in 5 parts as of now) https://vimeo.com/showcase/7281266 This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
S3 Pts. 17 & 18 Current Events - What was going on at the time?
S3 Pts. 17 & 18 Current Events - What was going on at the time?
Episode 46E Notes: #1 film this weekend, in the news this day & TIME cover this week Please rate, review, and/or subscribe on Apple Podcasts to help promote this show! You can explore both public and patron episodes of this podcast here: https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/lost-in-twin-peaks.html Become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/lostinthemovies to listen to the entire series ahead of the public schedule. All upcoming Lost in Twin Peaks episodes are available immediately in a longer format for $1/month, along with advance entries of my Twin Peaks character series; the $5/month tier also receives exclusive content as a monthly reward. Episode 0: Introducing the podcast (show format) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/introducing-the-podcast-show-format/id1588350903?i=1000537195013 The illustrated companion for this week's episodes is https://www.lostinthemovies.com/2023/12/lost-in-twin-peaks-46-season-3-parts-17.html 0:00 INTRO 1:40 WORLD EVENTS: North Korean nuclear test & WWI bomb disarming following brief mention of #1 MOVIE The Hitman's Bodyguard 3:19 TIME COVER Multiple authors on Charlottesville 15:26 OUTRO clip of NBC covering North Korea EPISODE LINKS All essays on Charlotesville (cover of August 28, 2017 TIME Magazine): "Silence Is Not An Option" (John Grisham) https://time.com/4904272/john-grisham-charlottesville-a-town-violated/ / "What White America Must Do Next" (Eddie Glaude, Jr.) https://time.com/4898823/trump-charlottesville-racism/ / "American Hate, a History" (Jon Meacham) https://time.com/4904290/american-hate-a-history/ / "From Selma to Charlottesville, the Ghosts of Our Past" (Tavis Smiley) https://time.com/4898842/tavis-smiley-donald-trump-american-hate/ / "Will the Nation Succeed After Charlottesvile Where Donald Trump Failed?" (Nancy Gibbs) https://time.com/magazine/us/4904269/august-28th-2017-vol-190-no-8-u-s/ / "Unity Will Take Generations" (Ilhan Omar) https://time.com/4904295/ilhan-omar-unity-will-take-generations/ North Korea Claims It Conducted A Successful Hydrogen Bomb Test | TODAY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J5ANSzZymKE My Journey Through Twin Peaks video essay series is on YouTube (in 36 chapters as of now) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIHlB-wesGPVETlNFLsGCKL-SFjW8wrJf & Vimeo (in 5 parts as of now) https://vimeo.com/showcase/7281266 This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
S3 Pts. 17 & 18 Mythology - What is happening in the spirit world?
S3 Pts. 17 & 18 Mythology - What is happening in the spirit world?
Episode 46D Notes: Spirit World scenes & Lodge lore Please rate, review, and/or subscribe on Apple Podcasts to help promote this show! You can explore both public and patron episodes of this podcast here: https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/lost-in-twin-peaks.html Become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/lostinthemovies to listen to the entire series ahead of the public schedule. All upcoming Lost in Twin Peaks episodes are available immediately in a longer format for $1/month, along with advance entries of my Twin Peaks character series; the $5/month tier also receives exclusive content as a monthly reward. Episode 0: Introducing the podcast (show format) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/introducing-the-podcast-show-format/id1588350903?i=1000537195013 The illustrated companion for this week's episodes is https://www.lostinthemovies.com/2022/12/lost-in-twin-peaks-45-season-3-part-16.html 0:00 SCENES ORGANIZED BY SPIRIT WORLD LOCATION... Zone spiral / Purple World tower (1:19) / Convenience store & Motel (2:55) / Red Room (4:00) w/ asides on the flashback that isn't a flashback (5:53), when does Richard emerge? (7:47), Leland & Cooper (8:48) 14:11 LODGE LORE beginning w/ Diane/Naido identity & including Judy (15:26), theory of Cooper actually being Mike (20:24), mistaken image of Mike as goblin figure (21:16) EPISODE LINKS [S3E6] Dale Cooper is Mike (Reddit thread by PeterThePious) https://www.reddit.com/r/twinpeaks/comments/6huci1/s3e6_dale_cooper_is_mike/ David Lynch's statement about continuing Carrie's story (tweeted by Scott Meisner) https://www.reddit.com/r/twinpeaks/comments/6huci1/s3e6_dale_cooper_is_mike/ My Journey Through Twin Peaks video essay series is on YouTube (in 36 chapters as of now) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIHlB-wesGPVETlNFLsGCKL-SFjW8wrJf & Vimeo (in 5 parts as of now) https://vimeo.com/showcase/7281266 This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
S3 Pt. 18 Events - What happens in the second half of the finale?
S3 Pt. 18 Events - What happens in the second half of the finale?
Episode 46C Notes: "The Other Side" including Odessa & Twin Peaks + Desert road, Mr. C & Las Vegas Please rate, review, and/or subscribe on Apple Podcasts to help promote this show! You can explore both public and patron episodes of this podcast here: https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/lost-in-twin-peaks.html Become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/lostinthemovies to listen to the entire series ahead of the public schedule. All upcoming Lost in Twin Peaks episodes are available immediately in a longer format for $1/month, along with advance entries of my Twin Peaks character series; the $5/month tier also receives exclusive content as a monthly reward. Episode 0: Introducing the podcast (show format) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/introducing-the-podcast-show-format/id1588350903?i=1000537195013 The illustrated companion for this week's episodes is https://www.lostinthemovies.com/2023/12/lost-in-twin-peaks-46-season-3-parts-17.html 0:00 SCENES ORGANIZED BY LOCATION/CHARACTER... Desert road / Mr. C (1:29) / Las Vegas: Dougie's life at home (2:38) / Twin Peaks: Laura's family (3:53) / Twin Peaks: Cooper's investigation (5:16) / Twin Peaks: Sarah alone (6:37) 7:18 COOPER FINDING LAURA IN 1989 7:52 "THE OTHER SIDE"... Desert motel/Odessa w/ long asides on Diane not seeing herself when Cooper's not there (9:30) & the significance of Diane's departure & Cooper's quest including references to Martha Nochimson (16:26) / Alternate Twin Peaks begins w/ long asides on meta-aspect of Part 18's alienation (26:38) & relationship of Fire Walk With Me, The Missing Pieces, and season 3 (35:40) EPISODE LINKS My visual tribute to Cooper & Laura (from 2014) http://www.lostinthemovies.com/2014/09/cooper-and-laura-visual-tribute-to.html Further discussion of Neon Genesis Evangelion & Twin Peaks in my Twin Peaks Conversation w/ the Twin Peaks: Evangelion podcast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYr4WDdmroI My Journey Through Twin Peaks video essay series is on YouTube (in 36 chapters as of now) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIHlB-wesGPVETlNFLsGCKL-SFjW8wrJf & Vimeo (in 5 parts as of now) https://vimeo.com/showcase/7281266 This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
S3 Pt. 17 Events - What happens in the first half of the finale?
S3 Pt. 17 Events - What happens in the first half of the finale?
Episode 46B Notes: Twin Peaks, South Dakota, Mr. C & Las Vegas scenes Please rate, review, and/or subscribe on Apple Podcasts to help promote this show! You can explore both public and patron episodes of this podcast here: https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/lost-in-twin-peaks.html Become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/lostinthemovies to listen to the entire series ahead of the public schedule. All upcoming Lost in Twin Peaks episodes are available immediately in a longer format for $1/month, along with advance entries of my Twin Peaks character series; the $5/month tier also receives exclusive content as a monthly reward. Episode 0: Introducing the podcast (show format) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/introducing-the-podcast-show-format/id1588350903?i=1000537195013 The illustrated companion for this week's episodes is https://www.lostinthemovies.com/2023/12/lost-in-twin-peaks-46-season-3-parts-17.html 0:00 SCENES ORGANIZED BY LOCATION/CHARACTER... South Dakota / Mr. C (3:53) & brief mention of Las Vegas: Dougie's life in the office & at home + assassination plot / Las Vegas: Jade & the key (6:35) / Las Vegas: The Mitchums (7:46) / Las Vegas: Search for Dougie (8:50) & brief mention of Cooper is back / Twin Peaks: Laura's murder & Laura's family (10:10) & brief mention of Ben & Beverly / Twin Peaks: combination of Jerry in the woods + Hit and run + Richard's parents? (13:12) / Twin Peaks: Cooper investigation (14:01) w/ long aside on Diane's connection (18:17) / Twin Peaks: Sarah (26:37) w/ long aside on Laura's portrait (28:30) / Twin Peaks: Roadhouse (31:36) / Twin Peaks: Freddie (34:21) / Twin Peaks: Frank's family (39:28) / Twin Peaks: Chad in jail (40:10) 41:24 RETURNING STORIES: Laura & James, "Bobby killed a guy" (42:47) 44:10 NEW: COOPER FINDING LAURA IN 1989 w/ long asides on Lynch's foot in both worlds w/ FWWM footage (49:19) & Cooper's "positive" patriarchy (54:07) EPISODE LINKS The English Language in 67 Accents & Random Voices (Jake Wardle's viral YouTube video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=riwKuKSbFDs The Secrets Behind the Music of "Twin Peaks: The Return" by Daniel Dylan Wray (Pitchfork) https://pitchfork.com/features/article/the-secrets-behind-the-music-of-twin-peaks-the-return/ My Journey Through Twin Peaks video essay series is on YouTube (in 36 chapters as of now) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIHlB-wesGPVETlNFLsGCKL-SFjW8wrJf & Vimeo (in 5 parts as of now) https://vimeo.com/showcase/7281266 This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
Welcome to S3 Pts. 17 & 18 (The Return - "The Past Dictates the Future" & "What Is Your Name?") - How does Twin Peaks work?
Welcome to S3 Pts. 17 & 18 (The Return - "The Past Dictates the Future" & "What Is Your Name?") - How does Twin Peaks work?
Episode 46A Notes: Laura Palmer, the feel of the episode & episode structure Please rate, review, and/or subscribe on Apple Podcasts to help promote this show! You can explore both public and patron episodes of this podcast here: https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/lost-in-twin-peaks.html Become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/lostinthemovies to listen to the entire series ahead of the public schedule. All upcoming Lost in Twin Peaks episodes are available immediately in a longer format for $1/month, along with advance entries of my Twin Peaks character series; the $5/month tier also receives exclusive content as a monthly reward. Episode 0: Introducing the podcast (show format) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/introducing-the-podcast-show-format/id1588350903?i=1000537195013 The illustrated companion for this week's episodes is https://www.lostinthemovies.com/2023/06/lost-in-twin-peaks-46-season-3-parts-17.html - all LINKS to recent work are gathered here (not enough room in the podcast show notes) 0:00 INTRO w/ announcement about season 2 episodes (2:12) 5:35 LAURA PALMER following last music/sound montage 12:17 THE FEEL OF THE EPISODES 18:10 THE STRUCTURE OF THE EPISODES 20:55 UPDATE: MY PODCASTS FROM THE PAST YEAR (linked in the illustrated companion above) My Journey Through Twin Peaks video essay series is on YouTube (in 36 chapters as of now) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIHlB-wesGPVETlNFLsGCKL-SFjW8wrJf & Vimeo (in 5 parts as of now) https://vimeo.com/showcase/7281266 EPISODE LINKS Follow my progress on various projects including the public release of the season 2 episodes https://www.lostinthemovies.com/2023/11/final-plan-to-reach-complete-journey.html But Who Is The Dreamer? (Politics/Letters) by Tim Kreider (Politics/Letters) - theory about Cooper being the killer http://quarterly.politicsslashletters.org/dreamer-twin-peaks-return/ My other podcasts include: Lost in the Movies https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/patreon-podcast.html Twin Peaks Cinema https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/twin-peaks-cinema.html This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
S3 Pt. 16 Archive - How did I react?
S3 Pt. 16 Archive - How did I react?
Episode 45G Notes: Reading/clips from my previous work & opening minute of the next episode Please rate, review, and/or subscribe on Apple Podcasts to help promote this show! You can explore both public and patron episodes of this podcast here: https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/lost-in-twin-peaks.html Become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/lostinthemovies to listen to the entire series ahead of the public schedule and access my main monthly podcast as well. All upcoming Lost in Twin Peaks episodes are available immediately in a longer format for $1/month, along with a bonus monthly podcast on films and other topics; the $5/month tier also accesses exclusive ongoing Twin Peaks Conversations with other commentators as a monthly reward. Episode 0: Introducing the podcast (show format) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/introducing-the-podcast-show-format/id1588350903?i=1000537195013 The illustrated companion for this week's episodes is https://www.lostinthemovies.com/2022/12/lost-in-twin-peaks-45-season-3-part-16.html 0:00 READING FROM MY OTHER WORK (link to the full piece) My response to Part 16 after first viewing in 2017 http://www.lostinthemovies.com/2017/08/twin-peaks-return-part-16-no-knock-no.html My guest appearance on Twin Peaks Unwrapped podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/twin-peaks-unwrapped-119-the-return-part-16-with-joel-bocko/id1005628280?i=1000391712263 (4:55) My guest appearance on Obnoxious & Anonymous podcast https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kbb8kvm65ac (8:28) Forked Path video essay (My Journey Through Twin Peaks mini-chapter on Parts 14 - 16) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fq1nnK6Dk-g (12:27) 13:49 OPENING MINUTE OF THE NEXT EPISODE (only spoiler in this podcast) 21:42 OUTRO - Plans for the finale My Journey Through Twin Peaks video essay series is on YouTube (in 36 chapters as of now) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIHlB-wesGPVETlNFLsGCKL-SFjW8wrJf & Vimeo (in 5 parts as of now) https://vimeo.com/showcase/7281266 EPISODE LINKS My new review of Evangelion 3.0 + 1.0 https://www.lostinthemovies.com/2022/12/neon-genesis-evangelion-evangelion-30-10.html My other podcasts include: Lost in the Movies https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/patreon-podcast.html Twin Peaks Cinema https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/twin-peaks-cinema.html This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
S3 Pt. 16 in the Weeds - Which elements are highlighted?
S3 Pt. 16 in the Weeds - Which elements are highlighted?
Episode 45F Notes: Order of events, character statistics & more Please rate, review, and/or subscribe on Apple Podcasts to help promote this show! You can explore both public and patron episodes of this podcast here: https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/lost-in-twin-peaks.html The illustrated companion to this week's episodes - with detailed character statistics & order of event timeline - is The illustrated companion for this week's episodes is https://www.lostinthemovies.com/2022/12/lost-in-twin-peaks-45-season-3-part-16.html Become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/lostinthemovies to listen to the entire series ahead of the public schedule and access my main monthly podcast as well. All upcoming Lost in Twin Peaks episodes are available immediately in a longer format for $1/month, along with a bonus monthly podcast on films and other topics; the $5/tier also accesses exclusive ongoing Twin Peaks Conversations with other commentators as a monthly reward. Episode 0: Introducing the podcast (show format) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/introducing-the-podcast-show-format/id1588350903?i=1000537195013 0:00 EVENT TIMELINE: Saturday - Sunday, October 1 - 2, 2016 1:30 CHARACTERS (introductions, rankings, returns) My Journey Through Twin Peaks video essay series is on YouTube (in 36 chapters as of now) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIHlB-wesGPVETlNFLsGCKL-SFjW8wrJf & Vimeo (in 5 parts as of now) https://vimeo.com/showcase/7281266 My other podcasts include: Lost in the Movies https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/patreon-podcast.html Twin Peaks Cinema https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/twin-peaks-cinema.html This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
S3 Pt. 16 Current Events - What was going on at the time?
S3 Pt. 16 Current Events - What was going on at the time?
Episode 45E Notes: #1 film this weekend, in the news this day & TIME cover this week Please rate, review, and/or subscribe on Apple Podcasts to help promote this show! You can explore both public and patron episodes of this podcast here: https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/lost-in-twin-peaks.html Become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/lostinthemovies to listen to the entire series ahead of the public schedule and access my main monthly podcast as well. All upcoming Lost in Twin Peaks episodes are available immediately in a longer format for $1/month, along with a bonus monthly podcast on films and other topics; the $5/month tier also accesses exclusive ongoing Twin Peaks Conversations with other commentators as a monthly reward. Episode 0: Introducing the podcast (show format) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/introducing-the-podcast-show-format/id1588350903?i=1000537195013 The illustrated companion for this week's episodes is https://www.lostinthemovies.com/2022/12/lost-in-twin-peaks-45-season-3-part-16.html 0:00 INTRO w/ explanation/justification of news event from previous day 1:40 WORLD EVENTS: McGregor vs. Mayweather fight (w/ aside on Ali vs. Inoki) following brief mention of #1 MOVIE The Hitman's Bodyguard 3:25 TIME COVER John Kelly becomes Chief of Staff 6:46 OUTRO clip of McGregor at the post-fight press conference My Journey Through Twin Peaks video essay series is on YouTube (in 36 chapters as of now) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIHlB-wesGPVETlNFLsGCKL-SFjW8wrJf & Vimeo (in 5 parts as of now) https://vimeo.com/showcase/7281266 EPISODE LINKS "Why General John Kelly Is Trump's Last Hope" (cover of August 21, 2017 TIME Magazine) https://time.com/magazine/us/4894983/august-21st-2017-vol-190-no-7-u-s/ Floyd Mayweather, Conor McGregor bury the hatchet after Las Vegas bout https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qjpzuhkDqEs My other podcasts include: Lost in the Movies https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/patreon-podcast.html Twin Peaks Cinema https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/twin-peaks-cinema.html This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
S3 Pt. 16 Mythology - What is happening in the spirit world?
S3 Pt. 16 Mythology - What is happening in the spirit world?
Episode 45D Notes: Spirit World scenes & Lodge lore Please rate, review, and/or subscribe on Apple Podcasts to help promote this show! You can explore both public and patron episodes of this podcast here: https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/lost-in-twin-peaks.html Become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/lostinthemovies to listen to the entire series ahead of the public schedule and access my main monthly podcast as well. All upcoming Lost in Twin Peaks episodes are available immediately in a longer format for $1/month, along with a bonus monthly podcast on films and other topics; the $5/tier also accesses exclusive ongoing Twin Peaks Conversations with other commentators as a monthly reward. Episode 0: Introducing the podcast (show format) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/introducing-the-podcast-show-format/id1588350903?i=1000537195013 The illustrated companion for this week's episodes is https://www.lostinthemovies.com/2022/12/lost-in-twin-peaks-45-season-3-part-16.html 0:00 SCENES ORGANIZED BY SPIRIT WORLD LOCATION... Red Room 1:26 LODGE LORE including electrocution of Richard & Cooper, Mike & the chair along w/ other Twin Peaks objects (2:29), travel of the Owl Cave Ring (3:26), mechanics of creating a tulpa - Cooper & Diane (4:00) My Journey Through Twin Peaks video essay series is on YouTube (in 36 chapters as of now) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIHlB-wesGPVETlNFLsGCKL-SFjW8wrJf & Vimeo (in 5 parts as of now) https://vimeo.com/showcase/7281266 My other podcasts include: Lost in the Movies https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/patreon-podcast.html Twin Peaks Cinema https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/twin-peaks-cinema.html This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
S3 Pt. 16 Back in Town - What is happening in Twin Peaks?
S3 Pt. 16 Back in Town - What is happening in Twin Peaks?
Episode 45C Notes: Twin Peaks scenes Please rate, review, and/or subscribe on Apple Podcasts to help promote this show! You can explore both public and patron episodes of this podcast here: https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/lost-in-twin-peaks.html Become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/lostinthemovies to listen to the entire series ahead of the public schedule and access my main monthly podcast as well. All upcoming Lost in Twin Peaks episodes are available immediately in a longer format for $1/month, along with a bonus monthly podcast on films and other topics; the $5/month tier also accesses exclusive ongoing Twin Peaks Conversations with other commentators as a monthly reward. Episode 0: Introducing the podcast (show format) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/introducing-the-podcast-show-format/id1588350903?i=1000537195013 The illustrated companion for this week's episodes is https://www.lostinthemovies.com/2022/12/lost-in-twin-peaks-45-season-3-part-16.html 0:00 SCENES ORGANIZED BY TWIN PEAKS STORYLINE... Ben & Beverly / combination of Jerry in the woods + Hit and run + Richard's parents? (1:07) / Roadhouse + Audrey & Charlie (3:51) My Journey Through Twin Peaks video essay series is on YouTube (in 36 chapters as of now) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIHlB-wesGPVETlNFLsGCKL-SFjW8wrJf & Vimeo (in 5 parts as of now) https://vimeo.com/showcase/7281266 My other podcasts include: Lost in the Movies https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/patreon-podcast.html Twin Peaks Cinema https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/twin-peaks-cinema.html This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
S3 Pt. 16 Out of Town - What is happening elsewhere?
S3 Pt. 16 Out of Town - What is happening elsewhere?
Episode 45B Notes: South Dakota, Mr. C & Las Vegas scenes Please rate, review, and/or subscribe on Apple Podcasts to help promote this show! You can explore both public and patron episodes of this podcast here: https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/lost-in-twin-peaks.html Become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/lostinthemovies to listen to the entire series ahead of the public schedule and access my main monthly podcast as well. All upcoming Lost in Twin Peaks episodes are available immediately in a longer format for $1/month, along with a bonus monthly podcast on films and other topics; the $5/month tier also accesses exclusive ongoing Twin Peaks Conversations with other commentators as a monthly reward. Episode 0: Introducing the podcast (show format) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/introducing-the-podcast-show-format/id1588350903?i=1000537195013 The illustrated companion for this week's episodes is https://www.lostinthemovies.com/2022/12/lost-in-twin-peaks-45-season-3-part-16.html 0:00 SCENES ORGANIZED BY LOCATION/CHARACTER... South Dakota w/ asides juxtaposing Diane, Audrey, Janey-E & Cooper / Mr. C (10:15) / Las Vegas: Dougie's life in the office & at home (12:55) / Las Vegas: assassination plot (17:58) / Las Vegas: The Mitchums (19:14) / Las Vegas: search for Dougie (21:11) / Las Vegas: Cooper is back (21:53) + disappeared stories My Journey Through Twin Peaks video essay series is on YouTube (in 36 chapters as of now) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIHlB-wesGPVETlNFLsGCKL-SFjW8wrJf & Vimeo (in 5 parts as of now) https://vimeo.com/showcase/7281266 My other podcasts include: Lost in the Movies https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/patreon-podcast.html Twin Peaks Cinema https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/twin-peaks-cinema.html This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
Welcome to S3 Pt. 16 (The Return - "No Knock, No Doorbell") - How does Twin Peaks work?
Welcome to S3 Pt. 16 (The Return - "No Knock, No Doorbell") - How does Twin Peaks work?
Episode 45A Notes: Laura Palmer, the feel of the episode & episode structure Please rate, review, and/or subscribe on Apple Podcasts to help promote this show! You can explore both public and patron episodes of this podcast here: https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/lost-in-twin-peaks.html Become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/lostinthemovies to listen to the entire series ahead of the public schedule and access my main monthly podcast as well. All upcoming Lost in Twin Peaks episodes are available immediately in a longer format for $1/month, along with a bonus monthly podcast on films and other topics; the $5/month tier also accesses exclusive ongoing Twin Peaks Conversations with other commentators as a monthly reward. Episode 0: Introducing the podcast (show format) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/introducing-the-podcast-show-format/id1588350903?i=1000537195013 The illustrated companion for this week's episodes is https://www.lostinthemovies.com/2022/12/lost-in-twin-peaks-45-season-3-part-16.html 0:00 INTRO 4:34 LAURA PALMER 5:18 THE FEEL OF THE EPISODE 8:23 THE STRUCTURE OF THE EPISODE My Journey Through Twin Peaks video essay series is on YouTube (in 36 chapters as of now) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIHlB-wesGPVETlNFLsGCKL-SFjW8wrJf & Vimeo (in 5 parts as of now) https://vimeo.com/showcase/7281266 EPISODE LINKS Lost in the Movies podcast - Marie Antoinette (1938) https://www.lostinthemovies.com/2022/12/marie-antoinette-lost-in-movies-podcast.html Patreon podcast Episode 97A: 60s bonus / Concluding the 90s & 70s... Jean-Luc Godard's Weekend (capsules on Bonnie & Clyde, The Graduate, Midnight Cowboy, The Swimmer, Dr. Strangelove, Dog Day Afternoon, The Muppet Movie, The Muppet Christmas Carol, The Witches, Heat, The Blair Witch Project, Edward Scissorhands, Election, Groundhog Day, Total Recall, Dick Tracy, archive reading of To Kill a Mockingbird + feedback/media/work updates & more) https://www.patreon.com/posts/episode-97a-60s-75339414 & PUBLIC Episode 97B: Everybody Look What's Going Down - The 60s Archive https://www.patreon.com/posts/episode-97b-look-75958551 My other podcasts include: Lost in the Movies https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/patreon-podcast.html Twin Peaks Cinema https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/twin-peaks-cinema.html This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
S3 Pt. 15 Archive - How did I react?
S3 Pt. 15 Archive - How did I react?
Episode 44G Notes: Reading from my previous work & opening minute of the next episode Please rate, review, and/or subscribe on Apple Podcasts to help promote this show! You can explore both public and patron episodes of this podcast here: https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/lost-in-twin-peaks.html Become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/lostinthemovies to listen to the entire series ahead of the public schedule and access my main monthly podcast as well. All upcoming Lost in Twin Peaks episodes are available immediately in a longer format for $1/month, along with a bonus monthly podcast on films and other topics; the $5/month tier also accesses exclusive ongoing Twin Peaks Conversations with other commentators as a monthly reward. Episode 0: Introducing the podcast (show format) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/introducing-the-podcast-show-format/id1588350903?i=1000537195013 The illustrated companion for this week's episodes is https://www.lostinthemovies.com/2022/12/lost-in-twin-peaks-44-season-3-part-15.html 0:00 READING FROM MY OTHER WORK (link to the full piece) My response to Part 15 after first viewing in 2017 http://www.lostinthemovies.com/2017/08/twin-peaks-return-part-15-theres-some.html 4:29 OPENING MINUTE OF THE NEXT EPISODE (only spoiler in this podcast) My Journey Through Twin Peaks video essay series is on YouTube (in 36 chapters as of now) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIHlB-wesGPVETlNFLsGCKL-SFjW8wrJf & Vimeo (in 5 parts as of now) https://vimeo.com/showcase/7281266 My other podcasts include: Lost in the Movies https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/patreon-podcast.html Twin Peaks Cinema https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/twin-peaks-cinema.html This podcast is powered by Pinecast.
S3 Pt. 15 in the Weeds - Which elements are highlighted?
S3 Pt. 15 in the Weeds - Which elements are highlighted?
Episode 44F Notes: Order of events, character statistics, coffee/pie/donuts & more Please rate, review, and/or subscribe on Apple Podcasts to help promote this show! You can explore both public and patron episodes of this podcast here: https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/lost-in-twin-peaks.html The illustrated companion to this week's episodes - with detailed character statistics & order of event timeline - is The illustrated companion for this week's episodes is https://www.lostinthemovies.com/2022/12/lost-in-twin-peaks-44-season-3-part-15.html Become a patron at https://www.patreon.com/lostinthemovies to listen to the entire series ahead of the public schedule and access my main monthly podcast as well. All upcoming Lost in Twin Peaks episodes are available immediately in a longer format for $1/month, along with a bonus monthly podcast on films and other topics; the $5/tier also accesses exclusive ongoing Twin Peaks Conversations with other commentators as a monthly reward. Episode 0: Introducing the podcast (show format) https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/introducing-the-podcast-show-format/id1588350903?i=1000537195013 0:00 EVENT TIMELINE: Friday - Sunday, September 30 - October 2, 2016 1:49 CHARACTERS (introductions, rankings, returns) 5:33 COFFEE, PIE & DONUTS My Journey Through Twin Peaks video essay series is on YouTube (in 36 chapters as of now) https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLIHlB-wesGPVETlNFLsGCKL-SFjW8wrJf & Vimeo (in 5 parts as of now) https://vimeo.com/showcase/7281266 My other podcasts include: Lost in the Movies https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/patreon-podcast.html Twin Peaks Cinema https://www.lostinthemovies.com/p/twin-peaks-cinema.html This podcast is powered by Pinecast.