Awaken Kindness, by DaRevsUSA

Penny & Bill Company, dba Center to Awaken Kindness

Original episodes of Awaken Kindness by DaRevsUSA, the Rev. Dr Penny L. Taylor and Rev. Dr. Bill Ressl. read less
Religion & SpiritualityReligion & Spirituality


Original DaRevsUSA: What’s Your Agenda? (with Penny)
Original DaRevsUSA: What’s Your Agenda? (with Penny)
Original DaRevsUSA: Take action today – reach out, share love, invite people to be part of the great social movement that started over 2,000 years ago, a movement of compassion, empathy, healing, peace, and love to everyone. The time is now. Imagine a world filled with love – a love that fills people physically and spiritually. Penny looks at Jesus’ agenda – grounded in the movement of social justice and love. Yes, Jesus’ ministry was one of social justice, sharing love, and empowering people to stop social oppression while joining together to grow in love and justice. Come explore the possibilities. Join DaRevsUSA, Penny and Bill, as they explore and reflect on Jesus feeding 5000 plus in the Gospel of Matthew, Chapter 14, verses 13-21, share in the Lord’s prayer, and join in singing Take My Life. Awaken Kindness by DaRevsUSA, a podcast. A theologically progressive podcast looking at the stories of the Bible that enhance self-care and wellness. Hosted by DaRevsUSA, Rev Dr Penny Taylor and Rev Dr Bill Ressl. Simple (grounded in Christ’s love), fun (sharing some time together), yet profound (grounded in a progressive theological lens). LISTEN: On your favorite podcast app. SUBSCRIBE: Discover Premium commercial free early listening on Podbean For all the mindful contemplative possibilities, visit Please note: At times, scripture contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children, therefore parental discretion is advised.
Original DaRevsUSA: Believe It (with Penny)
Original DaRevsUSA: Believe It (with Penny)
Original DaRevsUSA: Believe it! Join Penny and explore Jesus as the Good Shepherd - our Ultimate Concern, who knows us by name. Who is Jesus? Jesus is the Good Shepherd who knows us. Jesus knows us by name, by voice… he knows each of us intimately. He knows our struggles and joys. Jesus knows the flock and each of us is already part of the flock – all we need do is accept it. Believe it! We are encouraged to have our ultimate concern as Jesus Christ. Believe and know that Jesus the Good Shepherd knows each of us by name and is present to provide for our needs now and into eternity. While we still have breath – let us continue to speak to the Good Shepherd. Let’s be more loving and focused on having a relationship with the Good Shepherd. Come explore the possibilities. Join DaRevsUSA, Penny and Bill, as they explore and reflect on the Gospel of John, Chapter 10, verses 1-18, share in the Lord’s prayer, and join in singing God Be With You Till We Meet Again. Awaken Kindness by DaRevsUSA, a podcast. A theologically progressive podcast looking at the stories of the Bible that enhance self-care and wellness. Hosted by DaRevsUSA, Rev Dr Penny Taylor and Rev Dr Bill Ressl. Simple (grounded in Christ’s love), fun (sharing some time together), yet profound (grounded in a progressive theological lens). LISTEN: On your favorite podcast app. SUBSCRIBE: Discover Premium commercial free early listening on Podbean For all the mindful contemplative possibilities, visit Please note: At times, scripture contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children, therefore parental discretion is advised.
Original DaRevsUSA: Courage to Do It Differently (with Penny)
Original DaRevsUSA: Courage to Do It Differently (with Penny)
Original DaRevsUSA: Penny delves into courage to do it differently. Do we dare to be and do life differently? Penny suggests the church is more than a building. It is us and it is being reborn here and now in each of us. Pentecost Sunday is known as the birth of the church. It is the day in the church calendar where we remember when the disciples were given the gift of the Holy Spirit. That gift of the Holy Spirit is still alive deep within each of us. Penny delves deep into the birth of the church challenging us to be and do church new here and now. What does it mean that we are in a time of rebirth? A new something is emerging. What does it mean for the church to be reborn? What does it mean that we, not the building or doctrines, are the church? Come explore the possibilities.   Join DaRevsUSA, Penny and Bill, as they explore and reflect on Acts chapter 21, verses 1-21, share in the Lord’s prayer, and join in singing a classic oldie, Love and Help Each Other.   Awaken Kindness by DaRevsUSA, a podcast. A theologically progressive podcast looking at the stories of the Bible that enhance self-care and wellness. Hosted by DaRevsUSA, Rev Dr Penny Taylor and Rev Dr Bill Ressl. Simple (grounded in Christ’s love), fun (sharing some time together), yet profound (grounded in a progressive theological lens).   LISTEN: On your favorite podcast app.   SUBSCRIBE: Discover Premium commercial free early listening on Podbean For all the mindful contemplative possibilities, visit   Please note: At times, scripture contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children, therefore parental discretion is advised.
Original DaRevsUSA: Mix It Up - Share Peace and Love (with Penny)
Original DaRevsUSA: Mix It Up - Share Peace and Love (with Penny)
Original DaRevsUSA: Penny examines inviting God to be present as we mix it up sharing simple gifts of peace and love. It’s about gratefulness - believing and sharing it forward. Discover God’s peace through sharing simple gifts with one another, such as sharing peace and love in unity together. Share the gifts God has given for the glory of God in all the diversity of life. We are each unique, with unique gifts to share and to use for the common good. Use all your gifts – talents, skills, and capacities – here and now. Be a blessing today and in every way. Join DaRevsUSA, Penny and Bill, as they explore and reflect on the Gospel of John, Chapter 17, verses 1-11, share in the Lord’s prayer, and join in singing All Creatures of Our God and King. Awaken Kindness by DaRevsUSA, a podcast. A theologically progressive podcast looking at the stories of the Bible that enhance self-care and wellness. Hosted by DaRevsUSA, Rev Dr Penny Taylor and Rev Dr Bill Ressl. Simple (grounded in Christ’s love), fun (sharing some time together), yet profound (grounded in a progressive theological lens). LISTEN: On your favorite podcast app. SUBSCRIBE: Discover Premium commercial free early listening on Podbean For all the mindful contemplative possibilities, visit Please note: At times, scripture contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children, therefore parental discretion is advised.
Original DaRevsUSA: The Time is Now for Renewal (with Bill)
Original DaRevsUSA: The Time is Now for Renewal (with Bill)
Original DaRevsUSA: Bill dives deep into renewal in this season of Eastertide. Why now? It’s Eastertide! Let's explore… A new reality has begun – it is here. How do we live into this new time? What does it look like? Do we doubt like Doubting Thomas? Do we simply return to what we did in the past – or do we look beyond and live into today’s new possibility? Enjoy this most unique moment in time and make this new moment a life changing experience filled with Christ’s love. Then share it forward each day. Celebrate the new reality in front of us – and remember, yes it can be hard… but great things can become visible in new ways and it can be very good. Join DaRevsUSA, Penny and Bill, as they explore and reflect on 2 Corinthians, chapter 4, verses 16-18, share in the Lord’s prayer, and join Bill in singing How Powerful that Gift to the tune of Amazing Grace. Awaken Kindness by DaRevsUSA, a podcast. A theologically progressive podcast looking at the stories of the Bible that enhance self-care and wellness. Hosted by DaRevsUSA, Rev Dr Penny Taylor and Rev Dr Bill Ressl. Simple (grounded in Christ’s love), fun (sharing some time together), yet profound (grounded in a progressive theological lens). LISTEN: On your favorite podcast app. SUBSCRIBE: Discover Premium commercial free early listening on Podbean For all the mindful contemplative possibilities, visit Please note: At times, scripture contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children, therefore parental discretion is advised.
Original DaRevsUSA: I Can See (with Penny)
Original DaRevsUSA: I Can See (with Penny)
Original DaRevsUSA: Do you see? Penny examines blindness as Jesus heals a man born blind with mud made from his spit. Imagine seeing the world for the first time by breaking the barriers of blindness. The local community questions what is happening – who did it – why? They knew the blind man as a beggar, not part of their community - although he knew them. He lived with them, heard their stories, and had always been very present in the community. The community responded and drove him out. Jesus found him and asked: “Do you believe?” He said: “Lord, I believe.” The blind man had always been and was part of God’s spiritual community, although at times he was challenged by society. Let Christ be present with you here and how – let your light, your love, the radical power of Jesus Christ deep within shine in your life… and share it. Join DaRevsUSA, Penny and Bill, as they explore and reflect on the Gospel of John, Chapter 9, verses 1-12, and 35-41, share in the Lord’s prayer, and join in singing one verse of Amazing Grace. Awaken Kindness by DaRevsUSA, a podcast. A progressive podcast looking at the stories of the Bible that enhance self-care and wellness. Hosted by DaRevsUSA, Rev Dr Penny Taylor and Rev Dr Bill Ressl. Simple (grounded in Christ’s love), fun (sharing some time together), yet profound (grounded in a progressive theological lens). LISTEN: On your favorite podcast app. SUBSCRIBE: Discover Premium commercial free early listening on Podbean For all the mindful contemplative possibilities, visit Please note: At times, scripture contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children, therefore parental discretion is advised.
Original DaRevsUSA: Paralyzed by Doubt and Fear (with Penny)
Original DaRevsUSA: Paralyzed by Doubt and Fear (with Penny)
Original DaRevsUSA: “Peace be with you.” Penny explores the peace that healed the disciples who were in lockdown, paralyzed by doubt and fear. Have you ever experienced that type of fear and the peace that heals? The disciples were hiding in fear. Jesus had died on the cross. Doubt and fear filled their hearts - so they hid. Jesus appeared to them and said: “Peace be with you.” He was not angry. He was not filled with hatred that he had been betrayed by some, dismissed by others, and that all were paralyzed in fear not living in the love he had encouraged. Rather, he shared his peace. Find peace. Experience God’s peace that heals. It’s free and all around us – be open to God’s free gift of peace and love.   Join DaRevsUSA, Penny and Bill, as they explore and reflect on the Gospel of John, Chapter 20, verses 19-31, share in the Lord’s prayer, and join in singing Go Tell It On the Mountain.   Awaken Kindness by DaRevsUSA, a podcast. A progressive podcast looking at the stories of the Bible that enhance self-care and wellness. Hosted by DaRevsUSA, Rev Dr Penny Taylor and Rev Dr Bill Ressl. Simple (grounded in Christ’s love), fun (sharing some time together), yet profound (grounded in a progressive theological lens).   For all the mindful contemplative possibilities, visit   Please note: At times, scripture contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children, therefore parental discretion is advised.
Original DaRevsUSA: Gratefulness in Uncertain Times (with Penny)
Original DaRevsUSA: Gratefulness in Uncertain Times (with Penny)
Original DaRevsUSA: Jesus is dead. His body is gone! At times gratefulness can be hard. Penny explores Mary’s gratefulness at the empty tomb of Jesus. …It was a dark morning. Jesus was dead. Mary visits the tomb and discovers it empty. Jesus’ body is gone! Who took it? Mary runs back to tell the other disciples. They run to the tomb. Upon entering the tomb, indeed Jesus’ body is gone. The disciples return home. Mary stays at the tomb. Weeps. Two angels and a gardener appear – then Jesus makes himself known and says: “Mary!” Mary responds… come, listen, discover the rest of the story… gratefulness in uncertain times. Join DaRevsUSA, Penny and Bill, as they explore and reflect on the Gospel of John, Chapter 20, verses 1-18, share in the Lord’s prayer, and join in singing Immortal, Invisible, God only Wise. Awaken Kindness by DaRevsUSA, a podcast. A progressive podcast looking at the stories of the Bible that enhance self-care and wellness. Hosted by DaRevsUSA, Rev Dr Penny Taylor and Rev Dr Bill Ressl. Simple (grounded in Christ’s love), fun (sharing some time together), yet profound (grounded in a progressive theological lens). LISTEN: On your favorite podcast app. SUBSCRIBE: Discover Premium commercial free early listening on Podbean For all the mindful contemplative possibilities, visit Please note: At times, scripture contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children, therefore parental discretion is advised.
Original DaRevsUSA: BONUS: Breaking News from DRVS - Jesus is Alive (with Penny and Bill)
Original DaRevsUSA: BONUS: Breaking News from DRVS - Jesus is Alive (with Penny and Bill)
Original DaRevsUSA: DRVS newscasters Penny and Bill report Breaking News, Jesus is alive after having been crucified. Not the traditional Easter/Resurrection Sunday story, this story examines the struggle that Jesus’ resurrection created for those who knew him personally including Doubting Thomas. Join the journey as Penny and Bill share the story of Jesus appearing after his death as told through the gospel of John and our reporter on the street Pastor Penny. Pastor Penny interviews eyewitness Ellie, that is Ellie the elephant from the Zoo (yes, our hometown Brookfield, IL has the world famous Zoo). Join in singing one verse of Amazing Grace, How Powerful that Gift by Bill Ressl. Come join the journey, be grateful for the gift that is the resurrection and transformation… and see what God has planned. Awaken Kindness by DaRevsUSA, a podcast. A progressive podcast looking at the stories of the Bible that enhance self-care and wellness. Hosted by DaRevsUSA, Rev Dr Penny Taylor and Rev Dr Bill Ressl. Simple (grounded in Christ’s love), fun (sharing some time together), yet profound (grounded in a progressive theological lens). LISTEN: On your favorite podcast app. SUBSCRIBE: Discover Premium commercial free early listening on Podbean For all the mindful contemplative possibilities, visit Please note: At times, scripture contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children, therefore parental discretion is advised.
Original DaRevsUSA: Do We Destroy… or Nurture? (with Bill)
Original DaRevsUSA: Do We Destroy… or Nurture? (with Bill)
Original DaRevsUSA: Bill looks at free will, the choices we make that become our destiny, the legacy we leave behind. What we do or don’t do has consequences. What impact do our actions have for our life and those around us – destroy or nurture? Today we look at the story of a barren fig tree, the gardener, and the landowner. The landowner wants the barren fig tree cut down - the gardener suggests giving it one more year, one more chance. What happens? Do we make informed choices or do not? What does it mean to have freedom? What does it mean that our choices inform our destiny and the destiny of others – the legacy of our actions? Together we’ll share and reflect on scripture from Luke 13:1-9, pray, and join in the song singing Our People are Dying, a reflective ballad Bill wrote in August 2020. Come join the journey and see what God has planned. Awaken Kindness by DaRevsUSA, a podcast. A progressive podcast looking at the stories of the Bible that enhance self-care and wellness. Hosted by DaRevsUSA, Rev Dr Penny Taylor and Rev Dr Bill Ressl. Simple (grounded in Christ’s love), fun (sharing some time together), yet profound (grounded in a progressive theological lens). LISTEN: On your favorite podcast app. SUBSCRIBE: Discover Premium commercial free early listening on Podbean For all the mindful contemplative possibilities, visit Please note: At times, scripture contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children, therefore parental discretion is advised.
Original DaRevsUSA: Walking on the Wild Side (with Penny)
Original DaRevsUSA: Walking on the Wild Side (with Penny)
Original DaRevsUSA: Penny takes a trip on the wild side exploring life’s wild adventures and how God is always with us – we are not alone. Penny enjoys hiking and having adventures. It can be pretty wild out there when walking in nature. Like the time at Glacier National Park when Penny and Bill went off the pathway to see the snow field that was still melting down the mountain. What did Bill see? Tan in color… a mountain lion? Hear Penny explain how when fear sets in you can get lost in the wilderness of life and how the pathways of life are often filled with wild adventures. She’ll also look at an adventure from long-ago in Luke 24:13-35 when two men were walking on the road to Emmaus. They had a pretty wild journey – one that they could have never anticipated. Come let’s explore taking a trip on the wild side. Together we’ll share and reflect on scripture Luke 24:13-35, pray, and sing the hymn God Be With You Till We Meet Again. Simple (grounded in Christ’s love), fun (sharing some time together), yet profound (grounded in a progressive theological lens). Begin to see the sacramental reality of life. Come join the journey! Discover Premium commercial free listening, subscribe on Podbean For all the mindful contemplative possibilities, visit Please note: At times, scripture contains adult themes that may not be suitable for children, therefore parental discretion is advised.