The Marketing Careers Podcast

Erik Harbison

Don't navigate your marketing career alone. Our mission is to provide tips, tools, & connections to marketers everywhere. Whether you’re a marketing student, specialist, manager, or leader, we tackle burning industry questions and provide guidance on how to accelerate your career. In every episode, you'll also get links to helpful tools & templates available exclusively to our members. The Marketing Careers Podcast is sponsored by, the only mentorship platform just for marketers. The podcast is hosted by Erik Harbison, industry veteran, CMO, and co-founder of TheMarketingHelp. Subscribe today: read less


Generative AI Disruption - Eps. 9: Marketing Pricing & Product Leader, Robert Campbell
Generative AI Disruption - Eps. 9: Marketing Pricing & Product Leader, Robert Campbell
Key takeaways from our guest, Pricing Strategist & Product Marketing Leader, Robert Campbell: Start by understanding how generative AI models work. There are two main types of prompts used for generative AI: imperative and declarative. Imperative prompts provide step-by-step instructions, while declarative prompts ask for a specific output. Understanding these distinctions will help you get the most out of generative AI tools.Don't replace human creativity and judgment entirely with generative AI outputs. While generative AI can be a valuable tool, it's important to remember that it is still under development. Be aware of potential biases in the training data and the limitations of the technology.Focus on several metrics when using generative AI:Engagement metrics: Track how well different content performs (human-created vs. generative AI-created) to measure effectiveness.AB Testing: Use generative AI-generated content alongside human-created content to see which performs better.Traditional marketing metrics: Keep focusing on revenue generation, churn rate, and other important marketing metrics. AI tools and resources mentioned in the episode:Runway.aiDall-EConnect with Robert For more support on navigating the disruption of Generative AI:Go to: to access:A free excerpt from our recently published book : CMO Disruption Playbook: Generative A.I.Your Gen A.I. Transformation checklistComprehensive list of Gen A.I. tools every marketer should be testing dailyHaving trouble navigating marketing disruptions, a job search, or building and developing your marketing team? Let us help!Just email me directly  ->  erik (at) themarketinghelp (dot) coor Schedule a call with us here -> themarketinghelp (dot) co (forward slash) #schedule Thanks to our Presenting Partner : 6sense.comEliminate the costs of missed opportunities and mistimed deals by pinpointing the accounts that matter most.The only ABM platform powered by Revenue A.I.See 6sense in action and schedule your demo now:
Generative AI Disruption - Eps. 8: AI Marketing Tech Leader, Benjamin Hoehn
Generative AI Disruption - Eps. 8: AI Marketing Tech Leader, Benjamin Hoehn
Key takeaways from our guest, AI Marketing Tech Leader, Benjamin Hoehn: The Importance of Curiosity: Ben emphasized that curiosity is crucial, especially with the rapid developments in generative AI. He mentioned, "It is that level of curiosity that you really need to kind of propel yourself into success."Generative AI as a Tool for Efficiency: Ben described generative AI as creating a "straw man," or a first draft, which helps in removing the ego from initial ideas and improves operational efficiency. He said, "The machine does not care about its idea. It's just saying, based on this data set that I've observed, these are five things that you can do."AI's Role in Disrupting Traditional Processes: Ben shared insights on how AI is changing team dynamics and processes, especially in content creation and marketing strategies. AI tools like Rytr and Grammarly are helping to produce first drafts and reduce the workload on human editors.Risk Management in AI Adoption: Discussing the risks associated with generative AI, Ben highlighted the need for companies to establish AI policies and ensure data security. He cautioned, "It gets super risky if you're exposing PII data or anything behind your company firewall to it."Future of AI in Marketing and Beyond: Looking forward, Ben predicted that AI will be integrated more deeply into business and marketing practices. He discussed potential new roles like a "GPT creator" who optimizes AI tools for company use, emphasizing AI's broader impact on society and industries beyond marketing.AI tools and resources mentioned in the'sAnAIForThat.comGoogle Gemini (formerly Bard)Connect with Benjamin For more support on navigating the disruption of Generative AI:Go to: to access:A free excerpt from our recently published book : CMO Disruption Playbook: Generative A.I.Your Gen A.I. Transformation checklistComprehensive list of Gen A.I. tools every marketer should be testing dailyHaving trouble navigating marketing disruptions, a job search, or building and developing your marketing team? Let us help!Just email me directly  ->  erik (at) themarketinghelp (dot) coor Schedule a call with us here -> themarketinghelp (dot) co (forward slash) #schedule Thanks to our Presenting Partner : 6sense.comEliminate the costs of missed opportunities and mistimed deals by pinpointing the accounts that matter most.The only ABM platform powered by Revenue A.I.See 6sense in action and schedule your demo now:
Generative AI Disruption - Eps. 7: Jodie Lail from GE Healthcare
Generative AI Disruption - Eps. 7: Jodie Lail from GE Healthcare
Key takeaways from our guest, Jodie Lail (GE Healthcare): Gen AI Revolutionizes Marketing Operations: AI-powered tools offer marketers unprecedented efficiency and effectiveness in content creation, campaign optimization, and audience targeting. By leveraging AI, marketing teams can streamline processes and drive better results.Collaboration Between Humans and Gen AI: Rather than viewing AI as a replacement for human creativity, embrace it as a collaborative tool. Maintain control over messaging and brand voice while harnessing AI to enhance productivity and innovation in marketing campaigns.Securing Budget for Gen AI Initiatives: When seeking budgetary support for AI initiatives, focus on demonstrating quick wins and tangible ROI. Start with low-cost or free AI tools to showcase their impact before investing in larger initiatives.Continuous Learning and Experimentation: Foster a culture of experimentation and continuous improvement within your marketing team. Encourage team members to explore new AI technologies, experiment with different approaches, and embrace a mindset of lifelong learning and innovation.Connect with Jodie more support on navigating the disruption of Generative AI:Go to: to access:A free excerpt from our recently published book : CMO Disruption Playbook: Generative A.I.Your Gen A.I. Transformation checklistComprehensive list of Gen A.I. tools every marketer should be testing dailyHaving trouble navigating marketing disruptions, a job search, or building and developing your marketing team? Let us help!Just email me directly  ->  erik (at) themarketinghelp (dot) coor Schedule a call with us here -> themarketinghelp (dot) co (forward slash) #schedule Thanks to our Presenting Partner : 6sense.comEliminate the costs of missed opportunities and mistimed deals by pinpointing the accounts that matter most.The only ABM platform powered by Revenue A.I.See 6sense in action and schedule your demo now:
Generative AI Disruption - Eps. 6: Florian Delval from ActionIQ
Generative AI Disruption - Eps. 6: Florian Delval from ActionIQ
Key takeaways from our guest, Florian Delval: Integration of Generative AI in Practical Applications: Discussing the role of AI in his work, Florian highlights its potential to streamline marketing operations, "What we’re trying is really to add value to your existing IT investments... ultimately the use cases we solve for is everything around the customer experience notion." Marketers should look to integrate AI technologies to enhance customer experience and streamline data management, thereby boosting operational efficiency.Prepare for the Future by Understanding AI: Florian suggests preparing for future disruptions by understanding and engaging with AI technology now. He describes generative AI as "helping generate information... it can be text, images, etc." Marketers should actively learn about and experiment with AI tools to stay ahead in their field, ensuring they can leverage these technologies as they become more integrated into everyday business practices.AI tools & resources mentioned in this episode: AI BlogAction IQ BlogGoogle AI BlogConnect with Florian Delval: For more support on navigating the disruption of Generative AI:Go to: to access:A free excerpt from our recently published book : CMO Disruption Playbook: Generative A.I.Your Gen A.I. Transformation checklistComprehensive list of Gen A.I. tools every marketer should be testing dailyHaving trouble navigating marketing disruptions, a job search, or building and developing your marketing team? Let us help!Just email me directly  ->  erik (at) themarketinghelp (dot) coor Schedule a call with us here -> themarketinghelp (dot) co (forward slash) #schedule Thanks to our Presenting Partner : 6sense.comEliminate the costs of missed opportunities and mistimed deals by pinpointing the accounts that matter most.The only ABM platform powered by Revenue A.I.See 6sense in action and schedule your demo now:
Generative AI Disruption - Eps. 5: AI Strategist, Kaarin Howard
Generative AI Disruption - Eps. 5: AI Strategist, Kaarin Howard
Key takeaways from our guest, Kaarin Howard: Leadership's Role in Embracing and Driving AI Adoption:Kaarin touches on the critical role of marketing leadership in embracing and driving AI adoption within organizations. She suggests that leaders must not only be open to AI but actively encourage their teams to explore and integrate AI solutions. This leadership approach is essential for fostering an innovative culture that leverages AI for strategic advantage.The Impact of AI on Marketing Team Dynamics and Structure:Reflecting on the future of marketing teams, Kaarin speculates on the potential for AI to streamline team structures. "Will I need six copywriters? No, now I only need two," she states, indicating that AI's efficiency gains may lead to leaner, more focused teams. This shift could impact hiring strategies, team dynamics, and the overall structure of marketing departments, pushing towards a model where quality and efficiency are prioritized over quantity.AI tools & resources mentioned in this episode:MidJourneyMutinyHugging FaceThe Rundown AI NewsletterConnect with Kaarin Howard: For more support on navigating the disruption of Generative AI:Go to: to access:A free excerpt from our recently published book : CMO Disruption Playbook: Generative A.I.Your Gen A.I. Transformation checklistComprehensive list of Gen A.I. tools every marketer should be testing dailyHaving trouble navigating marketing disruptions, a job search, or building and developing your marketing team? Let us help!Just email me directly  ->  erik (at) themarketinghelp (dot) coor Schedule a call with us here -> themarketinghelp (dot) co (forward slash) #schedule Thanks to our Presenting Partner : 6sense.comEliminate the costs of missed opportunities and mistimed deals by pinpointing the accounts that matter most.The only ABM platform powered by Revenue A.I.See 6sense in action and schedule your demo now:
Generative AI Disruption - Eps. 4: Chief AI Strategist, Andreas Welsch
Generative AI Disruption - Eps. 4: Chief AI Strategist, Andreas Welsch
Key takeaways from our guest, Andreas Welsch (SAP and AI Augments, Not Replaces, Human Creativity: Contrary to fears of AI replacing jobs, Welsch argues that AI serves to augment human creativity and efficiency. He provides examples of how AI can assist in content creation, customer engagement, and operational efficiency, stressing that AI is a tool for enhancement rather than replacement.The Importance of AI Education in Marketing Departments: Welsh advocates for marketers at all levels to develop AI literacy, suggesting that understanding how to effectively use AI tools is crucial for staying competitive in the rapidly evolving marketing landscape. He encourages marketers to experiment with AI, learn from its applications, and integrate it into their strategies.AI tools & resources mentioned in this episode:descript.compubler.iojasper.aiotter.aiConnect with Andreas Welsch: more support on navigating the disruption of Generative AI:Go to: to access:A free excerpt from our recently published book : CMO Disruption Playbook: Generative A.I.Your Gen A.I. Transformation checklistComprehensive list of Gen A.I. tools every marketer should be testing dailyHaving trouble navigating marketing disruptions, a job search, or building and developing your marketing team? Let us help!Just email me directly  ->  erik (at) themarketinghelp (dot) coor Schedule a call with us here -> themarketinghelp (dot) co (forward slash) #schedule Thanks to our Presenting Partner : 6sense.comEliminate the costs of missed opportunities and mistimed deals by pinpointing the accounts that matter most.The only ABM platform powered by Revenue A.I.See 6sense in action and schedule your demo now:
Generative AI Disruption - Eps. 3: Ashley Gross from commercetools
Generative AI Disruption - Eps. 3: Ashley Gross from commercetools
Key takeaways from our guest, Ashley Gross (commercetools): Generative AI as a Marketing Tool: Ashley emphasizes the integration of generative AI into marketing strategies, highlighting its role in streamlining tasks and enhancing productivity. This technology is portrayed as an invaluable asset for marketers looking to optimize their workflows and focus on creative and strategic tasks.The Importance of Curiosity and Continuous Learning: It is paramount for marketers to stay curious and continuously learn about emerging technologies. Marketers are encouraged to dedicate time to exploring generative AI applications, as this can lead to innovative solutions and improvements in marketing strategies.Leadership and Adoption of AI: The success of integrating generative AI into marketing efforts is partly attributed to supportive leadership. Ashley points out the necessity for leaders to advocate for and encourage the exploration of AI technologies, fostering an environment where team members feel empowered to experiment and innovate.Human-Centric Approach to AI Implementation: Ashley advocates for a human-first approach when implementing generative AI, suggesting that understanding and addressing the specific dislikes or challenges of team members can lead to more effective and enthusiastic adoption of AI tools.Future of Marketing Roles and Skills: The episode touches on the evolving landscape of marketing roles and the skills required in the age of AI. There's an anticipation of new job titles and responsibilities emerging, with a focus on specialists who can bridge technology and marketing needs effectively.Connect with Ashley Gross: For more support on navigating the disruption of Generative AI:Go to: to access:A free excerpt from our recently published book : CMO Disruption Playbook: Generative A.I.Your Gen A.I. Transformation checklistComprehensive list of Gen A.I. tools every marketer should be testing dailyHaving trouble navigating marketing disruptions, a job search, or building and developing your marketing team? Let us help!Just email me directly  ->  erik (at) themarketinghelp (dot) coor Schedule a call with us here -> themarketinghelp (dot) co (forward slash) #schedule Thanks to our Presenting Partner : 6sense.comEliminate the costs of missed opportunities and mistimed deals by pinpointing the accounts that matter most.The only ABM platform powered by Revenue A.I.See 6sense in action and schedule your demo now:
Generative AI Disruption - Eps. 2: Tech/AI Leader, George Kamide
Generative AI Disruption - Eps. 2: Tech/AI Leader, George Kamide
Key takeaways from our guest - tech/AI/Cybersecurity specialist, George Kamide:Generative AI's Transformative Potential: George  emphasizes the revolutionary impact of generative AI on marketing, highlighting its ability to understand and generate new data, including human language and creative expressions. This opens up unprecedented opportunities for marketers to innovate in content creation, customer engagement, and personalization.The Importance of Adaptation and Education: George's journey from a diverse background into marketing underscores the critical need for continuous learning and adaptation, especially in the rapidly evolving fields of AI and technology. For marketing leaders and teams, staying informed and educated on AI advancements is crucial for leveraging these technologies effectively.Reimagining Marketing Roles and Processes: The episode covers trends indicating a future where marketing roles become less specialized and more multidisciplinary. Marketers will need to evolve from being solely content creators to orchestrators who leverage AI for data analysis, customer insights, and strategic decision-making, emphasizing the importance of cross-functional collaboration and creativity.Ethical Considerations and Authenticity: Kamide warns against the over-reliance on AI for cost optimization, stressing that it could lead to quality compromises and ethical issues, such as perpetuating biases. He advocates for using AI to enhance authentic human connections and trust, which will become key differentiators in a technology-saturated market. Connect with George Kamide: AI resources mentioned for you to check more support on navigating the disruption of Generative AI:Go to: to access:A free excerpt from our recently published book : CMO Disruption Playbook: Generative A.I.Your Gen A.I. Transformation checklistComprehensive list of Gen A.I. tools every marketer should be testing dailyHaving trouble navigating marketing disruptions, a job search, or building and developing your marketing team? Let us help!Just email me directly  ->  erik (at) themarketinghelp (dot) coor Schedule a call with us here -> themarketinghelp (dot) co (forward slash) #schedule Thanks to our Presenting Partner : 6sense.comEliminate the costs of missed opportunities and mistimed deals by pinpointing the accounts that matter most.The only ABM platform powered by Revenue A.I.See 6sense in action and schedule your demo now:
Generative AI Disruption - Eps. 1: Jessica Hreha from Jasper
Generative AI Disruption - Eps. 1: Jessica Hreha from Jasper
Key takeaways from Jessica Hreha from Importance of AI Literacy: For marketing teams to effectively leverage generative AI, they must invest in AI literacy. Understanding the technology's potential and limitations ensures its ethical and effective use.Adoption and Integration Challenges: Successfully integrating generative AI into marketing strategies requires overcoming operational challenges, including workflow integration, team training, and setting clear guidelines for use.Ethical Considerations and Guidelines: Establishing ethical guidelines for generative AI use is crucial. Marketers must navigate issues related to data privacy, content authenticity, and brand integrity while exploring AI's potential.Connect with Jessica Hreaha: AI resources to check out: more support on navigating the disruption of Generative AI:Go to: to access:A free excerpt from our recently published book : CMO Disruption Playbook: Generative A.I.Your Gen A.I. Transformation checklistComprehensive list of Gen A.I. tools every marketer should be testing dailyHaving trouble navigating marketing disruptions, a job search, or building and developing your marketing team? Let us help!Just email me directly  ->  erik (at) themarketinghelp (dot) coor Schedule a call with us here -> themarketinghelp (dot) co (forward slash) #schedule Thanks to our Presenting Partner : 6sense.comEliminate the costs of missed opportunities and mistimed deals by pinpointing the accounts that matter most.The only ABM platform powered by Revenue A.I.See 6sense in action and schedule your demo now:
Getting Annual Marketing Performance Reviews Right
Getting Annual Marketing Performance Reviews Right
Some simple truths about the annual review process:  You don't get promoted for simply being in your role for 'x' yearsAny raise or promotion should not be a surprise - your manager and you should be consistently discussing your performance & expectations during 1x1s throughout the yearBe aware of the market/industry conditions - your company and role do not operate in a bubble (if the economy is in a downturn,  you did not sign any clients, your customer churn grew -- > don't expect a 7% raise)It is a discussion - not a manager monologue or a direct report complain-session - discuss expectations, accomplishments, challenges, opportunities FROM EACH PERSONYou will be measured on you Performance/Skill vs Potential/Will. Some questions to ask during your annual performance review:Direct report to marketing manager: What is the most challenging thing about your Role?What are 3 projects I can take off your plate?Can you confirm the process or path to get promoted?\What are ways I can increase my salary?Marketing manager to direct report:Which accomplishment (personal and professional) are you most proud of?What can I be doing better for you?Where do you want to be - re your role -  in one year?Do you understand the process for getting promoted? Other Marketing Career Resources:Special offer: 22% Off - for Lifetime - TMH+ Executive Mentorship- (enter promo code: MENTOR22 to activate the discount)“The best investment I ever made in my career. The mentoring alone allows for guidance from someone that has ‘been there, done that’ in every marketing scenario where I need help. My confidence is much higher and would recommend any marketer serious about their career to consider joining.” - Kisha V. - Director of Content MarketingAccess 200+ Marketing Career Resources - and more - as a Free TMH Member:-
5 ChatGPT Prompts To Help Advance Your Marketing Career
5 ChatGPT Prompts To Help Advance Your Marketing Career
The 5 prompt types to use with ChatGPT:  (Prompts are included in quotes - just edit and copy/paste into ChatGPT.)Create personal branding content : Use to publish tweets, blog posts or Linkedin articles."(#) things to watch out for when running a(n) (enter your marketing channel) campaign""(x) Linkedin Publish article/blog post topic ideas for (enter your marketing channel) campaigns"Create your Professional Summary: Add to your Linkedin About section or personal website. "Write a first person/third person professional summary, using (enter type of tone) tone, based on the resume content provided."Copy and paste the entire contents of your resume into ChatGPTConsider adding word count limitations (e.g. maximum of 500 words)Create interview answer frameworks: Get ideas specific to the type of role you're interviewing for. "You are interviewing for a (enter the title of the role) role.  How do you answer the question "(enter specific question)."Question suggestions - Greatest strengths/weaknesses, a time when you had to use data to solve a problem, why you want this role.Interview prep - Keyword Research: Get ideas on terms you can suggest.  "List the top 20 [specific industry] keywords including a number, the keyword and worldwide search volume." "Provide 20 keyword alternatives for [specific keywords]."Interview prep - Value asset content creation: Content to show how you can help them solve challenges."10 alternative blog topics to (enter existing blog post title from the company)."Marketing plan ideas: "You are a marketing director.  Provide a marketing plan that includes target audience, objective, goals and key strategies and tactics for (enter assumed campaign outcomes - awareness, online sales, etc). You are a brand that (describe the product or service) to a target audience of (enter assumed persona information)."Google or Meta Ad copy: "Write 10 Google / Meta ad headlines for (enter company URL)."Organic social captions: "Write 10 (social channel) (type of tone) captions for (enter company URL)."Linkedin posts: "Write 10 (enter type of tone) Linkedin posts for (enter company URL).A.I. Tools every marketers should be testing:ChatGPT : chat.openai.comJasper.aiCopy.aiYou.comLooka.comOther Marketing Career Resources:Special offer: 22% Off - for Lifetime - TMH+ Executive Mentorship- (enter promo code: MENTOR22 to activate the discount)“The best investment I ever made in my career. The mentoring alone allows for guidance from someone that has ‘been there, done that’ in every marketing scenario where I need help. My confidence is much higher and would recommend any marketer serious about their career to consider joining.” - Kisha V. - Director of Content MarketingAccess 200+ Marketing Career Resources - and more - as a Free TMH Member:-