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Andy Stumpf

It is safe to say that I have wandered a bit. I served in the military, flew some jets, jumped out of most, climbed mountains (I jumped off of them too), taught fitness, owned a gym, and have spent the last few years speaking to organizations and leaders. It has been a journey, and in all honesty, I have no idea where it is going. I seek the things that make me uncomfortable. I move towards things that scare me. I think you should too read less
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Full Auto Friday 2/7/2025
Full Auto Friday 2/7/2025
In this Q&A episode, I dive into three powerful listener questions that hit hard on personal struggles, global issues, and life-or-death moments. First, I respond to a heartfelt message from a 40-year-old father of six who’s navigating the emotional wreckage of divorce. He’s wondering how to rebuild, find love again, and move forward without being crushed by the weight of his past. I’ve been there—I share my own experiences with heartbreak, healing, and what it really takes to start over with confidence. Next, I unpack the geopolitical ripple effects of President Trump’s decision to label Mexican drug cartels as terrorist organizations. What does this mean for border security, asylum claims, and the flood of firearms crossing from the U.S. into Mexico? Lastly, a retired Army vet who survived a heart attack—known as the “widowmaker”—asks how to deal with the fear and anxiety it left behind, not just for him, but for his wife. I’ve faced my own health scares and the mental and emotional aftermath of those “what if” moments that shake you to your core. Today's Sponsors: AG1:  AG1 is offering new subscribers a FREE $76 gift when you sign up. You’ll get a Welcome Kit, a bottle of D3K2 AND 5 free travel packs in your first box. So make sure to check out to get this offer!  Timeline: Timeline is offering 33% off your order of Mitopure while supplies last Go to
Episode 368 - Nic Mckinley
Episode 368 - Nic Mckinley
Nic McKinley is an entrepreneur, former military special operator, and ex-CIA operative who founded and led two multimillion-dollar tech companies. A pioneer in building technical solutions to protect society from predators, Nic is passionate about solving society's most pressing issues through cost-effective technical solutions. Nic grew up in Montana but left to join US military special operations as a US Air Force Pararescueman. After more than a decade in Pararescue, Nic worked in private intelligence start-ups before being recruited into a specialized unit at the Central Intelligence Agency that provided unique capabilities and expertise in response to the critical operational needs of the Intelligence Community. With 30 combat deployments under his belt in both Special Operations and the CIA, Nic experienced the power of technology during the Global War on Terror and set out to use his skills and training with that experience to combat modern slavery. In 2014, Nic founded DeliverFund, the only donor-funded solution to human trafficking that delivers proprietary data and technology to law enforcement, allowing them to take down human traffickers effectively. Along with DeliverFund, Nic founded a venture capital-backed software company and has a technology leadership consulting practice. Despite being dubbed "The Real Jack Ryan" by VICE Media, Nic's most important role is as a husband and father leading his family in a life of service and adventure in Montana. When he is not in his office, Nic can be found on a lake, on the ski slopes, camping, climbing vertical rock or ice in the mountains, with his nose in a book learning something new, or spending downtime with his extraordinary wife. Nic holds multiple degrees, one of which is a Bachelor of Liberal Arts from Harvard University. The Noah Story: Safeguard App: Montana Knife Company: LMNT:
SSS and Genghis Cohen - Dark Desert Defense, Machine Guns, Helicopters, and Strippers
SSS and Genghis Cohen - Dark Desert Defense, Machine Guns, Helicopters, and Strippers
Stephen is a recently retired Navy SEAL with 24 years of active duty service. Immediately upon graduating from high school he enlisted in the Navy and went to Basic Underwater Demolition School BUD/S. Stephen was assigned to SEAL Delivery Vehicle Team TWO where he specialized as a SDV Pilot, small arms marksmanship instructor, and scout/sniper. In 1999 Stephen successfully screened and went to Naval Special Warfare Development Group (SEAL Team 6). During his 11 years at the command, Steve successfully completed 10 combat deployments to both OIF (Iraq) and OEF (Afghanistan). During his combat tours as an assault team sniper and team leader, he was awarded the Silver Star and five Bronze Star medals for heroic actions while engaged in National level HVT combat missions, among other medals and awards. Before retiring he started his own consulting business, (TIER ONE Global Consulting LLC) specializing in soldiering skills, combat shooting, austere high altitude jump training, and lead climbing rock courses to private clients and government agencies. In 2012 he was the Today, Stephen is the owner-operator of Dark Desert Defense. Stephen also owns Six Shooters LLC. This company works specifically in the entertainment industry, film, TV, and video games. Genghis was born and raised in New Zealand (NZ). At the age of 17 he was accepted for Officer Training with the Royal New Zealand Army. After serving 7 years with the military Genghis moved to the US where he studied at San Francisco State University(SSU). Genghis grew up around firearms. From an early age he was shooting and hunting with his father. His time in the military led to a greater understanding or firearms specifically in a combat environment. In 2008 Genghis moved to Ghana, Africa where he owned Gold and Diamond mining operations, he also worked as a consultant at this time in security and aviation. In 2010 Genghis returned to the US and decided to teach part time as a firearms instructor, after a couple of bad experiences with the facilities and training offered in Las Vegas, Genghis and his partners decided to open their own range offering training and firearms experiences. Genghis went on to train more and more clients offering a bespoke approach to defensive firearms training. Genghis now owns and operates multiple tourism attractions as well as being one of the principles for Dark Desert Defense. As a veteran himself Genghis also founded and is the chairman of the Veterans Training Fund, a 501(c) 3 that assists veterans in assimilating back into society.