Cleared Hot

Andy Stumpf

It is safe to say that I have wandered a bit. I served in the military, flew some jets, jumped out of most, climbed mountains (I jumped off of them too), taught fitness, owned a gym, and have spent the last few years speaking to organizations and leaders. It has been a journey, and in all honesty, I have no idea where it is going. I seek the things that make me uncomfortable. I move towards things that scare me. I think you should too read less
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Iain Bryson - A Father's Fight for Justice and Redemption
Iain Bryson - A Father's Fight for Justice and Redemption
Iain Byrson has been on a harrowing and deeply moving journey of resilience, faith, and unwavering love. Iain’s story begins in 2004 when he met his first wife, Agata Makowska. Their life took a tragic turn when their daughter, Adelle, exhibited signs of severe abuse after a visit to Poland. Despite Iain’s desperate efforts to protect his daughter and seek justice, his cries for help went unanswered, leading to a heartbreaking separation and a relentless fight against a system that failed them. Iain's ordeal escalated in December 2010, when Agata took Adelle back to Poland under the guise of a visit, only for Iain to never see his daughter again. His relentless pursuit of justice led him to drastic measures, resulting in his imprisonment in Poland for fifty months. During this time, he endured severe conditions and fought for his voice to be heard, highlighting the immense challenges faced by parents in international abduction cases. Upon his release in 2015, Iain returned to the U.S., where he found solace in faith and continued his mission to expose and combat satanic ritual abuse. Today, alongside his second wife, Emily, Iain dedicates his life to advocating for victims and standing against the darkness. Iain's Website: Wolf 21- Check out what they have to offer for the best sleep of your life: Use Code: "clearedhot" for 30% off of your 1st order The Speed of War Comic Series: Check out the newest Cleared Hot Gear here: