Settling Is Bullshit

Cate Blouke

Sweary life and relationship advice for humans trying to get better at adulting. Playful, tender-hearted, and trauma-informed. We'll talk about authenticity, vulnerability, self-compassion, self-care, sobriety, glitter... all the good shit that helps us show up for ourselves and each other just a little bit better every day.

Make brave choices.

Claim your joy!

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15 | Adopting a F**k Around and Find Out Approach to Life with Mindset Coach Ally Rounsley
15 | Adopting a F**k Around and Find Out Approach to Life with Mindset Coach Ally Rounsley
Swearing is caring, y’all! And in this extra sweary episode, mindset coach and recovering perfectionist Ally Rounsley takes us on a deep dive into how to build resilience by stepping into a f*ck around and find out (FAAFO) mentality. Though, not in the getting-into-fights sense that this phrasing sometimes implies. (And also not in a sexy-time connotation, but you do you!) We’re tackling this in the “stop taking everything so seriously and just TRY and see what happens” kind of way.In addition to sharing how she’s applied this to her own life and coaching journey, Ally offers a structured FAAFO framework for each of us to follow that can help us break free of limiting patterns in our thinking and behavior.Here are some of the other points we hit on this jaunty adventure into fields of rainbow sheep:Doing brave shit in service of our authenticity.How coaching will ruin your life (in a good way!)Trying new things in ways that feel fun and exciting instead of terrifying and exhausting.Redefining rest based on what we actually need at the time.Meditation! And how it’s totally normal to struggle with it.Distinguishing between judgment and discernment (and being nice to yourself!)Slowing down and digging a little deeper to uncover the why behind what we think we want.Read the transcript and access additional resources at SettlingIsBullshit.comConnect with AllyFollow Ally on LinkedIn: Ally on Instagram: @Allythegyst GYST. Book a session with Ally. Buy some of her shit. Sign up for the newsletter! It’s punchy and delightful and comes out every Wednesday:
14 | Honoring Anniversaries of Sobriety and Other Milestones
14 | Honoring Anniversaries of Sobriety and Other Milestones
Yesterday marked my 14th anniversary of getting sober – which is a big deal! And also tends to stir up a lot of weird emotions: ambiguous grief, an intense combination of gratitude and longing, lots of hope and heaviness at the same time… So this episode is very much about my recovery specifically, but also about pausing to reflect on how far we’ve come – any of us, around anything we’ve been working toward or events that have changed us.The invitations I offer here are to reflect on where you were a year ago and all the things that have changed, and also for you to think about one of the things you want for yourself, the change that you want to make for your higher good, and to then reach out and get some support. Because if I’ve learned anything in the last 14 years, it’s that we can’t do this shit alone.Read the transcript at –, References, and Links:The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk. One of the most famous books about trauma. Also, written more for mental health professionals than us lay people, but it’s a pretty big deal in the field. coaching business: post “What My Recovery Means to Me” – post on perfectionism, “Doing Things Imperfectly in Public” – post on personal archives, “Viewing Our Past with Generosity” – episode on comparison, “Comparison Is the Thief of Joy” –
13 | On Creativity, Identity, Queerness, and Belonging with Filmmaker Jacob Combs
13 | On Creativity, Identity, Queerness, and Belonging with Filmmaker Jacob Combs
In this lovely, vulnerable conversation with filmmaker Jacob Combs, we explore the ways that personal identity evolves over time, and how a vast range of experiences accumulate to form the rich tapestry of the person each of us gets to become. We unpack our experiences with creative evolution, our mutual journeys of queer identity, and what it means to belong to both ourselves and to our chosen communities.Jacob's newest film – The Orange at the Seder - explores themes of queerness, chosen family, tradition, and belonging, and it will premiere next month at the LA Shorts International Film Festival. Which is super rad! As is the film itself, and so is this episode.Read the transcript at SettlingIsBullshit.comFollow Jacob on Instagram – @jacobdcombs the film on Instagram – @orange_seder_film The Orange at the Seder in LA! Premiering at the LA Shorts International Film Festival Saturday, 7/20 at 10:30pm (yes, it's late, but so worth it!)., References, and Links:Multihyphenate. Apparently this is a movie industry term for someone with experience and expertise in many different roles. It was a new-to-me term, and I love it. Let’s all embrace our multihyphenate-ness in all arenas! “Why Being a Multihyphenate Will Boost Your Hiring Potential” – Whether this term has a positive or negative connotation apparently depends on which corner of the internet you ask. “Being Multi-Passionate: A Jack-Of-All-Trades and Master of None Or Is it?” – Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein. Which has, as it turns out, been turned into a movie (if you don’t have the bandwidth for reading the book).Passover. The weeklong Jewish holiday commemorating the Jewish people’s departure from ancient Egypt. The name stems from the way that God “passed over” the houses of Jewish people during the 10th plague. A ritual meal held during the Jewish Passover holiday in which the story of the Exodus is retold. This is the event at the center of Jacob’s film. “The Passover (Pesach) Seder” – Open House for Pride and Tolerance. The venue for the Seder that Jacob attended in Israel that planted the seed of the film’s story.
12 | Sharing Our Tenderness and Navigating Vulnerability Hangovers
12 | Sharing Our Tenderness and Navigating Vulnerability Hangovers
Sharing vulnerability is the foundation of meaningful relationships and wholehearted living. It’s also really fucking hard – by definition. To be vulnerable means to share our tenderness and open ourselves up to the possibility of getting hurt. But it’s super worth it, and it’s the only way to cultivate the kind of connection that most of us crave.This episode serves as a reminder that vulnerability is worth it, and also offers support around the almost-always-inevitable vulnerability hangover. Having the language of vulnerability hangover and the capacity to recognize when one is happening opens up the doors to self-compassion and self-care.The more we’re able to take good care of ourselves around our vulnerability hangovers, the more resilient and empowered we become. And the more we share our vulnerability in safe (enough) and supportive spaces, the more courageous and connected we feel.So! As a heads up, I’m practicing what I preach in this one by sharing something that meets my quality standards for content but the audio quality isn’t ideal. As always, you can read the transcript on –, References, and Links:Brene Brown – Power of Vulnerability Ted Talk. If you haven’t seen it, please give yourself the gift of this 20 minute video. hangover. Here is a useful article that includes coping strategy suggestions: dumping. What it is, how to recognize it, and hopefully, therefore, how to avoid doing it! Henson documentary. Jim Henson Idea Man – so good! Also, much as I appreciate and respect the guy, he was definitely a workaholic. Appreciate that the film does address the toll it took on his family. Just wish they’d talked more about Fraggle Rock! Dark Crystal – very strange, cult classic film that came out in 1982 and was a radical departure from The Muppet Movie.The Labyrinth – also a very strange and (in my book) marvelous movie featuring the late, great David Bowie as the villain.Brene Brown's Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent, and Lead. The title here pretty much says it all. Highly recommend, as with all of her work.
05 | Embracing the Messy Sides of Self-love with Dawn Church
05 | Embracing the Messy Sides of Self-love with Dawn Church
The happy shiny aspects of self-love might get the most time in the spotlight, but the messy parts are just as in need of our attention. In this delightful conversation with personal coach Dawn Church, we talk about how experiencing the full range of self-love involves welcoming and attending to all parts of ourselves, even the ones we'd prefer to ignore. Dawn even manages to convince me that meltdowns are a form of self-love and self-care, much as we might hate them while they’re happening.Resources, References, and Links:Dawn’s website: Tempered – Dawn on Instagram: – Cyrus’ “Flowers.” Cyrus performed this smash hit at the 2024 Grammy awards, and I definitely have had the song on repeat lately: yourself on a date. My post about taking self-love seriously: “Take Yourself on a F*cking Date” – Farm. This BBC miniseries follows two archeologists and a domestic historian as they spend a year on a farm in Britain, recreating the working and living conditions of Edwardian farmers. It’s charming! Frank. Iconic school supply designer of the 1980s whose work features cute animals and vivid colors. Definitely responsible for aspects of my current identity and aesthetic. Work. We talk a lot in this episode about the “parts of us” that have different needs. There are a number of therapeutic approaches that use parts work as a tool for healing. “What Is Parts Work” – metaphors. This isn’t the first time I’ve gone down this road, lol. And I can’t resist sharing my favorite extended pie metaphor from the blog. “WTF Does It Mean to ‘Get Over’ Someone?” – The most accessible book I’ve read about trauma (and one I would recommend to anyone) is “What Happened to You?” by Oprah Winfrey and Bruce D. Perry – Pandas. Seriously the best. “Adorable Red Panda Facts You Didn't Know” –
03 | Using Movement to Shift Perspective with Dr. Sarah Roth
03 | Using Movement to Shift Perspective with Dr. Sarah Roth
In this conversation with Dr. Sarah Roth, an ER physician and fulfillment coach, we chat about the neuroscience of change and the way that physically moving our bodies can facilitate shifts in mood and mindset. Because our connective tissue has more neurons and neuroreceptors than any other organ in the body, any physical movement we make can have a substantial impact on our mental outlook – which we can leverage when trying to implement changes in our lives. Sarah and I also talk about the importance of self-awareness and choice, the need for self-compassion and self-care, and the ways that intentionality can lead to more joyful living.Resources, References, and Links:Metaphor and stuckness. My post where I discuss feeling into the stuckness: “Action Fuels Motivation (Seriously)” – An article offering more details about proprioception: “Proprioception: Making Sense of Body Position” – posing. Amy Cuddy’s famous TED talk about the impact of power posing (*note, her findings have not been replicated, so there is much debate about this. On a personal level, I’ve found it really impactful): “Your body language may shape who you are | Amy Cuddy | TED” – poses. Article about the pose and examples: Highly recommend the Kova Collection from Albany Park: blankets. “Weighted Blanket Benefits” – Rock. As of publication, you can watch the original Fraggle Rock (1983) on Apple TV. fatigue. It’s real! And definitely something to pay attention to. “Decision Fatigue: What It Is and How to Avoid It” – perspective. My post about looking back at things with generosity: “Viewing Our Past with Generosity” –’s Website: Head to Heart Fulfillment –