I am so excited to share the Embrace Your Shadow Workbook with you today. This is a transformative experience for you to discover the truth behind your desires & move closer to your authentic self. You can sign up for it free of charge. In this episode, I will guide you through the workbook and even share with you a personal example of how to apply the tool that is included in the workbook. Let's dive in!
In this episode, you’ll learn about:
For the full show notes, visit raiseyourenergypodcast.com
Episode Mentions:
Here is the free Embrace Your Shadow Workbook that I talked about in the episode. Sign up to get the free download instantly: https://lindalange.com/embraceyourshadow
Listen next to:
E165 - Facing My Ego: A Shocking Realization About Myself!
E158 - Living Life from Love and not from Fear
E153 - People in Your Life are SIGNS for You
More Energy Resources:
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