Coaching Architetti Architects Donne Women Leader Business Marina Sciarrino E7

The Ducarelli Podcast

26-12-2020 • 24 mins

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Abstract: In questo episodio, con Marina Sciarrino, conosciamo il coaching per architetti e designer e leadership per le donne.

Anche gli architetti e i designer hanno bisogno del marketing e di un buon atteggiamento mentale (mindset), per promuovere la loro attività e "costruire dal cucchiaio alla città", come spiega Marina Sciarrino, coaching per architetti e designer. Ne parliamo con lei affrontando anche altre questioni come la leadership al femminile.
Per saperne di più, visita la piattaforma:
punto di riferimento della community che Marina Sciarrino sta fondando per fornire strumenti e risorse.

Abstract: In this episode, with Marina Sciarrino, we learn about coaching for architects and designers and women leadership.

Even architects and designers need marketing and a good mental attitude and nurturing mindset, to promote their business and "build from the spoon to the city", as explained Marina Sciarrino, coaching architects and designers. We talk to her about it, and we talk to her about other issues like female leadership.
To learn more, visit the
platform, a reference point of the community that Marina Sciarrino is founding to provide tools and resources.