Industrial Sustainability with EEE's Fu Zhao

Boilermaker Engineering Engenuity Podcast

Jul 30 2020 • 18 mins

For July 2020, we are featuring research from across Environmental and Ecological Engineering (known as EEE at Purdue) in three episodes.  This third episode hosted by John Sutherland, the Fehsenfeld Family Head of Environmental and Ecological Engineering and features an interview with Professor Fu Zhao, an international leader in life cycle engineering, who also has a joint appointment in mechanical engineering.

Zhao discusses the environmental approach to industrial sustainability which explores the impact of processes and products on the environment across their life span. His research team in the Sustainable Engineering, Technology and Systems Lab studies a wide range of areas including 3D printer emissions, sustainable electronics, energy efficiency of digital manufacturing and rare earth elements.

For more podcasts, visit the Purdue Engineering podcast website.