What Would Rick Do?: How Do I Know if the KPIs Are “Reasonable” for My Team?

The Art of Online Business

31-03-2023 • 21 mins

Have you ever struggled to set Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for your team or wondered if your KPIs are reasonable?

In this episode, we delve deeper into the world of KPIs and their crucial role in the success of your online business. Whether you're an online course creator, have a membership-based business, or are an online coach, understanding how to set and track KPIs is essential for achieving your goals.

By the end of this episode, you'll have a solid understanding of how KPIs can serve as the foundation for your online business's growth and success. You'll be equipped with practical tips and strategies for setting and tracking KPIs effectively and ensuring that you and your team are aligned, motivated, and focused on achieving your business objectives.

Don't miss this opportunity to level up your online business by mastering the art of setting and tracking KPIs.

In this episode, you’ll learn:

  • The importance of KPIs in providing a clear picture of your business's health
  • How KPIs allow you to track, measure, and evaluate progress towards your goals and make necessary adjustments to stay on track
  • The difference between leading and lagging KPIs (with examples)
  • Expert guidance on how to identify the KPIs that are most important for your unique business and its goals
  • A step-by-step process for reverse-engineering your goals to create actionable KPIs
  • How to empower your team by involving them in the goal-setting process
  • Strategies for making your KPIs visible to your entire team, fostering accountability, collaboration, and a shared sense of purpose
  • Tips for creating an efficient system for tracking your KPIs so that you can easily review and analyze data to course-correct when needed

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Full show notes available at www.rickmulready.com/691

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