Coach Bart K. is joined by Sky from @Gnosiiis for episode 13, a real-life, modern day alchemist, running The Arcanum and the Salt Of Salvation - a truly interesting and inspiring self-made successful business owner and a man on a mission to make the world a happier, healthier and more conscious place.
This episode of Fundamental Wisdom goes into:
0:00 Quick explanation & hello/welcome back from Bart
2:00 Sky's introduction, beginnings & biography
7:50 Explaining modern day Alchemy
20:00 What is The Arcanum?
21:00 The importance of Electrolytes, Cell Salts
30:00 Modern day luxuries & ancestral living
37:00 Cyclical Ketosis & why its optimal
44:00 Importance of Ketosis & High Fat diets
52:40 Methylene Blue & its incredible effects
& so much more
Connect with Sky here:
Instagram - @Gnosiiis
Twitter - @Gnosiiis /
Connect with Coach Bart K here:
Instagram - @CoachBartK
Twitter - @CoachBartK