EVALUATE | What things, people and decisions are no longer serving you or aligned with your values? Being more intentional with your year, not just days.

Unpacking Myself

11-01-2023 • 14 mins

Had a major epiphany while doing this episode - it’s easy to be intentional with our days than our months & year. I don’t know about you but I’m kinda getting tired of seeing the years just passing me by. Yes they are filled with love and joyful moments BUT am I making progress and moving forward in the way I want to? Are my years as planned or am I just high-fiving myself for getting things done in my day. So many moments lead me to realize the things I need to do this year so it doesn’t feel like I’m just riding the wave of life. Excited to share what I learned and how I’m going into 2023 in this week’s episode.

Want to unpack a topic or something you are going through with me? Send me a message: unpackingmyself@gmail.com or Insta: @unpackingmyself