NEXT BIG THING | How big exciting events and holidays can quickly become the main source of joy in your life versus simply adding more joy to an already fulfilling, joyful life. Which is it for you?

Unpacking Myself

02-11-2022 • 15 mins

As the end of the year approaches, I noticed in myself and others how easy it is to jump from one exciting holiday to another, and life in the future rather than enjoying the simple, quiet, day to day moments in life as well. There is a balance between enjoying holidays and special events versus using these big events to make your life exciting. They can either add more joy or be the main source of joy in your life. When it is the main source of joy then it becomes more like an addiction and “regular” life isn’t as fun or exciting. Which is it for you? This week I unpack this topic as I reflected back on a few busy weeks I had and how it affected me and my mindset.

Want to unpack a topic or something you are going through with me? Send me a message: or Insta: @unpackingmyself