Women Saving Women: How to Keep Up the Fight Against Gender Violence in Mexico

Oxford Policy Pod

08-02-2024 • 35 mins

Mariana de Lucio, a Mexican lawyer and an MPP student, joined us to delve into the complex reality of being a woman in Mexico and confront the pervasive issue of gender violence plaguing the country. We explored the alarming statistics surrounding gender violence in Mexico and discussed the urgent need for action from both civil society and government entities.

Throughout our conversation, Mariana offers insights into the vital role of civil society, especially women, in addressing gender violence and emphasizes the importance of holding the government accountable for implementing effective policies and programs.

Mariana leaves us with a sense of hope and determination, proposing tangible paths forward that will lead us to a better reality for Mexican women. She inspires us to unite in solidarity and continue the fight for gender equality and justice in Mexico.

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