Wanderings and Wonderings - A Complexity Medicine Podcast with Dr. William Sutherland and Artist Andrew McClure

William Sutherland

Welcome to the Wanderings and Wonderings podcast, where, with our guests, we enjoy the opportunity to engage in conversations about Health, broadly, both in our lives and within the world at large. Ideas, of course, are a type of currency in the information age, but by focusing on a transaction of ideas alone, without context, we risk a profound impoverishment. In Wanderings and Wonderings, we look to foster the telling of stories, non-linearity, rich contextuality, passionate performance, embodied action, and exemplars of connective relationship. After listening in on these dialogues, we hope that besides walking away with a head bursting with inspired ideas, that you will also have a heart overflowing with deeply sensed feeling, as well as a gut centered in fortitude and certitude such that you can put into motion the individual and unique gifts you carry on behalf of us all! For more information on our work, contact us at www.complexitymedicine.org . read less
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Dr. Zak Stein - Being Claimed by the Fullness of Language : Wanderings and Wonderings Episode 3
Dr. Zak Stein - Being Claimed by the Fullness of Language : Wanderings and Wonderings Episode 3
Join me in this discussion with Dr. Zachary Stein (Ed.D.). Zak is a Harvard-trained scholar with an extensive grounding in the philosophy of both education and psychology, and through his writ, wit, and word, has given great thought towards the notion of our human development and becoming; both individually and culturally – always contextually – considering where we have been, where we are now, and where we are heading... In this improvised dialogue, Zak turns his brilliant erudition and elocution towards the inferences and implications of our rapidly emerging cultural forms of hegemonic language (specifically) and sanctioned communication (broadly), and the inter-personal, inter-cultural, and inter-generational impoverishments and accomplishments that have happened as a consequence of this unprecedented and disconcerting change. In the course of our discourse, we wander far afield from the timeless-time of ephemeral story-telling, song, and dance, as expressed by our oldest cultures; refined and honed over millennia, then turning about, in an evolutionary instance, into the reified bytes of endless data and information in this meta-modern moment of “trans-media hyper-communication”, with all the uncertainty, ambiguity, and risk that such a change confers to our humanity and the world that birthed us. In our response, through a meta-modern movement, we reach back with the hope of moving forward into the archetypal station-hood of the Shaman; the holder of vibratory and ecstatic song and story that is felt first, and only then understood, secondarily (if at all) in a semantic sense. From this, we consider in this age the importance of the “Shamanoid” figure within the human body-politic, to act as a bridge between people, cultures, generations, our psyche, and the Wild, and to be a reinvigorator of language such that prose may find their poetry again in story, song, and science… For more information about Zak and his work, visit his website at http://www.zakstein.org/ As well, we encourage you to purchase and read his most recent book, Education in a Time Between Worlds: Essays on the Future of Schools, Technology, and Society. Yours In Health and Gratitude Dr. William Sutherland and artist Andrew McClure of the Complexity Medicine initiative To support us, consider buying our art offerings at Society 6 as a way to support the site and our work. https://society6.com/complexitymedicinestudios …or a donation through PayPal at complexitymedicine@gmail.com .
Salvatore Gencarelle - Finding a Home in the Sweat Lodge: Wanderings and Wonderings - Episode 2
Salvatore Gencarelle - Finding a Home in the Sweat Lodge: Wanderings and Wonderings - Episode 2
Welcome to this episode of Complexity Medicine’s, Wandering and Wonderings podcast, with Salvatore Gencarelle. In this conversation, Sal and I reflect on what brought us together in friendship through our mirrored paths, grounded in a life-long relationship with indigenous elders, families, and communities, while looking at the vital role they have played (and continue to play) in our growth, and in our mutual becoming. In this talk, we share stories from our time with the Lakota (Sal) and the Anishinabe (William) peoples. Through this improvised exchange, our sharings meander through our time in the countless sweat lodges (Inipi in Lakota) we have participated in, and how the return to the lodge always brings a sense of coming back “home”; yet remains eternally new and wonder-filled. In our reveries, we further remember our teachers, many who have passed, and give reflection to how we were touched by the numinous in our time with them, yet, all the while, being grounded, by their deep humanness with all of its accompanying struggles. All in all, we take this time to give gratitude for the role that our adopted traditional families have played in our lives (and us in theirs), and in doing so consider the deep perineal, indigenous world-view of, “All My Relations”, both seen and unseen, in our shared individual, cultural, ecological, and spiritual lives. We invite you, the listener to join us in our journey of remembrance, reverie, and reflection in this sharing of story. For more information about Sal and his work, in cultural-regeneration and ecological stewardship, go to the Helpers Mentoring Society webpage at https://helpersmentoringsociety.mykajabi.com/home . Alternatively, find Sal on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/helpersmentor/ .   Yours In Health and Gratitude Dr. William Sutherland and artist Andrew McClure of the Complexity Medicine initiative   www.complexitymedicine.org   To support us, consider buying our art offerings at Society 6 as a way to support the site and our work. https://society6.com/complexitymedicinestudios …or a donation through PayPal at complexitymedicine@gmail.com .
Hillary and Bradford Keeney - Sacred Ecstatics: Wanderings and Wonderings Episode 1
Hillary and Bradford Keeney - Sacred Ecstatics: Wanderings and Wonderings Episode 1
Welcome to Wanderings and Wonderings – A Complexity Medicine Podcast – Where in this inaugural, first episode, we are joined by Hillary Keeney (Ph.D.) and Bradford Keeney (Ph.D.) in a beautiful moment of improvised, inspired, and inspirited dialogue. Hillary and Brad are two of the most fascinating and wonder-filled individuals we have ever met, hence our excitement, enthusiasm, and exhilaration to share their Sacred Ecstatics ( https://sacredecstatics.com/​ ) work and offerings with you, the listener. In this episode, a reunion of sorts, Hillary and Brad graciously take the offerings of our initially cold and dull metaphors, and through their cybernetic circuitousness, passionate playfulness, and skillful absurdity, they heat up and serve us back some nutritious “meat-aphors”! In our conversation, dead fish are resurrected and invited to swim upstream, cold stones find their way to rhythmically rock and roll, and smoldering embers are brought back ablaze; all in ways that would bring a smile to our ancestors lips and a glint to their eye. We welcome you all to join us in this mirth-filled exchange, as our “meta-physicians”, Hillary and Brad, serve up a Complexity Medicine prescription to us all, in service to Wholeness, Health, Wisdom, Beauty, and the Sacred, and to all that is numinous and mysterious in our lives.   A video version of this interview can be found on YouTube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Z2Y4ahyqYU   We, whole-heartedly encourage you to connect with the Keeneys through their Sacred Ecstatics website at ( https://sacredecstatics.com/​ ). To immerse yourself deeper in their dynamic, ever-changing work, consider reading their Sacred Ecstatics book series, along with their many other thought-provoking publications ( https://sacredecstatics.com/featured-...​ ), or mentoring with them directly through their annual Sacred Ecstatics Guild work ( https://sacredecstatics.com/guild/​ ).   Yours In Health Dr. William Sutherland and Artist, Andrew McClure of the Complexity Medicine initiative   To support our work, consider buying our art offerings at Society 6 as a way to support the site and our work. https://society6.com/complexitymedici​​... …or a donation through PayPal at complexitymedicine@gmail.com. Gratitude