Episode 126: The Ready Riders Complete the Great American Rail-Trail

Murphology Podcast

26-11-2022 • 46 mins

This week meet the guys from ReadyRiders.bike. Mike and Steve recently packed up their bikes and rode the entire Great American Rail Trail. It took them 90 days to pedal over 4,000 miles of mixed terrain surfaces, passing through 14 states as they made their way from Washington DC to Washington state. They are on to tell us about their experiences biking across the country with everything they needed packed on their bikes. Speaking of Rails to Trails, I interviewed Kevin Belanger, a trail planner for Rails to Trails back in episode 89. Kevin’s focus was on the Great American Rail-Trail which is an effort to connect a multi-use trail across the country and so far they are over half done with 2,000 miles completed. This is a non profit organization and you can check out their website at railstotrails.org. Also, you should check out The Ready Riders blog at readyriders.bike. If you are listening to this episode in November or December of 2022, you can participate in the Murphology 200 Mile Winter Challenge if you need some inspiration to stay active once cold weather moves in. Here is the link: https://murphologypodcast.com/200-mile-winter-challenge, or just head over to the Murphology Podcast website and click the link in the menu tab. https://readyriders.wordpress.com/ www.railstotrails.org/ www.railstotrails.org/greatamericanrailtrail/ https://soundcloud.com/murphology-podcast/episode-89-the-great-american-rail-trail-project-with-trail-planner-kevin-belanger https://murphologypodcast.com/200-mile-winter-challenge www.murphologypodcast.com