Anxiety & all the fun things it brings

Beautiful not Broken

Jan 24 2022 • 31 mins

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Trigger Warning discussion around Anxiety, Depression, Panic Attacks & Mental health themes.

So maybe you're tuning in for the first time or maybe you're a big fan of the pod.
Well if you're new here, I am a proud sufferer of anxiety & depression.

Maybe you've never heard someone say "proud sufferer" before when it comes to mental health, but I am 100% proud of who I am so why would I not be proud of everything that makes up who I am and how I have gotten to where I am in life?

Today I delve into all things panic attacks & anxiety because we're living in pretty anxious and heightened times right now...

& as someone who has learned to live harmoniously with her anxiety & depression, I thought maybe those who are new to it or feeling super lost in the world of panic attacks and mental health could use someone talking through their experience.

As always thank you for putting me in your ears.

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