It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open (+ 9 more facts)

Daily Facts

Aug 2 2024 • 7 mins

Daily Facts (02 Aug 2024) [Promo] The Daily Life Pro Tips Podcast. Improve your life in less than 10 minutes a day. Pod links here Daily Life Pro Tips website. Today's facts: In one day, 230 marriage licenses are issued in Las Vegas Tacoma Narrows Bridge which was located in Washington was nicknamed "Galloping Gertie" because of the unusual way it twisted and swayed with even with the slightest winds when people would drive on it. The bridge collapsed on November 7, 1940, fortunately no humans died, except for a dog Elmer Smith was the first player to hit a grand slam in a World Series On average redheads have 90,000 hairs. People with black hair have about 110,000 hairs It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open The only sound Seahorses make is a small clicking or popping sound during feeding or courtship While digging, an Armadillo can hold its breath for up to six minutes Tug of war was an Olympic event from 1900-1920 There are over one hundred billion galaxies with each galaxy having billions of stars On November 29, 2000, Pope John Paul II was named an "Honorary Harlem Globetrotter." Facts from this episode are sourced from API Ninjas. Fact explanations from OpenAI ChatGPT API with proprietary prompts. This podcast is produced by Klassic Studios Learn more about your ad choices. Visit