Speak Plainly Podcast

Owl C Medicine

Hosted by Best-Selling, Self-Help Author, Owl C Medicine. A veteran of the US Military, Owl's no nonsense approach to mental physical and relational health is exactly the breathe of fresh air you have been looking for. Listen in for science based tools for doing life & ideas worth chewing on.

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Season Three Kickoff: My Taiwanese Trauma Drama
Season Three Kickoff: My Taiwanese Trauma Drama
Ever flown to the other side of the world to spend time with someone and then get ghosted? I now have.Or ever found yourself up late at night, belting out Celine Dion songs with a new lover who feels like a mirror to your past? Join me, Owl Medicine, as I kick off Season Three of the Speak Plainly podcast by sharing my heartfelt reflections from a recent international trip, with a special focus on an emotional and intense week in Taiwan. Together, we’ll unravel the tapestry of cultural challenges and personal connections, starting with a touching bond I formed with Will, my best friend's cousin. Despite his struggles with family expectations, career setbacks, and a painful breakup, we managed to find solace and joy in our shared moments, reflecting on how these experiences shaped our resilience.Stay curious and stay uncomfortable.Support the Show.Music by Wutaboi Email us at speakplainlypodcast@gmail.com Patreon www.patreon.com Buy me a coffee at www.buymeacoffee.com/owlmedicine Social Media Facebook: www.facebook.com/owlcmedicine Instagram: www.instagram.com/owlcmedicine Twitter: www.twitter.com/owlmedicine My Websites www.owlchrysalismedicine.com www.decolonizehealthcare.com www.rethinkingbroken.com#rethinkingbroken #CPTSD#chronicstressadapted #ComplexPTSD#childhoodtrauma #Authorpodcast #bestsellingauthor #queerauthor#adhd #dyslexia #dyscalclia #Queer #queerpodcast #queerhost#adultswithadhd #veteran #therapist #nonfictionauthor #traumaauthor#undiagnisedadhd #childhoodtrauma #trauma #lifeaftertrauma #PTSD
Outsourcing Will Power to Your Environement
Outsourcing Will Power to Your Environement
This is the last Podcast episode in this format for a while. I hope you like it. We do some house keeping up front followed by a quick word of grieving thanks to recent unfortunate circumstances. Speak Plainly Podcast will be on a temporary hold in this format. I am headed on an adventure! I'm setting off to explore the wonders of Nepal, Ladakh, Taiwan, Japan, and Thailand. Because of that I hope you will follow my Instagram account OwlCMedicine linked in the description, as that is where Ill be sharing my travel adventures and insights. All episodes of this podcast are available on YouTube now. I will continue to post longer form Podcast Style videos there using just my ear buds and phone. I will miss the sound of my mic but I wont miss the weight as I hike the Himalayas. In this Episode I share a transformative insight: Environments hold the key to sustaining our willpower. if will power worked youd have accomplished your dreams by now.  So instead of relying on will power to help us do hard things maybe we ought to outsource those decisions to our environment!?Join me as I unveil the notion of "environmental prosthetics," illustrating how intentional design of our spaces—like the simple view from a hospital window—can have a profound impact on our recovery and well-being. Support the Show.Music by Wutaboi Email us at speakplainlypodcast@gmail.com Patreon www.patreon.com Buy me a coffee at www.buymeacoffee.com/owlmedicine Social Media Facebook: www.facebook.com/owlcmedicine Instagram: www.instagram.com/owlcmedicine Twitter: www.twitter.com/owlmedicine My Websites www.owlchrysalismedicine.com www.decolonizehealthcare.com www.rethinkingbroken.com#rethinkingbroken #CPTSD#chronicstressadapted #ComplexPTSD#childhoodtrauma #Authorpodcast #bestsellingauthor #queerauthor#adhd #dyslexia #dyscalclia #Queer #queerpodcast #queerhost#adultswithadhd #veteran #therapist #nonfictionauthor #traumaauthor#undiagnisedadhd #childhoodtrauma #trauma #lifeaftertrauma #PTSD
Unveiling Five Trauma Personality Types
Unveiling Five Trauma Personality Types
Through personal stories and reflections, this episode illuminates the often unseen battle between our need for attachment and the quest for our truest selves. We'll explore the 'doer', 'hostile', 'darkness',  'ghost' and 'are we good?' personalities, understanding how each one acts as a suit of armor, originally crafted in childhood to protect us, yet influencing our adult lives and relationships in ways we might not expect.We cover how these personality types are based on the fight flight freeze faen responses. We also cover the childhood situations that set up each of the 5. Including picking them up from  caregivers who model them for us.You may find yourself resonating with one or two of these types. And as you heal you may likely find yourself moving thru a hostile phase as you get in touch eith the anger that wasnt safe to feel when younger. Join me! Support the Show.Music by Wutaboi Email us at speakplainlypodcast@gmail.com Patreon www.patreon.com Buy me a coffee at www.buymeacoffee.com/owlmedicine Social Media Facebook: www.facebook.com/owlcmedicine Instagram: www.instagram.com/owlcmedicine Twitter: www.twitter.com/owlmedicine My Websites www.owlchrysalismedicine.com www.decolonizehealthcare.com www.rethinkingbroken.com#rethinkingbroken #CPTSD#chronicstressadapted #ComplexPTSD#childhoodtrauma #Authorpodcast #bestsellingauthor #queerauthor#adhd #dyslexia #dyscalclia #Queer #queerpodcast #queerhost#adultswithadhd #veteran #therapist #nonfictionauthor #traumaauthor#undiagnisedadhd #childhoodtrauma #trauma #lifeaftertrauma #PTSD
Whats Traditional Chinese Medicine?
Whats Traditional Chinese Medicine?
We've unraveled the storied tapestry that is Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) and its classical roots, delving into a philosophy that views health through the intricate lens of relationships, rather than isolated symptoms. The principles of yin and yang serve as the bedrock of this episode, providing a foundation for understanding how every aspect of our being is interconnected and how this contrasts with the Western medical paradigm.Together, we navigated the philosophical landscape that sets Eastern and Western medicine philosophies on seemingly divergent courses. By comparing the preventive, balance-restoring focus of Chinese medicine with the symptom-centric approach of Western medicine, we gain a fresh perspective on healthcare. The episode illuminated how Chinese medicine practitioners use organ systems and patterns of dysfunction as their map for treatment, offering insights into achieving whole-body wellness that often escapes the grasp of conventional medicine.Questions answered: What is Chinese medicine?Hoe does Chinese medicine work?What are its strengths and weaknesses?What can be treated by Chinese medicine?Does it really work? (Listen to the end for an incredible personal story)By the end of our time together, you might find yourself inspired to explore the holistic benefits of Chinese medicine and consider how its time-tested approaches could enhance your own path to well-being.Support the Show.Music by Wutaboi Email us at speakplainlypodcast@gmail.com Patreon www.patreon.com Buy me a coffee at www.buymeacoffee.com/owlmedicine Social Media Facebook: www.facebook.com/owlcmedicine Instagram: www.instagram.com/owlcmedicine Twitter: www.twitter.com/owlmedicine My Websites www.owlchrysalismedicine.com www.decolonizehealthcare.com www.rethinkingbroken.com#rethinkingbroken #CPTSD#chronicstressadapted #ComplexPTSD#childhoodtrauma #Authorpodcast #bestsellingauthor #queerauthor#adhd #dyslexia #dyscalclia #Queer #queerpodcast #queerhost#adultswithadhd #veteran #therapist #nonfictionauthor #traumaauthor#undiagnisedadhd #childhoodtrauma #trauma #lifeaftertrauma #PTSD
What's Wrong w/ WEIRD science (Western Educated Indistrialized Rich Democratic)
What's Wrong w/ WEIRD science (Western Educated Indistrialized Rich Democratic)
Today we confront the stark reality that our understanding of human behavior could be deeply skewed. With an overwhelming majority of psychological studies based on a narrow demographic slice of humanity, the WEIRD (Western, Educated, Industrialized, Rich, and Democratic) bias raises profound questions about the universality of research findings. Then, we navigate the intimate and often controversial realm of parenting, where the choice between co-sleeping and bed-sharing stirs passionate debate among parents and experts alike. I examine a meta-review, dissecting the nuanced advantages and potential hazards linked to these practices. We take a close look at how factors such as socioeconomics and cultural norms shape parental decision-making and, consequently, child development.Bringing in perspectives from various cultures, including the Aka tribe's unique childcare approaches, this episode offers an eye-opening contemplation on the deep-seated need for physical connection in rearing our young. Support the Show.Music by Wutaboi Email us at speakplainlypodcast@gmail.com Patreon www.patreon.com Buy me a coffee at www.buymeacoffee.com/owlmedicine Social Media Facebook: www.facebook.com/owlcmedicine Instagram: www.instagram.com/owlcmedicine Twitter: www.twitter.com/owlmedicine My Websites www.owlchrysalismedicine.com www.decolonizehealthcare.com www.rethinkingbroken.com#rethinkingbroken #CPTSD#chronicstressadapted #ComplexPTSD#childhoodtrauma #Authorpodcast #bestsellingauthor #queerauthor#adhd #dyslexia #dyscalclia #Queer #queerpodcast #queerhost#adultswithadhd #veteran #therapist #nonfictionauthor #traumaauthor#undiagnisedadhd #childhoodtrauma #trauma #lifeaftertrauma #PTSD
The Revolution is Personal Evolution: Unpacking Societal Change From within w/ Behavioralist Jess Doenges
The Revolution is Personal Evolution: Unpacking Societal Change From within w/ Behavioralist Jess Doenges
In a conversation that's as timely as it is timeless, my incredible friend Jess and I unpack the notion that "The Revolution is Personal Evolution." With Presidents Day providing the backdrop and Black History Month lending its rich context, we couldn't have chosen a more opportune moment to dive into this transformative topic. By revisiting the legendary Gil Scott-Heron's "The Revolution Will Not Be Televised," we draw a compelling line connecting the personal upheavals we experience to the seismic shifts our society undergoes.Join us as we peel back the layers of our personal stories and discover the ripple effect they have on the world around us. Jess and I get candid about our individual paths and the lessons learned along the way, providing you with a treasure trove of insights that promise to shake up your perspective. We're here to show you that true change doesn't flash across your TV screen—it starts in the mirror. Get ready to be inspired by a dialogue that doesn't just talk the talk but walks you through the very steps of personal revolution, one that ignites the sparks of societal transformation.Support the Show.Music by Wutaboi Email us at speakplainlypodcast@gmail.com Patreon www.patreon.com Buy me a coffee at www.buymeacoffee.com/owlmedicine Social Media Facebook: www.facebook.com/owlcmedicine Instagram: www.instagram.com/owlcmedicine Twitter: www.twitter.com/owlmedicine My Websites www.owlchrysalismedicine.com www.decolonizehealthcare.com www.rethinkingbroken.com#rethinkingbroken #CPTSD#chronicstressadapted #ComplexPTSD#childhoodtrauma #Authorpodcast #bestsellingauthor #queerauthor#adhd #dyslexia #dyscalclia #Queer #queerpodcast #queerhost#adultswithadhd #veteran #therapist #nonfictionauthor #traumaauthor#undiagnisedadhd #childhoodtrauma #trauma #lifeaftertrauma #PTSD
"Looking for a Reason?"
"Looking for a Reason?"
. We delve into the subconscious processes that drive this quest not as a deliberate pursuit of unhappiness, but as a manifestation of preexisting emotional struggles. As we navigate the complexities of these emotional mechanisms, I introduce a mantra that encourages a shift from blame to understanding, shedding light on how perceived malice might just be a misunderstanding or a lack of awareness.The journey continues as we explore the power of taking emotional ownership, emphasizing that our responses to feelings are within our control, shaped by our past and the unique wiring of our nervous system. I share the profound impact of recognizing our patterns of blame and how freeing it can be to instead address our internal conflicts head-on. Join me in embracing this perspective, and together, let's cultivate a community that values self-reflection and the power of compassion over the ease of casting blame.Support the Show.Music by Wutaboi Email us at speakplainlypodcast@gmail.com Patreon www.patreon.com Buy me a coffee at www.buymeacoffee.com/owlmedicine Social Media Facebook: www.facebook.com/owlcmedicine Instagram: www.instagram.com/owlcmedicine Twitter: www.twitter.com/owlmedicine My Websites www.owlchrysalismedicine.com www.decolonizehealthcare.com www.rethinkingbroken.com#rethinkingbroken #CPTSD#chronicstressadapted #ComplexPTSD#childhoodtrauma #Authorpodcast #bestsellingauthor #queerauthor#adhd #dyslexia #dyscalclia #Queer #queerpodcast #queerhost#adultswithadhd #veteran #therapist #nonfictionauthor #traumaauthor#undiagnisedadhd #childhoodtrauma #trauma #lifeaftertrauma #PTSD
The Parentified Child Epidemic
The Parentified Child Epidemic
Growing up, I never realized that my constant quest for approval was a beacon of my blurred childhood, where I often stepped into shoes too big for my little feet to fill. Today's episode peels back the layers of parentification, a complex journey many of us unknowingly embark on when thrust into adult roles too soon. Through stories and insights, we examine the ways in which carrying the weight of our families' emotional and instrumental needs has molded our adult lives, especially for those of us from Gen X and Midwestern millennials.Have you ever felt a strange sense of fulfillment from being the caretaker in your relationships? We've all found comfort in familiar patterns, but what if these are echoes of a childhood where you played the parent too early? We reflect on how these experiences shape our need for approval and the invisible emotional labor that becomes intertwined with our self-worth. This episode isn't just a conversation; it's a heartfelt exploration of family dynamics, the legacies we inherit, and the courage it takes to confront and heal from our past.This poignant discussion isn't merely about reminiscing; it's a step on the path to healing, as we recognize the strength in our struggles and the resilience that has brought us here.Support the Show.Music by Wutaboi Email us at speakplainlypodcast@gmail.com Patreon www.patreon.com Buy me a coffee at www.buymeacoffee.com/owlmedicine Social Media Facebook: www.facebook.com/owlcmedicine Instagram: www.instagram.com/owlcmedicine Twitter: www.twitter.com/owlmedicine My Websites www.owlchrysalismedicine.com www.decolonizehealthcare.com www.rethinkingbroken.com#rethinkingbroken #CPTSD#chronicstressadapted #ComplexPTSD#childhoodtrauma #Authorpodcast #bestsellingauthor #queerauthor#adhd #dyslexia #dyscalclia #Queer #queerpodcast #queerhost#adultswithadhd #veteran #therapist #nonfictionauthor #traumaauthor#undiagnisedadhd #childhoodtrauma #trauma #lifeaftertrauma #PTSD
Traditional Chinese Medicine on Grief and Cold
Traditional Chinese Medicine on Grief and Cold
As the winter chill sets in, emotions can run as deep and cold as the season itself. I'm Al Medicine, your host, inviting you to join me on a personal journey through the stark landscape of grief. During an extraordinary cold snap in the Pacific Northwest, with nothing but silence for company, my thoughts wandered to the loss of my cherished dog, Key. This poignant exploration into the heartache of winter is not just about weathering the frost, but about thawing the ice that grief can seal around our hearts.Amidst the solitude, I discovered the delicate balance between solitude and sorrow, and how rituals like funerals provide waypoints in our emotional recovery. You’ll hear how a simple Facebook post about my experience struck a chord with many, offering a glimpse into the shared nature of our struggles. As we traverse the cultural complexities surrounding grief and the natural rhythms that guide our healing, I extend an invitation for you to reflect upon your own unaddressed sorrows, finding comfort and growth in the courageous act of facing them.Support the Show.Music by Wutaboi Email us at speakplainlypodcast@gmail.com Patreon www.patreon.com Buy me a coffee at www.buymeacoffee.com/owlmedicine Social Media Facebook: www.facebook.com/owlcmedicine Instagram: www.instagram.com/owlcmedicine Twitter: www.twitter.com/owlmedicine My Websites www.owlchrysalismedicine.com www.decolonizehealthcare.com www.rethinkingbroken.com#rethinkingbroken #CPTSD#chronicstressadapted #ComplexPTSD#childhoodtrauma #Authorpodcast #bestsellingauthor #queerauthor#adhd #dyslexia #dyscalclia #Queer #queerpodcast #queerhost#adultswithadhd #veteran #therapist #nonfictionauthor #traumaauthor#undiagnisedadhd #childhoodtrauma #trauma #lifeaftertrauma #PTSD
Seed Oils are Supposed to be Bad Right? But Like... ...Prove it?
Seed Oils are Supposed to be Bad Right? But Like... ...Prove it?
I kept hearing that seed oils were bad for me but no one ever really said why... or how. So I wanted to know. I dove into the science to find the mechanisms of action of seed oils supposed negative effect in the body. So in this episode were doing a little bit of biochemistry but only a little.We're pouring the facts on seed oils, those omnipresent ingredients that have slipped into nearly every facet of our diets. This episode peels back the curtain on the seven-step extraction process and its repercussions. We'll connect the biochemical dots from seed to stroke. If you've ever found yourself lost in the sea of nutritional advice, let this episode be your beacon. We'll decode the role of antioxidants and ponder why butter might just be the better spread. link to the study the describes the 4 Mechanisms of action of oxLDL in atherosclerosis.https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9199460/   Support the Show.Music by Wutaboi Email us at speakplainlypodcast@gmail.com Patreon www.patreon.com Buy me a coffee at www.buymeacoffee.com/owlmedicine Social Media Facebook: www.facebook.com/owlcmedicine Instagram: www.instagram.com/owlcmedicine Twitter: www.twitter.com/owlmedicine My Websites www.owlchrysalismedicine.com www.decolonizehealthcare.com www.rethinkingbroken.com#rethinkingbroken #CPTSD#chronicstressadapted #ComplexPTSD#childhoodtrauma #Authorpodcast #bestsellingauthor #queerauthor#adhd #dyslexia #dyscalclia #Queer #queerpodcast #queerhost#adultswithadhd #veteran #therapist #nonfictionauthor #traumaauthor#undiagnisedadhd #childhoodtrauma #trauma #lifeaftertrauma #PTSD
Choosing Your Hard: A Journey of Self-Worth
Choosing Your Hard: A Journey of Self-Worth
Are you feeling adrift on life's tumultuous sea, constantly tossed about by the opinions of others? We've all been there. But what if we told you that you could reclaim your self-worth and emerge stronger from life's challenges? On this episode of Speak Plainly, we're getting real about self-worth, self-esteem, and self-respect. We'll unpack the five C's - competence, confidence, character, connection, and caring - that shape our self-worth, and delve into how these can be influenced, for better or worse, by others.Then, brace yourselves as we bring you face-to-face with the idea of choosing your hard. We'll share how embracing tasks that align with our beliefs, even when they're tough and offer no guarantees, can elevate our self-worth. We'll also share personal experiences of learning to say no, standing up for ourselves even when it felt like the world was against us, and how that's made all the difference. Lastly, we reflect on personal events and relationships that have shaped our self-worth and the lessons learned. So, join us on this enlightening journey as we navigate our path to cultivating self-worth. No matter where you're at, you're not alone, and it's never too late to start. So, are you ready?Support the Show.Music by Wutaboi Email us at speakplainlypodcast@gmail.com Patreon www.patreon.com Buy me a coffee at www.buymeacoffee.com/owlmedicine Social Media Facebook: www.facebook.com/owlcmedicine Instagram: www.instagram.com/owlcmedicine Twitter: www.twitter.com/owlmedicine My Websites www.owlchrysalismedicine.com www.decolonizehealthcare.com www.rethinkingbroken.com#rethinkingbroken #CPTSD#chronicstressadapted #ComplexPTSD#childhoodtrauma #Authorpodcast #bestsellingauthor #queerauthor#adhd #dyslexia #dyscalclia #Queer #queerpodcast #queerhost#adultswithadhd #veteran #therapist #nonfictionauthor #traumaauthor#undiagnisedadhd #childhoodtrauma #trauma #lifeaftertrauma #PTSD
Loneliness: What AI Can't Tell You
Loneliness: What AI Can't Tell You
Ever felt alone in a crowded room? You're not alone. In this deeply personal and insightful episode of the Speak Plainly podcast, we confront the often ignored yet pervasive issue of loneliness head-on. We'll take you through an expedition of the mind, unraveling the complexities of loneliness, its many facades, and the deep-seated causes that give birth to this common human experience. We'll reflect on the significant consequences loneliness can have on our physical, mental, and social well-being, and the far-reaching economic implications it carries. Sometimes, knowledge alone isn't enough, and that's why we'll talk about strategies and techniques to overcome loneliness, always underscoring the importance of that indomitable human spirit and our innate ability to connect.Our journey doesn't stop at understanding loneliness. We traverse further into the vast landscape of mental health, focusing on the intersections between loneliness, addiction, and cognitive abilities. With compelling insights from rat studies and a deep-dive into the world of neuroscience, we highlight the indispensable role of social connections. We'll discuss how loneliness can rewire our cognitive functioning and open the gateway to conditions like Alzheimer's. In an age when technology rules, it's time we leverage it to our advantage. We'll talk about how joining interest groups, using digital platforms, and maintaining a virtual presence can help combat loneliness.As we delve deeper, we expose the undeniable linkage between loneliness and developmental trauma, particularly parental. Sharing personal anecdotes of isolation and relationship avoidance stemming from past trauma, we bring to light the profound anxiety and lifespan implications these experiences can cause. But every cloud has a silver lining, and ours is the potential for healing and transformation. We'll explore how understanding relationships, developing relational competence, and reaching out to help others can alleviate loneliness, fostering a sense of belonging and self-worth. So, join us on this intimate exploration of loneliness on the Speak Plainly podcast. Because no one should ever have to feel alone.Support the Show.Music by Wutaboi Email us at speakplainlypodcast@gmail.com Patreon www.patreon.com Buy me a coffee at www.buymeacoffee.com/owlmedicine Social Media Facebook: www.facebook.com/owlcmedicine Instagram: www.instagram.com/owlcmedicine Twitter: www.twitter.com/owlmedicine My Websites www.owlchrysalismedicine.com www.decolonizehealthcare.com www.rethinkingbroken.com#rethinkingbroken #CPTSD#chronicstressadapted #ComplexPTSD#childhoodtrauma #Authorpodcast #bestsellingauthor #queerauthor#adhd #dyslexia #dyscalclia #Queer #queerpodcast #queerhost#adultswithadhd #veteran #therapist #nonfictionauthor #traumaauthor#undiagnisedadhd #childhoodtrauma #trauma #lifeaftertrauma #PTSD
Home for the Holidays; Healing Childhood Trauma edition
Home for the Holidays; Healing Childhood Trauma edition
Coming home for the holidays after a long absence? I've been there, and I know the trepidation that can come along with those family reunions. I haven't been home for Christmas since my brother's death in 2007 and, trust me, I'm grappling with my own set of concerns. This episode is all about how to navigate these complex family dynamics during the holiday season, especially when you're dealing with potentially triggering situations. We'll be discussing radical acceptance therapy and DBT (Dialectical Behavioral Therapy) skills, along with practical strategies like "I want, they want" ratio for managing interpersonal relationships. Your emotions could be on a roller coaster, but together, we can keep it steady.Let's talk about pre-coping, a concept in DBT that has been my compass on this journey. It's all about planning ahead, and I tell you, it's been my lifeline as I gear up to spend Christmas with my family. From identifying desired outcomes to anticipating triggers, and even dealing with negative family members, pre-coping covers it all. Remember those positive holiday memories from childhood? We all have them. Let's circle back to those times and find ways to recreate them, while finding inner peace amidst the chaos.Lastly, we'll explore how to manage difficult emotions like anger, fear, and sadness that tend to show up uninvited during the holidays. I'll share some coping strategies, and we'll delve into a behavioral analysis to help identify triggers leading to problematic behavior. We'll also look at some techniques to prepare for potentially stressful situations like Thanksgiving, including practicing progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) to manage tension. And for those of you facing really tough family dynamics, we've got a special segment on how PMR can be your calming technique. Let's navigate these holidays together, with peace, mindfulness and a little bit of wisdom.Support the Show.Music by Wutaboi Email us at speakplainlypodcast@gmail.com Patreon www.patreon.com Buy me a coffee at www.buymeacoffee.com/owlmedicine Social Media Facebook: www.facebook.com/owlcmedicine Instagram: www.instagram.com/owlcmedicine Twitter: www.twitter.com/owlmedicine My Websites www.owlchrysalismedicine.com www.decolonizehealthcare.com www.rethinkingbroken.com#rethinkingbroken #CPTSD#chronicstressadapted #ComplexPTSD#childhoodtrauma #Authorpodcast #bestsellingauthor #queerauthor#adhd #dyslexia #dyscalclia #Queer #queerpodcast #queerhost#adultswithadhd #veteran #therapist #nonfictionauthor #traumaauthor#undiagnisedadhd #childhoodtrauma #trauma #lifeaftertrauma #PTSD
The Origins of Right and Wrong: The Ecology of Morality
The Origins of Right and Wrong: The Ecology of Morality
Welcome Back!Todays episode explores where do our values come from? What informs what we believe to be right or wrong? What influences what we hold near and dear to our hearts? There are some obvious answers like our family and our culture. But where did they get it from? There had to be an origin right? even if arbitrary as a beginning point there must be some hidden guiding factors that influence what we find important and therefore how we think we ought to behave in any given situation. This episode was sparked by an interview I recently saw between two men that are often on different sides of things.  Dr. Robert Sapolsky and Dr. Jordan Peterson. In this episode I explore:Morality through the eyes of game theory,Where morality comes from, The neurobiology of behaviors,How virtualization fosters psychopathy. a lot about vampire bats and even how one African Baboon troop got pre-diabetes. Support the Show.Music by Wutaboi Email us at speakplainlypodcast@gmail.com Patreon www.patreon.com Buy me a coffee at www.buymeacoffee.com/owlmedicine Social Media Facebook: www.facebook.com/owlcmedicine Instagram: www.instagram.com/owlcmedicine Twitter: www.twitter.com/owlmedicine My Websites www.owlchrysalismedicine.com www.decolonizehealthcare.com www.rethinkingbroken.com#rethinkingbroken #CPTSD#chronicstressadapted #ComplexPTSD#childhoodtrauma #Authorpodcast #bestsellingauthor #queerauthor#adhd #dyslexia #dyscalclia #Queer #queerpodcast #queerhost#adultswithadhd #veteran #therapist #nonfictionauthor #traumaauthor#undiagnisedadhd #childhoodtrauma #trauma #lifeaftertrauma #PTSD