What the Fish

Balls Deep Tackle

Welcome to What the Fish, possibly the world's worst fishing podcast presented by Balls Deep Tackle. On this podcast we use inappropriate humor and make offensive jokes while exploring topics such as fishing, outdoors, people who can't take a joke, your mom, the number 69, a little politics, and everything that other companies are scared to say. Listen now at BallsDeepTackle.com and all podcast platforms including Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, and more. read less


#9 Wiener, Arkansas, Owls Are Evil, Redneck Fishing Tournament Canceled.
#9 Wiener, Arkansas, Owls Are Evil, Redneck Fishing Tournament Canceled.
Presented by Balls Deep Tackle - Voted the Most Offensive Brand Ever https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=QUFFLUhqbmZyOEFDSjFhdlJ3RmtaNGZMbERiM0FIeE1nUXxBQ3Jtc0tsY2o2bFQtUlg3dkYtemJaVjEzTkdKdHR3aVdDZVBBdk8zeEVyYXlobUNrOWZPVzFXYm5VaFFPYjlnaVpSRDJ3QlQ4ckJ1N09sOGVRdmZmSk8wdE01Vzh6cnNrTTFjcGVTMXA3UXJ1Z0wwa2tneFI3MA%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Fshop.ballsdeeptackle.com%2Fwtfyt&v=mFQWV91PAcg&event=video_description (https://shop.ballsdeeptackle.com/wtfyt) Welcome to What the Fish, possibly the world's worst fishing podcast with hosts Captain Hook and Darth Baiter. Show Summary - Recorded in Wiener, Arkansas. Join Captain Hook and Darth Baiter as we discuss the possibility that owls are evil, some fishing news, funny fishing story, and would you rather paint a wall with your knees or face? Resources: B2 Hawk: https://www.youtube.com/redirect?redir_token=QUFFLUhqbUlGSWJ3V1UwT0hVX0tYZWcyWi13NDM2S2pqZ3xBQ3Jtc0tsVkpzckhVdHhtd0JBWUVxVkl4RjZXVDEtTXExT0xvVzlUd1BBcTJUTmlUTE45Q1BPZ1RlTlVDUF82RDFMTF9QR2ZVQ1JOOG9BWmo1cUFIUzZySU1Ra3AyenRZTm5ZYUhLV0pFSmxfNk9CWmJMN3ZCbw%3D%3D&q=https%3A%2F%2Ftheaviationist.com%2F2013%2F03%2F19%2Fb2-bird%2F&v=mFQWV91PAcg&event=video_description (https://theaviationist.com/2013/03/19...) Listen now at WhatTheFish.live and all podcast platforms including Apple Podcasts, Google Play, Spotify, and more. Want to be a guest on the world's best fishing podcast ever? Apply Here https://ballsdeeptackle.com/pages/podcast-app (https://ballsdeeptackle.com/pages/podcast-app)