218 - Paul Lawrence & Suzi Skinner: Fostering Wise Leadership
In this conversation with Paul Lawrence and Suzi Skinner we dive into their new book, The Wise Leader, and explore how coaching can foster wise leaders, the heart of reflective learning, how effective leaders think differently, multiplicity theory and self-transcendence, power dynamics and connectivity, and the art of dialogue.Dr Paul Lawrence is a consultant, executive coach, facilitator, writer and researcher. His primary interest lies in helping organizations effect change, building holistic solutions, integrating change efforts with other OD interventions such as coaching and leadership development. Paul is Regional Chair for the Association for Coaching (AC) in South-East Asia, Australian Ambassador for the Association of Coaching Supervisors (AoCS) and co-editor in chief for the Philosophy of Coaching: An International Journal. His new book, The Wise Leader, is out now.Suzi Skinner is the founder of Roar People, an expert leadership coach and facilitator with thousands of hours of experience. She is the author of academic articles and the book Build Your Leader Identity. In her spare time Suzi is also undertaking a PhD in Leadership at Sydney Business School, University of Wollongong.