Learn Spanish Fast #15 FIVE exercises to learn conversational Spanish faster than ever before ​

Learn Spanish Fast with Borja Sprintalk

02-11-2022 • 32 mins

Hoy quiero enseñaros 5 ejercicios o actividades que podéis hacer todos los días para impulsar vuestra adquisición de español oral de una forma bestial, impresionante, ¡rapidísima! Si hacéis estos ejercicios, vuestra comprensión auditiva (listening) y vuestra fluidez hablando (speaking) ¡van a experimentar un cambio impresionante! Son tres actividades para potenciar vuestra fluidez y capacidad oral, y otras dos para potenciar vuestra capacidad auditiva. Es decir, tres ejercicios para vuestro speaking y dos ejercicios para vuestro listening.

Well, today I want to show you 5 exercises or activities that you can do every day to boost your acquisition of oral Spanish in a “beastly”, impressive, very fast way! If you do these exercises, your listening comprehension (listening) and speaking fluency (speaking) will experience an impressive change! There are three activities to improve your fluency and speaking skills, and another two to improve your listening skills. In other words, three exercises for your speaking and two exercises for your listening.

Find transcription and more free content here: https://sprintalk.com/spanish