"You're Not Funny In Person" Ft. Brian Mickens

HasBeens Podcast

11-10-2023 • 1 hr 4 mins

Tap into another dope episode of The HasBeens Podcast.

This week we have another dope guest, Brian Mickens, a comedian, producer, and screenwriter from Flint, MI.

We talk about his journey through comedy to producing 30 for 30s for ESPN. You don't want to miss a second of this episode.


6:00 Discovering his passion for comedy
12:20 Growing up in Flint, MI
14:30 Dealing w/ hecklers
21:11 Climbing the comedy ladder
26:00 Being a conscious comedian
31:15 Film Maker Mickens
40:00 Working with ESPN
42:20 Getting Paid b4 Covid-19
43:05 Working with Showtime
55:50 Start, Sit, Cut